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baronm 02-13-2005 05:16 PM

A stroll down memory lane

Having grown up in Mississippi, naturally I became an Ole Miss fan
sorry, couldn\'t let this go--how does one naturally become a fan of a school just cause you live int hat state...

it\'s kinda a bama/auburn thing--

I grew up part time in Mississippi and my family went to state..and I became a state fan....but I have ties to that school..just like i\"m an auburn grad so I have ties to that school...

sorry, just love how that statement fits alot of stereotypes, but mkes no sense...

Saint_LB 02-13-2005 05:23 PM

A stroll down memory lane


Having grown up in Mississippi, naturally I became an Ole Miss fan
sorry, couldn\'t let this go--how does one naturally become a fan of a school just cause you live int hat state...

it\'s kinda a bama/auburn thing--

I grew up part time in Mississippi and my family went to state..and I became a state fan....but I have ties to that school..just like i\"m an auburn grad so I have ties to that school...

sorry, just love how that statement fits alot of stereotypes, but mkes no sense...

Sorry, guess I could\'ve worded that differently...but, at that time USM wasn\'t in the picture too much, and Miss. State had never seen too much success. Ole Miss had much success in the national picture a long time ago, and got much more attention when it came to football. But, you are right. I suppose that statement could rile the feathers of the Bulldog fans. My bad.

baronm 02-13-2005 05:55 PM

A stroll down memory lane
no just seemed odd...and fed the stereotypes that \"state grads root for state/auburn grads root for auburn..but those that don\'t go to college root for ole miss/bama\"--just thought it was funny.

btw around that same time state had a a qb that later became the division 1a or division 2 alltime winningness coach up at bobby wallace..whom alot of people from that time period tell me was better or as good as manning.

Saint_LB 02-13-2005 06:09 PM

A stroll down memory lane

no just seemed odd...and fed the stereotypes that \"state grads root for state/auburn grads root for auburn..but those that don\'t go to college root for ole miss/bama\"--just thought it was funny.

btw around that same time state had a a qb that later became the division 1a or division 2 alltime winningness coach up at bobby wallace..whom alot of people from that time period tell me was better or as good as manning.
I never heard that one, I became a fan long before it was time to go to college, like about age 10 or so. For the record, though, I did go to college in Miss., having attended Ole Miss, MGCJC, and USM after I got out of the Navy. I never actually got a degree, so, maybe there is some truth to your statement. :D I actually spent some time on the Ole Miss football team...the varsity, as a freshmen. You probably wouldn\'t believe what happened there if I told you, but it is somewhat unvelievable. I think I have told one too many story if anyone wants to hear it, I will be glad to share it with them.

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