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SmashMouth 07-02-2015 11:55 PM

Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
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National football writer Peter King has again suggested Sean Payton and the New Orleans Saints could soon part ways. Perhaps as soon as after the 2015 season, he wrote for

King floated the idea -- just as he did late in the 2014 season -- in a countdown of the 100 most influential people for the 2015 season. The website listed Payton at No. 44.

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arsaint 07-03-2015 12:17 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
If he keeps this up, he eventually will be correct...

That being said - shut up already!!!

RailBoss 07-03-2015 12:26 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
In light of the infighting of the Benson family and who in the end will run the Saints anything can happen. But I don't see the Coach going anywhere anytime soon.

burningmetal 07-03-2015 05:37 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
Boy, I sure hope he doesn't predict Sean to die one day. I like having an immortal head coach. And lord knows Peter King can speak anything into, or out of existence.

Just look at his amazing track record. I am so glad this guy has a platform and an opinion.

foreverfan 07-03-2015 05:41 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
Do I have to fix every thread?

burningmetal 07-03-2015 05:51 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
Nice try, FF. Peter King said those girls will all be leaving that picture in about 5 minutes.

SloMotion 07-03-2015 06:05 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
Yeah, yeah, yeah ... global warming ... blah, blah, blah, :neutral: ... thanks for the 411, PK, :rolleyes:.

saintsfan1976 07-03-2015 06:46 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
Just in - Peter King may leave the buffet.....eventually

MatthewT 07-03-2015 09:05 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
I guess when it comes to predictions, this would be a fairly easy one to make. Payton has already exceeded the number of seasons most NFL head coaches stick with a team, there is a very high chance that this could be the last year for Brees with the Saints, and Dennis Allen was brought back.

WhoDat!656 07-03-2015 10:03 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 659113)

Yes you do!

spkb25 07-03-2015 10:18 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 659122)
Just in - Peter King may leave the buffet.....eventually

Why you lie

Mr.Riaton 07-03-2015 01:00 PM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
I wonder how many times he's predicted Belichick will leave the Pats? Teams don't just get rid of successful coaches....well, except the 49ers.

SmashMouth 07-03-2015 01:16 PM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 659113)

foreverfan 07-03-2015 01:31 PM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 659145)

Yea... it's obvious that they don't believe Peter King either.

AlaskaSaints 07-03-2015 01:57 PM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
He needs a Snicker Bar.

Not the Sean Payton of 2010, that's for sure.

Rugby Saint II 07-03-2015 07:02 PM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
It's true. We were 7-9 in a weak division and Cam Newton has won it twice in a row.

Ownership is in a turmoil.

Both the roster and the front office had a major shake up during the offseason.

We traded away our best receiving threat as well as a promising young receiver.

We didn't resign a lot of our veteran players.

Our defense is ranked almost dead last and the defensive coordinator hasn't been successful anywhere for any length of time.

So yeah, if you didn't follow the team it would make sense. It's called research you lazy hack! :argue:

hagan714 07-04-2015 06:32 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
could the Dennis Allen signing be the bait that finally pushed King off the edge?

ChrisXVI 07-04-2015 10:42 PM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
I've been pretty vocal about the fact that I believe Brees will play out the final two years of his contract and then he and Payton will both move on. I could see Payton taking over for Coughlin with the Giants.

burningmetal 07-05-2015 03:47 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 659198)
I've been pretty vocal about the fact that I believe Brees will play out the final two years of his contract and then he and Payton will both move on. I could see Payton taking over for Coughlin with the Giants.

My whole problem with peter king constantly predicting Payton to leave isn't about the actual chances of it happening. Anything is possible. And that right there is just it. Of course he COULD leave soon. That's not news.

I haven't spoken glowingly about the management or coaching of this team over the last couple years, myself, but I still think it's going to take a lot for Payton or Loomis to get fired. And unless they do get fired I see no other reason why they would leave. This isn't like jumping from a great college job for a shot at the NFL. This IS the NFL.

Maybe when Brees leaves or retires (whichever comes first) Payton will follow him out the door as you said. But I don't even see that. I think he'll have another QB in place by then, be it Grayson or someone else. He's in a place where the fan support is as rabid as any in the country, he's been viewed as practically a savior for what he's previously accomplished, and though there will always be scrutiny wherever you go when the expectations get bigger and the stakes get higher, this is not a high pressure job compared to most high profile coaching gigs.

CheramieIII 07-05-2015 08:56 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
Peter King must not be getting must pub and has to stir the **** pot to get noticed. Screw Peter King. Name me the last time he had a hunch without any info at all and he was right. FREAKING NEVER!

Beastmode 07-05-2015 10:33 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
Let's see...what coach has brought more glory to the Saints by like a 1,000% dealing with some insane circumstances. What coach has outlasted every other coach in the NFC South to include their QB's. I chalked this up as Peter King trying to earn a living peddling smutt and doom porn. I get it, if you can't earn an honest living you have to find a way.

Mardigras9 07-06-2015 11:57 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
Not happening as long as Drew is still playing. But when drew is done or traded, possibility increases substantially.

saintfan 07-06-2015 03:25 PM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints

QBREES9 07-06-2015 10:19 PM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
OMG Peter King, don't you have anything else to do.

WillSaints81 07-10-2015 08:05 PM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
Whoever aid Dennis Allen should be coach. NO!! He is not a fit for that spot. Look what he did to the raiders. Yes I know its the raiders but that team was 8-8 two straight years before he was HC. Who is going to coach our offense? Don't act like we can win on defense alone and thinking our talent on offense is good enough to trump scheme. Talent doe not trump scheme.

st thomas 07-12-2015 10:52 AM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
I will stick to my predictions that if and when payton leaves new Orleans is when drew bress retires, and when he does sean will probably move on to dallas that's right the dallas cowboys, and it will be most likely at the same time drew retires and lil red gets fired that sean will take over jerrys world.
I can see us winning another superbowl before all this happens though. and dallas ship starts to ship starts sinking in 2015.

The Dude 07-13-2015 08:10 PM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints
I can see him leaving when Brees does. He said he didn't want to still be coaching in 5 years about 5 years ago. I see him finishing it out while Brees is at the helm and then moving on.

MaggieMayTB 07-13-2015 08:39 PM

Re: Peter King again suggests Sean Payton could soon leave Saints

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 659113)

And you do it well.
I would like to apply to apprentice and learn this skill.
However, I am not worthy.

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