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hagan714 05-14-2015 12:01 AM

Saints receive $500K for in-game military salutes
1 Attachment(s)
The New Orleans Saints received more than $500,000 from the Department of Defense from 2011 to 2014 in part for in-game military salutes and promotions during which fans pay tribute to troops in attendance, according to an updated report by

The website had reported 14 NFL teams received $5.4 million over four years for advertisements that included such salutes. The Atlanta Falcons received more than $1 million in taxpayer money for such salutes, the report said.

The Saints' total over four payments amounts to $572,875, the report said.
That increased the total amount given to NFL teams to reach at least $6 million to 15 teams. The money is spent as part of an advertising campaign that includes the salutes, the report says.

Here is a breakdown of the four payments to the Saints, via
  • $165,375: March 20, 2014, from the Army/ARNG
  • $157,500: July 2, 2013, from Army/ARNG
  • $150,000: Dec. 6, 2012, from Army/ARNG
  • $100,000: Sept. 15, 2011, from Army/ARGG
In a response to the report, the Saints said "our marketing and sponsorship agreement ... with the National Guard is designed to help them fulfill their objectives of increasing their awareness and helping them in recruiting efforts, which is no different than any other sponsorship agreement."

The Saints said "by no means do we charge the military for any other military events or events where we honor the military that we host...during our games or not during our games."

New Orleans Saints receive $500K for in-game military salutes, reports |

so the the NFL stance is a bunch of double talk. Our marketing and sponsorship agreement ok it is a contract to be paid by the national guard which has become our primary fighting force in resent years. so we are splitting hairs here and abusing the guard even more.

by no means do we charge the military In a court of law the one question that would be ask is this.

Did you receive any money for the services you provided? many hookers get nailed on this one.

sorry wrap it up any way you want it is still scummy. now we join the other scum bag teams around the NFL.

use that argument and see what veteran family think as their benefits get cut.

I know it a small amount in the big picture but it is morally and ethical a huge disgrace for the NFL. way to go ROGER you just disgraced the NFL once again.

Foot Stomper 05-14-2015 08:40 AM

Re: Saints receive $500K for in-game military salutes
I would put this on the team marketing group equally as I would the NFL FO Brass. Just put a note somewhere this is a paid advertisement and all would be well. We would know it was a paid marketing campaign.

triman 05-14-2015 09:13 AM

Re: Saints receive $500K for in-game military salutes
The right thing to to do is donate those funds to a group like wounded warriors.

Rugby Saint II 05-16-2015 02:13 PM

Re: Saints receive $500K for in-game military salutes
This won't happen next year in NFL. Too much public awareness now and the bad press that goes with it. Good job Rog'. :roll:

Jamessr 05-16-2015 02:30 PM

Re: Saints receive $500K for in-game military salutes
Wasted tax dollars.

Garry42 05-25-2015 07:56 AM

Re: Saints receive $500K for in-game military salutes
I find this very disappointing on many levels. How the NFL (including the teams) can accept these funds is absolutely beyond me. Guess they will "honor" anyone if the price is right! Sad....very sad!

OldMaid 05-25-2015 09:08 AM

Re: Saints receive $500K for in-game military salutes
I agree. I agree . I agree.

So the U.S.A govt. paid out a half million dollars here to Saints and other NFL clubs' billionaires for cards for fans to hold, etc. VA hospitals are in need of help.
Oh, by the way, N.O. VA hospital has been a hard place since I was a child in the 1970's. If you ever had to send someone ,a Vet, there you said, "Oh well, good luck to ya'" .
Obumbum was not POTUS then so this is not anti-OBumbum posts or pro-Obumbum or anything like that.

Of course everything costs, so the "advertising money" is for the pretty salutes of fans having colored cards under their seats to show the pretty display on tv of thank you's, , the flag, etc.

Computer technology. Certainly the same pretty effect can be done by just some computer technology over the fans to show the pretty display?

U.S. govt. waste here.

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