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spkb25 01-28-2005 11:38 AM

oh boy if this i true
what a piece of garbage we have for an owner if this turns out to be true

GumboBC 01-28-2005 11:50 AM

oh boy if this i true

Yacht raises questions on Saints\' books

Governor takes note of lavish Benson boat
Friday, January 28, 2005
By Josh Peter
Staff writer
If the state gets a chance to look at the Saints\' financial records, that examination could shed light on whether money from Tom Benson\'s football team was used to pay for a 122-foot yacht valued between $12 million and $20 million.

Gov. Kathleen Blanco was \"very surprised\" to learn that Benson Football, controlling partner of New Orleans\' NFL franchise, owns a yacht, according to a spokeswoman.
The more I hear about Benson, the more convinced I am that he isn\'t commited to winning. And the more convinced I am that Benson is the PROBLEM!!

When you look back in NFL history, you\'ll see that the \"winning\" teams all had owners who were commited to winning.

Bob Craft (Patriots), Eddie DeBartolo, Jr. (49\'ers), Jeff Lurie (Eagles), Jerry Jones (Cowboys)

And the biggest thing all those owners did for their team was to open up their wallets.

While Benson is sailing the seven seas, I have my doubts the Saints will EVER be winners while he is the owner.

[Edited on 28/1/2005 by GumboBC]

Euphoria 01-28-2005 11:59 AM

oh boy if this i true
Great... now are we going to nit pick what Benson owns and has? So what he owned a boat big freakin deal. Other NFL owners own boats and even planes.

This is all part of the the States negociation tactics and its really sad the state stoops to this level... \"LOOK HE OWNS THIS AND THAT AND HAS MONEY, so he doesn\'t need to make money\". He is a buisness man and makes money no harm in that at all. Benson has every right to do what he wants and make what he can... its called the American Dream.

GumboBC 01-28-2005 12:04 PM

oh boy if this i true

Great... now are we going to nit pick what Benson owns and has? So what he owned a boat big freakin deal. Other NFL owners own boats and even planes.

This is all part of the the States negociation tactics and its really sad the state stoops to this level... \"LOOK HE OWNS THIS AND THAT AND HAS MONEY, so he doesn\'t need to make money\". He is a buisness man and makes money no harm in that at all. Benson has every right to do what he wants and make what he can... its called the American Dream.
There\'s so much wrong with what you said... :mad:

First, Benson is entitled to buy what ever he wants.

BUT... Not when he\'s demanding the State of Louisiana pays him millions of dollars every year because he isn\'t making money with the Saints.

Benson is NOT making money with the Saints but he can afford a yacht? Must be nice...

You see nothing wrong with that?

Maybe if Benson used his \"millions\" wisely he wouldn\'t need the taxpayers to bail him out.

Hey, but that\'s just my way of thinking...

[Edited on 28/1/2005 by GumboBC]

spkb25 01-28-2005 12:13 PM

oh boy if this i true
euphoria no i dont mind if benson has a boat or a plane or anything else. it doesnt bother me that the man is rich. i dont dislike the rich or feel it is their responsibility to uplift the poor. not at all.
my problem is when you read the article is that this money could have come from the money the state pays to benson for the saints. the yacht wasnt bought by benson the man. it was bought by his saints organization. thats my problem

Sarsippius 01-28-2005 12:24 PM

oh boy if this i true
The big deal isnt wether or not Benson can afford a yacht or not, the problem Blanco has in this story is that the yacht is owned by \"Benson Football\" which would be a business expense using Saints money to pay for it, not his own. I have a problem with that too.

BrooksMustGo 01-28-2005 12:39 PM

oh boy if this i true

How can we know how committed that Benson is to winning?

We are just fans. We have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. We don\'t sit in on meetings with Mr Benson and others in the organization.

Benson may have a burning passion to win, or he might not, but as mere mortal fans, we have no way to know.

Mr Benson has expressed many times over the years that he wants to have a winning organization. As fans we must trust what the organization tells us since they actually know what\'s going on. If Benson says he wants to win, then fans must believe him because he\'s the only one who knows for sure.

Be a true fan, trust what the organization tells us.

shadowdrinker 01-28-2005 12:45 PM

oh boy if this i true
Truth is...This looks like a pre-emptive strike by the State...

IF Benson did infact spend money from the organazations pool..It will be very difficult to prove..because he has several businesses, and likely..several accounts in several banks..and the paper trail could be \'\'hidden\'\' rather easily...

It almost seems like this is starting to become a mud slinger type of campaign ..., and Blanco may yet paint herself in a corner...

The Saints have the option this 2005, to opt out of the contract with the turn..The State has that same option in 2007...that\'s what had me scared when Besnson wanted to extend Has\'s contract till..2007...and the estimated time of a new team in LA ...2008...

I\'m not sure why Blanco and the State would even speculate such a thing..without sufficient proof...maybe they\'re feeling threatened?...maybe they feel like Benson is bieng unreasonable, to try to force the State into excersizing their option of voiding the contract...and the timing would be perfect....If he forces the State to back out in 2007...he would easily be front runner for moving to LA...

go to \'\'building the future\'\'..and hit need real player to watch..

For those who haven\'t seen this..It is a long presentation of the proposals...

The interesting thing I found in it Benson basically bashed the saying noone from Louisiana would help save the team before..and the team nearly had to move to was investors from Texas that have enabled the State to keep the Team...

[Edited on 28/1/2005 by shadowdrinker]

[Edited on 28/1/2005 by shadowdrinker]

GumboBC 01-28-2005 12:45 PM

oh boy if this i true


How can we know how committed that Benson is to winning?

We are just fans. We have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. We don\'t sit in on meetings with Mr Benson and others in the organization.

Benson may have a burning passion to win, or he might not, but as mere mortal fans, we have no way to know.

Mr Benson has expressed many times over the years that he wants to have a winning organization. As fans we must trust what the organization tells us since they actually know what\'s going on. If Benson says he wants to win, then fans must believe him because he\'s the only one who knows for sure.

Be a true fan, trust what the organization tells us.

I\'ll be the first one to admit that I am TOTALLY speculating on Benson\'s desire to have a winner.

I\'ve also said there is nothing wrong with speculating. Just don\'t tell me it\'s a fact and tell me someone is stupid for questioning an OPINION!!

IMO, every thing is open for discussion. Not true for some folks.

There is evidence to make a good arguement that Benson does want to win.

But, my personal opinion is he does not.

But I\'m not going to tell someone they are an idiot if they believe Benson wants to win. I\'ll just post the evidence I have and make my case...

.... simple as that.

[Edited on 28/1/2005 by GumboBC]

LKelley67 01-28-2005 01:19 PM

oh boy if this i true
baseball with the minimal luxury tax is not enough to inhibit any owner with the bucks who wants to shell it out. but it isnt a matter if they have the bucks, it is the desire. everyone knows moneybags steinbrenner will flail millions to win. carl polland the owner of the twins is a substaintially richer than steinbrenner. but he is among the tightest wads in beisbol forcing the team to compete with lower tier salary.

with the cap that actually works relatively well in the nfl there isnt that much difference in salaries between teams. the new training facilities and competitive coaches contracts are other indications of the organization spending money. the issue is what is the bottom line profit wise for the saints? i think blanco and the state are willing to subsidize as possible IF such is truly needed. the issue is benson sez oh poor me in small marketville i cant make it without and extra 15 or 20 mil a year... BUT i cannot show you my books, ya gotta take my word for it. have the check delivered to my yacht LOL. to demand such ransom to keep a team in town, i do not thinkasking to have a 3rd party review the books is unreasonable at all, no matter how uncommon of a practice it might be. as far as the yacht, i could care less if he has or not and how it might be registered. it is 6 of one/half dozen of another. in this case, 20 million/1.67 mil dozen another. i dunno a lot about benson but most team owners are wacked out egotists that flaunt their ownership of a franchise like we might a fantasy team. that\'s even okay too as long as you shell out what is needed and let professional sports people run the show the right way. it took steinbrenner a long time to learn this. finks was a hall of famer front honcho. loomis is who a used car salesman would pick. it makes me think benson might not be able to discern the difference. many times teams win in spite of the owner though (ex:al davis). so, hope persists.

[Edited on 28/1/2005 by LKelley67]

Cassady37 01-28-2005 02:40 PM

oh boy if this i true
What if we turned the tables and listed what all the state spent ridiculous amounts of money on that they can\'t live up to their end of the old bargain? I\'ll bet there are quite of few wasted money projects padding the good ole boys pockets while the state foots the bill. Maybe Blanco ought to practice what is preached.

Saint_LB 01-28-2005 02:43 PM

oh boy if this i true
Just a thought, but is it possible that there is some truth to the belief that all car salesmen are crooks?

spkb25 01-28-2005 06:11 PM

oh boy if this i true
saints lb i wonder myself

mutineer10 01-28-2005 08:20 PM

oh boy if this i true
No question ... car salesmen are crooks and make a good living being so (no offense to certain folks ... you know who you are ... I\'m sure you were perfectly honestly selling tons of cars driven only to church by little old ladies).

Don\'t have a problem with Benson being a rich man ... in fact, bully for him. Grab what you can reach while you\'re here. But at the same time ... Saints fans spend a considerable amount of cash to support our misbegotten team. Don\'t we deserve the effort to assemble a competitive team? Haven\'t we earned it by now?

Geaux Saints ... anyway ...

Tobias-Reiper 01-28-2005 08:49 PM

oh boy if this i true

.. I am just wondering what did you guys think Benson the man, or Benson Football, or The New Orleans Saints Inc. was/were going to do with the money from the State? Subsidize public education? End hunger in Bangladesh? NO, HE/THEY WANT GUARANTEED PROFITS! You know, DISPOSABLE INCOME... you know, that stuff you buy goodies with, like big screen TV\'s, houses, yachts...

The Saints aren\'t asking money from the State because they don\'t make money, the are asking the State for money because they could be making more somewhere else...

..besides, don\'t you guys (or some of you) complain about the Saints being cheap? How do you think you entertain multi-millionaire prima-donna players/coaches you want to bring in? You don\'t take them to Cooter-Browns for oysters on the half and Around the World in 80 Beers, you know?
.. . don\'t they use that yatcht every year for promotional cruises with fans, and business partners?
... it\'s all about the perks, man..

SCSaint 01-28-2005 09:21 PM

oh boy if this i true
What did you think? The state needs to worry about its own problems. Benson can move the team to L.A. and buy his un-born great-great-great grandkids yachts if he wants to.

But he dont!

SCSaint 01-28-2005 09:24 PM

oh boy if this i true
He wants to keep the team there but its a business, the state tried to screw him out of the money last year or at least put it off till the last minute.

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