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saintsfan1976 12-07-2016 10:42 PM

Re: Drew Brees
Lions brought pressure and covered well.

When are we going to solidify our damn O line???

Rugby Saint II 12-08-2016 04:58 PM

Re: Drew Brees

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 729472)
Have to agree here. People routinely talk about our next franchise QB, but can anyone say for sure where or when we might find him? By my count we've had 2 truly great QB's in our entire history, and they were separated by decades. Maybe we get lucky and find that next guy sooner than later, but in the meantime I think you ride your future HOF QB until he can't go anymore.

Well said sir! Well said.:bng:

The Dude 12-10-2016 10:37 PM

Re: Drew Brees

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 729418)
I had a lot of issues with this game, and I'm not sure I can name many who didn't botch something. The line was not good in pass protection, but on his first two interceptions he had plenty of time and just made horrible throws. I noticed that he kept staring down Cooks every time he threw his way. Reminded me of the later Jimmy Graham years.

The lack of balance in play calling was evident to everyone, and was miserable.

Payton cost us a timeout by challenging a call that wasn't even reviewable. Cooks was clearly not down, but they called him down and you can't change that. I can't believe that no one on the Saints sideline said anything to Payton about that, and I can't believe he didn't know that. Also, I couldn't believe the refs LET him challenge it. When something isn't reviewable, they are supposed to say that. It was a total waste of a challenge and timeout, especially when it was first and goal inside the 1.

Fleener had multiple critical drops. He is everything he was in Indy. A guy who might put up some stats, because he isn't a true tight end and can get open fairly well, but he drops way too many balls. This was common knowledge.

The defensive backfield was pathetic. They just left guys wide open all day. Breaux, in particular, got burned several times. He had perfect position on one, and seemed to literally just let Tate catch the ball. He made no effort to knock the ball away despite the fact that he was pretty much running the route for the receiver. This entire secondary has atrocious ball skills. Even when they are playing decent, they don't make big plays. There were multiple dropped interceptions, again.

I'm sure there is more, but that's about all I care to say about the negatives. Too many of them.

If a play is not reviewable I think its stupid that they would take away his timeout for throwing the flag. Yea it was bone headed on Paytons part but if its not reviewable in the first place why would a challenge flag even count one way or another.

burningmetal 12-10-2016 10:54 PM

Re: Drew Brees

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 729733)
If a play is not reviewable I think its stupid that they would take away his timeout for throwing the flag. Yea it was bone headed on Paytons part but if its not reviewable in the first place why would a challenge flag even count one way or another.

They took the timeout away because they decided to review a play that is not reviewable. It's as simple as that.

I don't have any idea how they justified going forward with the replay, but whatever they thought they were doing, it was in error. You can't review anything that is blown dead, unless it is to determine a change of possession. But that's not what was being reviewed.

So you're right, it was stupid. And that was my point in a nutshell.

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