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hagan714 02-16-2016 05:15 PM

Benson trust two sides agreed to the settlement???
Judge raps attorneys in Benson trust legal tussle

John Breslin Feb. 16, 2016, 11:32am.

Attorneys representing the owner of the New Orleans Saints and his daughter were reprimanded for failing to officially inform a San Antonio court that a settlement was reached.

Saints owner Tom Benson, who also owns the city's basketball franchise, and his daughter Renee Benson, locked in a year-long legal battle over the control of a trust estimated to have assets worth nearly $1 billion, came to an agreement on Jan. 22.

But Bexar County Probate Court Judge Tom Rickhoff was not formally notified of the settlement. He criticized the lawyers for the two sides for failing to keep him properly informed during a Feb. 1 hearing

"I don’t have any assurances” of a settlement, Rickhoff said during the hearing, according to a report in the San Antonio Express-News. “I’m worried about losing control of the case. All I have are words. A new party could come in” and state there never was a settlement.

Rickhoff ordered the parties back before the court on Feb. 12 and warned them he would appoint new receivers to run the trust if he was not satisfied there was an agreement. During that hearing, Rickhoff was assured by both sides an agreement was reached and set this Friday as the date to finalize all matters.

The two sides agreed to the settlement on Jan. 22, 10 days before the trial in San Antonio was due to start. The terms are confidential, Benson’s attorney, Phillip Wittmann, said on Monday.

Judge raps attorneys in Benson trust legal tussle | Louisiana Record

ok the end of a drama?????????????

Rugby Saint II 02-18-2016 12:24 PM

Re: Benson trust two sides agreed to the settlement???
Greedy *****! :brood:

hagan714 02-19-2016 02:05 AM

Re: Benson trust two sides agreed to the settlement???
I am amazed at the short attention span to this issue.

AsylumGuido 02-19-2016 12:03 PM

Re: Benson trust two sides agreed to the settlement???

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 693338)
I am amazed at the short attention span to this issue.

Perhaps because it is far less of an issue than the media had portrayed.

OldMaid 02-19-2016 06:17 PM

Re: Benson trust two sides agreed to the settlement???
Well that is good for Benson and Ms. Gayle.
Sad in that he lost his daughter and her family. Sad in that his daughter and her family, Renee, got too greedy when they had it all. It was all theirs for the taking in due time. In the meantime, they had it: teams(Renee), ranch(Rita), car dealerships (Ryan). Oh well, they out did themselves. They pushed too far and lost. They will have some millions, but they lost the greater amount of the fortune and businesses. They are gone from his life, I imagine. Dead as far he is concerned.

RailBoss 02-19-2016 11:37 PM

Re: Benson trust two sides agreed to the settlement???
Stay tuned they are turning the lights back on at South Fork.

Tobias-Reiper 02-20-2016 01:22 AM

Re: Benson trust two sides agreed to the settlement???

Originally Posted by OldMaid (Post 693412)
Well that is good for Benson and Ms. Gayle.
Sad in that he lost his daughter and her family. Sad in that his daughter and her family, Renee, got too greedy when they had it all. It was all theirs for the taking in due time. In the meantime, they had it: teams(Renee), ranch(Rita), car dealerships (Ryan). Oh well, they out did themselves. They pushed too far and lost. They will have some millions, but they lost the greater amount of the fortune and businesses. They are gone from his life, I imagine. Dead as far he is concerned.

.. or maybe they don't want the gold digger to get it all after she drove a wedge between Benson and his family?

It is amusing to me... I am willing to bet, if those who call Renee, Rita, and Ryan greedy, were in the same situation, one in which daddy marries a woman 20-some years younger and starts putting all his assets/will in her name, they would reach the same way.

RaginCajun83 02-20-2016 10:41 PM

Re: Benson trust two sides agreed to the settlement???
I'm ready for all this crap to be settled

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