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Beastmode 05-11-2015 09:25 PM

Re: Department of Defense paid millions for NFL teams, including Bills, to honor vets

Originally Posted by Foot Stomper (Post 655268)
I don't necessarily take issue with spending tax dollars for ceremonies for the veterans although it does seem a big of a high price tag that could have gone to veteran care, etc. I do however take issue with those tax dollars funding the NFL. I further take issue with the NFL being paid and then being able to make it seem like it was an offer of generosity to the veterans. Glad this got busted up.

Great point, I've seen this before being a retired Vet where the military teams up with an organization making it look like a tribute when it's actually paying tribute. In a sense, it pumps money into the economy but on the same plane it cheapens the efforts of those in uniform. It's not just the NFL either, it's all pro sports. Freedom isn't free and neither are the seats.

neugey 05-11-2015 09:55 PM

Re: Department of Defense paid millions for NFL teams, including Bills, to honor vets
Money would have been much better f***ing spent if it was used to actually fix the VA.

jeanpierre 05-11-2015 10:09 PM

Re: Department of Defense paid millions for NFL teams, including Bills, to honor vets
Don't have a problem with public funds benefiting the vets, have a problem with the funding going to the NFL for the vets to participate...

Without the vets and their sacrifice, there is no NFL...

So it should be the NFL paying for the vets experience out of gratefulness for the security and liberty afforded "the shield"...

If I had my way, I'd eliminate the VA and create Medicare Part M for active military families, vets and their spouses; let 'em go anywhere they need to secure medical services; eliminate the waste and ineffectiveness that is the VA...

OldMaid 05-11-2015 11:11 PM

Re: Department of Defense paid millions for NFL teams, including Bills, to honor vets

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 655295)
Don't have a problem with public funds benefiting the vets, have a problem with the funding going to the NFL for the vets to participate...

Without the vets and their sacrifice, there is no NFL...

So it should be the NFL paying for the vets experience out of gratefulness for the security and liberty afforded "the shield"...

If I had my way, I'd eliminate the VA and create Medicare Part M for active military families, vets and their spouses; let 'em go anywhere they need to secure medical services; eliminate the waste and ineffectiveness that is the VA...

:itsgood: Repeat and repost.

Cruize 05-12-2015 12:10 AM

Re: Department of Defense paid millions for NFL teams, including Bills, to honor vets
Shameful. That's like me demanding to get paid to honor my Mother on Mother's day. Does the cancer foundation pay the NFL to wear pink? If that was also found to be true, I honestly would never watch another NFL game again.

hagan714 05-12-2015 12:11 AM

Re: Department of Defense paid millions for NFL teams, including Bills, to honor vets
total disgrace to the game of football. vet benefits getting cut left and right and the NFL treats them like a commercial?

jeanpierre 05-12-2015 04:21 AM

Re: Department of Defense paid millions for NFL teams, including Bills, to honor vets
14 NFL teams receive $5.4M in taxpayer money for military salutes, reports |

The New Orleans Saints were not among those 14 teams, the report said. Their top rival, however, received more than $1 million, according to the report.

The Atlanta Falcons received $1,049,500 over five payments that spanned four seasons, the report said.

Sure would like to hear Tom Benson's thoughts on this matter...

jeanpierre 05-12-2015 04:34 AM

Re: Department of Defense paid millions for NFL teams, including Bills, to honor vets

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 655310)
total disgrace to the game of football. vet benefits getting cut left and right and the NFL treats them like a commercial?

And got paid for doing it...

These are decisions of people in Washington spending other peoples' money...

On a positive note, Saints' Great Stan Brock is down here in Houma promoting a benefit he participates, one will be in Grand Isle...

In the local television interview he mentioned how he was the Head Coach for the United States Military Academy and he got real close to those he coached...

When he learned about a need for returning wounded vets, he vetted serveral charities and now does a two fishing rodeos to benefit them...

One is down in my parts this weekend; the other is in Oregon where he is a NFL commentator with the CBS Portland affiliate...

Stan Brock's Black & Gold Classic

If you weren't old enough to watch Brock play, he was a mainstay at tackle, everybit as good as Willie Roaf; he is an even more likable personality, into rebuilding classic autos/trucks and always willing to lend a hand or talk to fans...

This is the example of what the NFL should be doing; Stan Brock is a class act...:bng:

SloMotion 05-12-2015 04:50 AM

Re: Department of Defense paid millions for NFL teams, including Bills, to honor vets
I see we're all agreed, :).

Hey, most Vets would just appreciate a decent seat, maybe a dog, beer and/or popcorn and would agree to appearing on the jumbotron so said NFL team(s) could get a little positive P.R. out of it ... why all the extravagance? I guess if there's a special occasion/holiday like Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, July 4, et ... where a military connection can be made, #shrug, but open up a section for Vets & give 'em free refreshments for a game or two each season (at a team's own expense) & I'll be impressed, ;).

That is all.

burningmetal 05-12-2015 06:43 AM

Re: Department of Defense paid millions for NFL teams, including Bills, to honor vets
Ceremonies are meaningless. If I were a veteran I wouldn't have any interest in people pretending to care about me. People who give a damn will come up to you and personally shake your hand and say thank you. People in the stands who are cheering might genuinely care and appreciate what the moment is about, but everyone knows the people who put these things together are just trying to make themselves look good.

If you're going to spend our tax dollars, just give it to the vets for their own personal use, instead of wasting it on a ceremony.

Now I'm not saying don't give them any publicity. You can have vets walk out onto the field and get a standing ovation all day long, for free. There's no need to spend money on it at all.

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