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exiled 09-21-2015 07:42 PM

Re: Plastic Bag Warning Instructions

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 669867)
I repeat and repost:

No, I'm not going to have fun with it. I'm wondering how many here even have a clue as to what the "bagheads" were about?

Anybody that chooses to wear a bag today totally disrespects what the fans from the late 70's and early 80's endured and why those few hundred out of tens of thousands of loyal Saints fans donned those bags late in 1980 and the first part of 1981.

Anybody that tries to draw attention to themselves by wearing a bag disrespects Buddy D and his protest against Saints management to spend the money to get quality players.

Anybody that dares calling the team the Aint's when the franchise has been enjoying it's finest era ever disrespects all of those fans who never gave up, never stopped watching, never stopped attending, never stopped believing ... never stopped!

Who we have on our roster and in our front office give us the best chance possible to stay relevant and competitive in today's NFL environment.

Wait until we have gone a decade without any attempt to attract a top free agent. Wait until we have gone ten, no thirteen years without a winning record before disrespecting those "baghead" rebels from 35 years ago.

Have fun with it?

Hell no! I lived through that and this is heaven on Earth as a fan in comparison.

Too well said to just "like" I repost, agree, and shout THIS is nowhere near the same!

The later years of the Archie Daze into Rushing (limping) Bobby Douglass into the Last Daze of Kenny Stabler... no This is nothing comparatively.

Gimmie Luke, Robinson, Coleston, Cooks, and Ingrham.

We'll win a few games.

I will cheer, and buy strangers drinks when we score.

Rugby Saint II 09-22-2015 12:48 PM

Re: Plastic Bag Warning Instructions
Dry cleaning bags don't work too well either.

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