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SmashMouth 09-03-2015 09:33 PM

Could Sean Payton benefit from the NFL loss to Tom Brady?
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Now that a federal judge has ruled against the NFL in the Tom Brady deflate-gate case, does this open up the door for Saints Coach Sean Payton to sue the league in order to recoup the money he lost when he was suspended without pay in 2012 for Bounty Gate?

Legal analyst Chick Foret says Brady's case was covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement that all players are involved in.

"Unfortunately for coaches and general managers in this situation, they're not covered by the collective bargaining agreement," says Foret. "So this really is totally irrelevant. That's the bad news for those folks."

Also suspended over the alleged Saints illegal pay for pain program was General Manager Mickey Loomis who was out 8 games, and Assistant Head Coach Joe Vitt who was punished for 6 games. Foret says the good news for Payton is that he has the same agent that helped Brady, Don Yee.

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jeanpierre 09-03-2015 09:47 PM

Re: Could Sean Payton benefit from the NFL loss to Tom Brady?
I don't see how...

Kinda hope some consumer fraud attorney could swing something on behalf of Saints fans (consumers) who got screwed out of their draft picks after Tagliabue called BS on Goodell...

RailBoss 09-04-2015 12:10 AM

Re: Could Sean Payton benefit from the NFL loss to Tom Brady?
Let's see League infractions:
New England Patriots Robert Kraft Empire -wrist slaps-
New Orleans Saints Tom Benson Empire -suspensions-

Who all here is surprised at today's outcome with Brady.
Regarding SP and the Saints recourse. Don't think so.

SaintsBro 09-04-2015 07:53 AM

Re: Could Sean Payton benefit from the NFL loss to Tom Brady?
I get that there is no Collective Bargaining Agreement to protect coach Payton as an individual, but I sure do wish that Benson and the team had pushed back a little more, at the time. It seemed like Benson just rolled over and quietly took the punishment handed down....wish he and the organization had made a little more noise, and mounted a better, more visible effort and made their case against Goodell's arbitrary decisions, on behalf of the paying fans who were impacted by the over-the-top penalties without any real evidence shown... Meanwhile Kraft immediately went on the war path and started applying pressure, and sure enough, he got results.

hagan714 09-04-2015 08:27 AM

Re: Could Sean Payton benefit from the NFL loss to Tom Brady?
right now the only chance is a class action suit against the commissar

homerj07 09-04-2015 11:34 AM

Re: Could Sean Payton benefit from the NFL loss to Tom Brady?
I dont care that Goodell lost in this case. Brady is was & always will be a cheating SOB right along with his coach.

COMMON SENSE - those trainers DONT touch the ball or do anything to it without Brady's knowledge AND consent.

BS - BS and more BS. I hope he get nailed right in the balls & they deflate like a mother on him!!

Rugby Saint II 09-06-2015 03:24 PM

Re: Could Sean Payton benefit from the NFL loss to Tom Brady?
Move along. There's nothing to see here........move along. :wink:

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