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ScottyRo 02-14-2005 12:28 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
Just hypothetically, if they move to L.A., will you continue to root for them? Will you choose another team? Will you not watch the NFL anymore?

I'm not sure what my reaction will be. Back before FA a team was more than an organization, it was certain players. Now, with players changing teams all the time it's harder to get that same connection.

That being said, I think I'd probably give them a shot. The difficulty will be in watching the games since they wont be local. I'm sure here (Monroe, LA) we'll get the Cowgirls instead.

If I couldn't follow the LA team, then I'm thinking Houston or Tennessee (sure would have been easier if Memphis would have gotten them).

When all else fails, I'll probably then just watch nothing but NASCAR on sundays and be fine with it.

Saint_LB 02-14-2005 12:43 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
Would I root for them...probably not. I think I quit rooting a few years back. I would. however, watch with interest when I got a chance. That\'s pretty much the way it is for me now, being that at this particular time I do not live in the NO area, anyway.

I have a funny feeling about this, though. It just so happens that I was living in the LA area when they lost both of their teams. I moved away about 2 1/2 years ago, and now they are looking at possibly getting a team back there. What\'s funny about it is that I am being considered for a position that would bring me back to the Gulf Coast. If I do in fact get that job, I would not be surprised if the Saints left for LA...knowing my luck. If I don\'t get it, then they will probably stay.

saintswhodi 02-14-2005 12:48 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
So you and your luck are the catalyst for all this move talk huh LB? ;) I\'d still try to support them, though initially it may be very, very hard, and I may end up supporting another team before I got around to it. I haven\'t lived in NO for about 7 years, but it would be extremely difficult to watch the Saints leave. But I guess they say everyone else does, why not us?

Danno 02-14-2005 01:44 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
They would be my most despised team on the planet.
I\'d hate them with every fiber of my being.
Might be the only team I actually pull for players to get injuries.
I\'d even throw rocks at the Saintsations

4saintspirit 02-14-2005 02:47 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
I couldn\'t possibly watch the saints win in another city after I have suffered for so long. No - I would not root for the Saints -- I would only watch the NFL games I bet on. And as long as Benson owned the team I would be rooting for them to get blownj out of every game -- I would want them to suck so badly that the stands were totally empty --

WD52 02-14-2005 02:53 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
NO NO NO NO HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :no_no: :no: :censored: :burning: :comp03: I COULD NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

o1higuy 02-14-2005 02:54 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
ScottyRo - I just moved to Austin from Monroe in June. I was one of the State Farmers. I have tried to make myself like the Texans more and more. Especially since they have Dominick Davis. Austin is a great place and pre-dominantly Dallas fans. I just can\'t bring myself to root for the Cowboys. I would probably keep up with the Saints a year or so while I make the Texans transition. Hard to say. I would definitly miss them though.

saintswhodi 02-14-2005 03:01 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
o1, didn\'t you and I talk about Austin before? Did you go to that Saints bar I told you about?

o1higuy 02-14-2005 03:15 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
Yeah, that was me. I didn\'t get the chance to get by there yet. With the move, finding a house, and school, it was impossible. I will be there next season drinking them on win or lose though. I have already told the wife find a hobby for sundays. I may go hang out for part of the draft too.

saintswhodi 02-14-2005 03:18 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
Cool. I heard you gotta get there early on Sundays though cause there is a surprising number of Saints fans in Austin, at least you would think so by how packed the place gets. I wonder if they would close down if the team moved to LA, or change their decor.

spkb25 02-14-2005 06:13 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
i think i would at first but if in the long run i\'d probally be forced to find a new team. im not sure man it would be hard. probally easier for me though because im not from la. but they would more then likely change their name and unis. at that point it just wouldnt be the same

papz 02-14-2005 06:32 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
I wouldn\'t because we\'d have an expansion team soon if the Saints were to move. Hopefully we would do as well as the Jaguars and Panthers did when they came into the league. Also we wouldn\'t have Haslett or Venturi anymore... what\'s not to cheer about a new team!?!?!! :D

spkb25 02-14-2005 06:45 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
hey papz if that happen it would be worth it

saintswhodi 02-14-2005 06:53 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
If the Saints leave, we WILL NOT get another team. Ever. Unless the state and the economic situation in it does a complete 180. Also, we do not have anyone in the area who could afford another franchise. If the Saints leave, we are ass out unfortunately. That\'s why I understand why some are more vehement about the state doing whatever it takes to keep them. Expansion will not come to New Orleans if the Saints leave.

spkb25 02-14-2005 07:01 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
saintswhodi do youn think thats because that state has to many minorities?

Saint_LB 02-14-2005 07:04 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?

Also, we do not have anyone in the area who could afford another franchise.
Hey, you think Archie would have enough money if he took on Peyton and Eli as silent partners? :thumbup: :thumbdown:

MatthewT 02-14-2005 07:24 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
At least if the Saints moved to Los Angeles, we could all admit the obvious. The Saints SUCK.

CheramieIII 02-14-2005 07:41 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
Hey Whodi, I have to agree with ya, if the Saint\'s leave the state we will never get another pro team, not just an NFL team. We lost the Jazz and now we hear rumors about the Hornets and Saint\'s leaving. I think the state will break down in the end and do everything they can to keep them for at least another 20 years or so. I would not support them, if they moved. They would not be the same ole Saint\'s anymore. Hey MatthewT, remember when the Saint\'s really sucked and went 1-15. We at least keep the opponents guessing nowadays, as to which Saint\'s team is going to show up.

MatthewT 02-14-2005 07:50 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
Yes, Cheramiell, I remember the 1-15 season. I\'ve been a Saints fan since the Hank Stram era. Lots of pain. You are correct, we do keep them all guessing these days.

CheramieIII 02-14-2005 08:00 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
I\'m only hoping for one Superbowl before I die, but I guess my Dad died hoping for one too. I don\'t even care if we win just as long as we play in one.

spkb25 02-14-2005 08:02 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
cheram its nice to hear from you. your the first guy to welcome me on this board. thanks bro

cardboardboxer 02-14-2005 08:46 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?

o1, didn\'t you and I talk about Austin before? Did you go to that Saints bar I told you about?

I\'ve seen it. It has the big Saints helmet on the top. Everytime I see it I swell with pride.

If the Saints move to L.A. not only will I not root for them....I won\'t watch the NFL anymore. I already have a problem with a sport that rewards such ignorant people when teachers don\'t make enough money. But the Saints give me something to share with my family (as I am in Texas and they are in NO). If that goes away, screw the NFL and the boat it comes in on.

There is always college football. Go Aggies!

spkb25 02-14-2005 08:52 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
i can understand ur argument but i would always watch the nfl. im just not sure who at that point i would watch

saintswhodi 02-14-2005 09:47 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
Honestly spk, I believe it has little to do with anything about minorities, it\'s about education, or lack of it in the state in general. The public education system is a joke, I know because I went to Catholic school until 8th grade at De La Salle in New Orleans then on to public school where I graduated From Kennedy in 1992. I never learned another thing from 8th grade at De La Salle through graduating. That\'s how bad it is. The few who do get an education wanna leave ASAP. You can\'t survive as a state if the people who live there feel they don\'t have the opportunities in their home state that they would have elsewhere. This leads to the lack of homegrown businessmen and professionals. Also, anyone who has a business knows if you come to LA, you have to deal with backdoor politics, and companies aren\'t willing to do those kinds deals any more. Like I said, the state would have to do a 180 on it\'s economics and politics to even get mentioned for another team. and we all KNOW that ain\'t happening, at least on the politics end.

Hey cardboard, you live in Austin? Whereabouts? So you have seen Shoal Creek?

LB, I don\'t think Archie, Peyton and Eli together have what it takes to keep the team here, but Archie may have enough connections to get a group together to buy if push came to shove. As he seems to have no interest or expressed any, I don\'t see it happening.

Cheramie, unfortunately that id the reality as I see it if this team leaves. No more Superbowls, no more NFL in New Orleans. Benson holds this and many other blackmail cards over the state. I don\'t like it, but it\'s a tough spot to be in. IT would get slightly better if Minnesota was moved to Los Angeles, but that is still years off if that happens.

turbo_dog 02-14-2005 09:54 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?

papz 02-14-2005 10:26 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
Saintswhoadi... look at the economy in our state and we managed to bring an NBA team here. If we brought the Hornets down here, why couldn\'t we get an expansion team? This a football town I don\'t see why it couldn\'t happen. If some rich douche decided to get a team here and not have all sorts of stadium and money demands, I think it can and will happen if the Saints leave. Just leave our name so we don\'t have to be called the \"alligators\" or \"pelicans.\" I would jump off the highrise if that were to happen.

Saint_LB 02-15-2005 12:04 AM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
SW, I guess you thought I was being serious. I was afraid of that. Archie could make it happen easily, but there are at least two reasons why that would never happen. First of all, this whole b/s of Benson selling to an L.A. investment group, or whatever, is exactly that...b/s. What it is is a car salesman being a car salesman. Secondly, Archie would want to win, and he knows that that ain\'t ever gonna happen in N.O. I think he knows that better than any person on this planet could know. Now if we were talking the NY Giants...

Tobias-Reiper 02-15-2005 09:00 AM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?

..well, I live in the Carolinas now, so I would turn my full attention to the Panthers...

saintswhodi 02-15-2005 09:13 AM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
papz, the situation with the Hornets was just luck. They wanted a new stadium in Charlotte AND they had a shrinking fan base. New Orleans had just built an arena and was longing for an NBA team. The timing was just right. And Charlotte was not expansion, which we would be talking about if we were to get another NFL team. But I betcha the owner of the Hornets is regretting the move cause the stadium is still empty and they are talking of moving again. Add to that the fact it is easier to move an NBA team than an NFL franchise, and you can see clearly why an NBA team could come here, but it just wouldn\'t happen for an NFL team. ADD to THAT the fact that there are numerous cities more viable clamoring for an NFL team, Las Vegas, San Antonio to name a couple, and we would be so far down the line we couldn\'t see out of the hole. The NFL has a neat 32 teams right now, makes everything real easy. Why do you think the commish doesn\'t go overboard talking about just putting an expansion team into L.A.? Because he would rather move an existing team and keep the # at 32. I am sorry papz, but if you feel New Orleans would get another NFL team if the Saints leave, I think you are fooling yourself.

papz 02-15-2005 09:26 AM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
I think it\'s realistic if the Hornets leave. Obviously this isn\'t a basketball town and seats just aren\'t being filled. I think eventually when the Hornets move and if the Saints move also, I\'m pretty sure we\'ll manage to get another team down here. I know a lot of people who sacrifice buying extra sets of Saints season tickets because they are obligated to purchase Hornets and Saints season tickets. They don\'t even attend the Hornets games. I think more fans and tickets will be sold if the Hornets were to leave town. Making any possibility more reachable because more money for a football team will be there.

By no means am I serious about the Saints going though, nor do I want them to leave. I\'m just stating things happen and if the Hornets leave, it can only increase the chances of us landing another franchise IF the Saints were to leave.

saintswhodi 02-15-2005 10:36 AM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
But papz, who is gonna buy this magical team to bring them here? Name one local investor or group that has the money to bring an NFL team here. Just one. There are NONE. Benson is it, and he knows it or someone would have been trying to buy the team from him and ensure they remained here. IF there was anyone who wanted the team to stay, Benson using another market as leverage would have infuriated them to the point of stepping up right? There is NOONE like that. There is no ability for an owner to purchase the team to stay, purchase another team and move them, or put up the financing for a new franchise. Add to that it would still come at the cost of a renovated Superdome OR a new stadium, I truly do not see how you could remotely hold the hope that were we to lose the Saints another team would come, EVER. No matter if the Hornets left or not. The Saints still were selling out games until about the 8th or 9th week of the season, so the Hornets ticket deal deterred noone. It is plain and simple an economic impossibility for another team to fill the spot the Saints had. Now if you are taking comfort in holding out hope there is a possibility, I won\'t try to ruin that any longer. I don\'t know how old you are, but the hope of any of us seeing a team in New Orleans before we die if the Saints left is slim to none. And slim just left the building.

papz 02-15-2005 10:51 AM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
24. Geez you view the glass as half full and I view it as half empty. The same type of luck that brought the Hornets down here is the same type of luck that will occur if the Saints were to leave. Have some faith my friend. Think positive! Realistically, the Saints aren\'t going anywhere. These ideas will probably never happen anyways... let a brother dream!

*Wakes up one morning and Venturi, Loomis, Hasletts, Brooks, Tebucky Jones, Sullivan, etc all gone* What a nice dream isn\'t it?

saintswhodi 02-15-2005 10:56 AM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
HAHA. Like I said, if it is a view you are taking comfort in, I am not gonna try and ruin it any longer. Have at it my man. I am a realist, not a dreamer. BUT, the second dream you have, now THAT is worth imagining. lol

JKool 02-15-2005 11:31 AM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
When my home town NHL team moved, I initially thought that I would root for them. Of course, they changed the name and ended up in a town where most people didn\'t have any idea what hockey was (there were just so freakin many of them that if like 1% of them said \"what\'s hockey, maybe I\'ll check it out\" every other day, the arena would fill most days).

I watched exactly 1 game. I was so bitter about the move that I actually came to despise the league, the players (who weren\'t originally on my team anyway), and even most fans. There is nothing like feeling sold out to make you upset.

At any rate, I lose respect for leagues that don\'t respect tradition and loyalty.

If our boys moved, I\'d probably try to root for them, but, in the end, I\'m sure I\'d give up. Maybe I\'d become a GB fan, since that is all I can see these days anyway.

WD52 02-15-2005 01:20 PM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
Papz, Man I hate to jump on the band wagon........... But, I have always felt New Orleans was really fortunate to have an NFL team. If the Saints Leave, We will all have to adapt to the AFL, That is unless Benson sells that too!!!!! I would Watch the Voodoo, But in all honesty, Arena football to me is kinda silly.....

An any case I do not Feel we would be in the running for another Franchise, untill several more cities where awarded Franchises, Saintswhodi, mentioned just 20 of them, that would be 34 teams, and in all reality the next magic number is 38 teams, to make it even... But off of the top of my head I can think of 8 more viable Markets without franchises...... So we are way down the list.........If you are counting, San Antonio, Las Vegas or (Reno), Heck Even Jackson Ms. may be econimically more Viable, Think of Hawii, Birmingham Ala., Charleston WV, I mean the possibilities are endless........ Not to mention, Mexico city Mexico being mentioned as a possible market by NFL executives, and L.A. at one time had 2 teams........

JKool I agree with you If the NFL does not respect the Tradition of the Saints and turn there Back on us then F\'em......

I am a Die hard New Orleans Saints Fan

CheramieIII 02-16-2005 12:38 AM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
Hey 25 damn you\'ve got a good memory and WhoDi I hung out with a few guys that went to De La Salle back in the late seventies, am I close to the age range? If so let me know and I will try to remember some names.

CHACHING 02-16-2005 07:58 AM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
AND I LIVE IN L.A.!!!!!!!
Saints fans have endured enough pains throughout the years and the fans of the State of LA should be the one to reap the rewards of victory when it finaly happens.(right)
I would box up all my black and gold jerseys, helmets, hats etc....and just dive into NCAA football. :casstet:

saintswhodi 02-16-2005 09:00 AM

Will you root for the L.A. Saints?
I wouldn\'t know anyone from that long ago Cheramie. I went to De La Salle for 8th grade only I think it was in 87-88. Went to public school for high school cause pops couldn\'t afford to keep me in De La Salle when I made the move to live with him. Those guys you know would be before my itme.

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