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LKelley67 01-29-2005 01:52 PM

benson and the state
interesting link here on team values etc...
saints ranking-
current value 26th 627mil
revenue 20th 157mil (more than jets, giants, 49ers...)
two most interesting...
operating expenses 28th only 8mil
debt- LAST, zero, the only team with no debt. only 4 under 10mil and 9 over 25mil with the pats at 54mil.

i think the debt is because the newer trends for aggressive owners is to want ownership of the stadium. though it is a debt you turn into pure profit/all yours


dberce1 01-29-2005 07:56 PM

benson and the state
Nice find. Benson is one cheap SOB.

spkb25 01-29-2005 09:28 PM

benson and the state
im sorry explain it to me

spkb25 01-29-2005 09:30 PM

benson and the state
not to be dumb but im weighing each and every category and they all seem to end up in the middle when you look at it

LKelley67 01-30-2005 02:51 PM

benson and the state
the categories have varied significance and relation to each other.
the value is largely base on the metro size, fan base, etc. green bay is the smallest market but it is perhaps the most historied franchise in the league. it is literally a part of the community fabric with the city owning the team. the cardninals with a terrible owner. history, etc. NO is about right as a smaller mkt, wretched history, and great fans, etc.
the revenue is higher than i would have guessed. not at the top but plenty of mulah coming in.
operating expenses just means they run a cheaper business than 24 other teams. subtract the operating expenses from the revenue and they are in better shape than many if not most teams.
the only team with no debt means that no resources have to be devoted to that. as said, i think the most progressive owners are now wanting to buy the stadiums (the source of mega debt) thinking of it as an asset and turning it, beyond just the team, into a source of revenue.

sum total, it isn\'t the regal legacy of the dallas cowboys we have here, the owner doesnt want to write too many personal checks to win at all cost (ala dan snyder), it is a tight organization, and he gets some mega subsidy directly from la citizens payroll deductions. if there was a winning organization i think the public would be insane crazy in their support of this team. but as long as it wallows in a bengal-like history or this current mire of mediocrity support will only deteriorate. at $627mil current mkt value the state could buy the team for itself like green bay. instead of having some owner hold a state hostage with threat of leaving they could be our lovable bums no matter how bad.

WD52 01-31-2005 09:31 AM

benson and the state
The only problem about the State buyimg the Team.......
It is not for sale......... Plus Do you think that our State would have enough non crooked politicians to ever agree or scrape up the money without pocketing it.......... My goodness, if the Team could be bought, ie... the People it, would be great. It would have to be Just like Greenbay A small group of investors, would have to put together a large sum of money and then onen up stock options to the general public, to keep the staate out of it. that is what Greenbay has is vested stock, a president and a board, comprised of major stock holders........ It would be Awesome, But like you Stated, Benson will keep the team and hold the state Ransome, and the State will continue to low ball..... Thus I see the SAINTS Leaving which sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Edited on 31/1/2005 by WD52]

LKelley67 01-31-2005 09:45 PM

benson and the state
here\'s some interesting franchise rating from espn. ranked 78th out of all nfl, mlb, nba, and nhl teams (120). ranked 20th in nfl.

78 New Orleans Saints
2004: Our hats are off to the lowest cap cost in all of major sports ($6) and the seventh-cheapest ticket price ($43.87) in the NFL. Then again, Big Easy fans are stuck watching a team whose title hopes are as low as a local\'s resistance to gumbo (five playoff appearances and one win in 36 years). The only consistent winner here is Tom Benson, car magnate and ever-more unpopular owner. Forbes says the value of his franchise jumped 22 percent, to $585M.
Overall: 78th
Bang For The Buck: 33rd
Fan Relations: 86th
Ownership: 96th
Affordability: 49th
Stadium Experience: 87th
Players: 91st
Coach/Manager: 69th
Championships: 102nd

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