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Danno 03-03-2005 01:16 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
Mike D commented on 1300 AM that the Saints invited Antonio Pierce in for a visit and he decline to even make the trip. Said that kinda threw the Saints for a loop.

GumboBC 03-03-2005 01:20 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
There ya go folks. Are you happy now. The Saints tried to sign your guy and he turned us down.

You said you\'d be happy. But, I get the feeling you won\'t be.

Just like I was telling ya....

Now, what would you do to get him? Anybody?

saintswhodi 03-03-2005 01:22 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
OH MY GOD!!! This made me feel at least 15% better. No kidding. Not only did they go after someone, or make an arbitrary visit invite, but they went after THE GUY, at least in my mind. If it\'s true, it lifts my spirits some. It gives me a small glimmer of hope. But ont he other hand, did we lay all our eggs in that basket with no backup plan?


Said that kinda threw the Saints for a loop
Sounds like it, and it would be just like us. But they made an attempt, so maybe 2 or 3 years from now if we stick with them, people will think they are serious and visit.

Danno 03-03-2005 01:27 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
Same thing happened last year. They went after Milloy, called to counter-offer, and he wouldn\'t even return their call.

That pisses my Black-&-Gold loving arse off. :mad2:

GumboBC 03-03-2005 01:28 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
Here\'s some more of what Mike D. had to say. Minus the Miked D. babble!!

Said specifically the the Saints wanted LB-Antoino Pierce, but he turned down a invite and the FO seemed to be lost as to what to do next.

Say\'s Mayberry is coming today, but doesn\'t think the Saints can convince him to sign.

Howard will be traded for a decent return, there are several teams actively pursuing a trade and not even the Saints can botch this.

The are still working with Jacksonville about getting Donivon Darious.

saintswhodi 03-03-2005 01:33 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
Thanks for the reports, both of you guys, yes even your antagonistic arse Gumbo. I am telling you I have been furious for days, this makes me feel marginally better although, A) they didn\'t have a plan after Pierce and B) our organization is so screwed up from the outside players won\'t even visit. This is freaking terrible. I have to agree with you on that Danno.

GoldenTomb 03-03-2005 01:34 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.

There ya go folks. Are you happy now. The Saints tried to sign your guy and he turned us down.

You said you\'d be happy. But, I get the feeling you won\'t be.

Just like I was telling ya....

Now, what would you do to get him? Anybody?

Well I think the informed persons on this board are resigned to the fact that some players will not even consider New Orleans as a place to play.

Does that mean we shouldn\'t aim high?? I\'d think not. As far as I\'m concerned, we should just dust ourselves off and try again(with another player).

Instead of being afraid to get their feelings hurt the team needs to approach this more as a business and less with a \"will you be my friend\" mentality.

But I am slightly less pessimistic with this news. ;)

BreesFN9 03-03-2005 01:34 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
Man soooo much happening and so many dissapointments etc, etc. I want all theses positions filled just as bad as anyone but I take a look at the end of last year, and it makes me remember....follow along for a minute now and see if your in this boat too............

at 4 and 8, the season was lost, 6-8 at least getting to close to not being a joke, 7-8 all of a sudden 500 seems like a possible playoff spot, and finally 8-8, should\'ve been enough but the NFL\'S STUPID 3 way tie rule Screws the Saints out of a playoff spot!

At the 4 and 8 spot this team was close to an all out house cleaning, Staff, players, Everything, Starting from scratch ( Just my opinion ) And I remember thinking, MAN if these guys could just have 1 more season to get it together...Maybe then!

Then comes at the 8-8 finish and a pretty good last 4 games, Now this team has the owner ( Fans ) thinking the same thing! But as it seems With the Saints, We always want more, and are never happy with what we got. Now go get this guy, and sign him, We\'ll be the best then!! Same song just a different verse. When is what we got going to be enough? I like this team with or without any more additions! The Howard situation is still up in the air, and this team has done well in the draft, Let\'s focus on some of the positive , though I know it\'s tough. We all want everything and more...It\'s human nature!

P.S I don\'t mean to speak for everyone when I say things like \'We\", Just my opinion, and way of staying positive for me.

saintswhodi 03-03-2005 01:38 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.

When is what we got going to be enough? I like this team with or without any more additions!
Stall, give me what you are smoking cause I need it, bad. :rauch06: So you are satisfied with Victor Riley and that he can get it done? And James Allen? And Boo? And Gandy? And Tesucky? You are fine with these players? I really do need a hit of that, seriously. :P

GumboBC 03-03-2005 01:41 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.

Stall, give me what you are smoking cause I need it, bad.

Maybe Stall has been hanging around Rickey

BreesFN9 03-03-2005 01:44 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
C.mon!! Any body out there not BITTERED to the \" POINT OF NO RETURN \" !!!!

NO I don\'t know R Williams and for the Record, NO I don\'t think Riley is the answer, He will be replaced before all is said and done.

saintswhodi 03-03-2005 01:52 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.

and for the Record, NO I don\'t think Riley is the answer,
So then Stall your statement that you are fine with THIS team and we don\'t need any additions was false no? Look at it this way though, you caused Gumbo and I to have a laugh together, something I don\'t think has happened since I have been here. You are a difference maker even if you didn\'t mean to be. ;)

Gumbo, the man doesn\'t know Ricky, but maybe Chong is on speed dial. :rauch06:

JOESAM2002 03-03-2005 01:58 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.

our organization is so screwed up from the outside players won\'t even visit.
This is exactly what scares the hell out of me. There has been nothing positive out of the Saints organization in so long it tends to make me wonder if this might not be a fact. All this talk of trouble between the offense and defense. The owner calling it a high school team. The head coach damn near being fired. A defensive co-ordinator that is impossible to figure out. And to top it all off, when they do get rid of someone, they don\'t even look outside the organization for a replacement. I\'m really at a loss about this team. I\'m finding it very hard to see where this team is heading this offseason. I\'m waiting for my phone to ring, hell about 150 years ago I was a pretty good MLB and at 6\'2\" 330 lbs I can still roll as fast as some of these guys can run. Besides, I\'ve only had 4 knee operations. Oh yea, and one little heart operation. :givebeer:

BreesFN9 03-03-2005 02:01 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
AHH A Miss quote I see. Well I\'m glad to be amusing you both BUT I never said I was Not going to be Happy IF changes are going to be made, And I think a few are comming, I just said that if they were NOT I would still have enough faith from the 4 games at the end of last year, That this team could put a good season in next year!

P.S I think I\'d get less laughs on a PANTHERS board then here!

saintswhodi 03-03-2005 02:28 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
I\'m with you Joe. That definitely scares me too. I so hope this is not the case, but the problem is, it may very well be.

Stall, huh? You lost me on the Panthers board thing. I think THEY WILL be fine once they get their players healthy, ours were healthy. We need changes and NOONE should be fine with the status quo. But your optimism is genuine so at least everyone isn\'t soured.

[Edited on 3/3/2005 by saintswhodi]

baronm 03-03-2005 02:29 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
so what was their contengency plan and plan to attract more free agents.

GoldenTomb 03-03-2005 02:33 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.

so what was their contengency plan and plan to attract more free agents.
And that\'s the million dollar question.

LKelley67 03-03-2005 02:35 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
i\'ve got my hopes up... no plan is better than a bad plan LOL

JKool 03-03-2005 03:26 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
What this thing with Pierce suggests to me is threefold: (1) our organization is not as mikey mouse as our pessimists like to think, (2) our Howard trade may be crucial - it may be the only way to get the superstar we all want here, and (3) the focus on the draft is much more explainable now - we can\'t get who we want in FA, so we need to move in the draft.

Let\'s get Andre Dyson, Floyd Womack, and Ian Gold. We could alternatively trade Howard for Peterson and only get Womack and someone else, maybe an OG or a DT.

There are still a lot of options.

ssmitty 03-03-2005 05:37 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.

Mike D commented on 1300 AM that the Saints invited Antonio Pierce in for a visit and he decline to even make the trip. Said that kinda threw the Saints for a loop.
just stay away from the beef danno, 167% more mad cow content.........smitty

WhoDat 03-03-2005 09:55 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.

quote: our organization is so screwed up from the outside players won\'t even visit.

This is exactly what scares the hell out of me. There has been nothing positive out of the Saints organization in so long it tends to make me wonder if this might not be a fact. All this talk of trouble between the offense and defense. The owner calling it a high school team. The head coach damn near being fired. A defensive co-ordinator that is impossible to figure out. And to top it all off, when they do get rid of someone, they don\'t even look outside the organization for a replacement. I\'m really at a loss about this team.
M-I-C.... K-E-Y....

Seems like someone said this a long time ago. Maybe Kyle Turley proved once again that crazy don\'t mean dumb.

Saint_LB 03-03-2005 10:12 PM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
Why don\'t FA\'s come here? These guys do have agents, and I would think that they would want to get some kind of idea about what kind of money or deal they are talking about before they put their guy on a plane...just a theory, but there is some truth to the phrase, \"Money talks... BS walks.\"

shadowdrinker 03-04-2005 02:03 AM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
They don\'t come here because..

1. THE OWNER CALLED HIS OWN TEAM HIGH SCHOOLERS!!!!!!...That\'s like Ford calling the Mustang a \'\'Sissy Car\'\'...Think about it..

2. L.A. is still looming...and we are top on the list

3. Haslett..for whatever reason, is still is Venturi..these guys are considered a joke...and the players are showing it by blowing off any invite...

It\'s not a good time to be a Saint....

[Edited on 4/3/2005 by shadowdrinker]

WhoDat 03-04-2005 08:33 AM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
There are three good reasons why a player would blow off the Saints.

First - money. The Saints don\'t pay. Period. We may have some big names, but AB was the last guy to get a \"big\" contract, and that was a guy already with the team. The Saints tend to underpay deserving players and overpay bums (see Sullivan, Tebucky, cough Brooks cough)... Why waste your time if the money ain\'t coming?

Second, even if you think the money may come, why go to New Orleans? Money isn\'t the only way players make decisions. For the most part, a highly sought after player is going to get offers that, over the long run, don\'t differ a ton. If you have to think about other factors, do you really want to play for a perinial loser with a bunch of underachievers, problems top to bottom, in one of the league\'s smallest and poorest markets with no real shot at playing for a championship? The New Orleans Saints are the LA Clippers, without the benefits of LA....

Third, if you\'re not likely to get paid, you don\'t believe in the coaches, other players, FO, or team\'s ability to succeed, and see NO as a place players come to die, that\'s probably enough to make you stay away. But if you need even more incentive - this is a very volitile franchise. Negotiations with the State, coaches leaving, GMs fired at the drop of a hat, you never know who the next team cancer will be, players fitiing on planes... There\'s just no security or professionalism in New Orleans - and maybe a player isn\'t wise enough to see that, but his agent certainly is.

GumboBC 03-04-2005 08:42 AM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
Well, as it turns out, Pierce was scheduled to visit many teams but the Giants called and made him an offer that was more than he was seeking. He then informed his agent to get the deal done and cancel all talks and visits with all teams. Including the Saints.

But, carry on telling us why the Saints suck!

[Edited on 4/3/2005 by GumboBC]

WhoDat 03-04-2005 09:06 AM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
I will. And you just keep on explaining how OG, TE, and RB will fix all the team\'s problems. You seem to have \"flopped\" back over from the \"I don\'t like what I\'m seeing\" side to the \"Sunny\" side of the street. What did that take, 10 seconds?

GumboBC 03-04-2005 09:14 AM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
More great insight from WhoDat. Seems you have more of an axe to grind than talk any of the players in free-agency. Carrry on.... :casstet:

WhoDat 03-04-2005 09:17 AM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.
Oh, I\'m sorry. Did I interrupt you? Please, by all means, carry on. You were just about to explain to all of us how Ron Dayne would solve all of the Saints problems...

GumboBC 03-04-2005 09:30 AM

Mike D - Antonio Pierce rejected Saints.

Oh, I\'m sorry. Did I interrupt you? Please, by all means, carry on. You were just about to explain to all of us how Ron Dayne would solve all of the Saints problems...
I\'m here to talk about the players the Saints are interested in and how they would fit in and help at certain positions.

You, and many others, seem like you have an axe to grind with the Saints\' organization. And you bring it in every thread. Why?

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