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RailBoss 01-15-2017 12:15 PM

If The Saints Moved To Another City
Since it's kinda of quiet around here and we all are watching other teams
in Post-Season. I was thinking about the Chargers Fans and the dilemma
of their team moving to LA. If we Who-Dats were faced with the same situation
I'm wondering how many of us would stay with this team wherever it landed.
I remember not to long ago the whole San Antonio issue which thankfully faded away.

frydaddy 01-15-2017 12:23 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
If they stayed within the state, maybe. If they moved out of state, definitely not.

spkb25 01-15-2017 12:49 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
2 questions would need answering

1rst- What would they be doing with Low Energy?

Danno 01-15-2017 12:56 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
If they stayed on the gulf coast I'd still be a fan, anywhere else they become my most hated team

UK_WhoDat 01-15-2017 01:32 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
I would be bitter

bobdog86 01-15-2017 02:23 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
depends on a couple things, where (location) why (greed from owner, city/state political shenanigans) and then possibly the general consensus of what my Who dat brothers think. But I'd be pissed that's for sure

stickman 01-15-2017 03:51 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
I wouldn't follow them. I'd only be interested in the NFL from a fantasy league perspective.

Don't get me wrong, I understand it's a business. They have a right to do what makes them the most money, but, we have the right to stop spending our money on them.

WillSaints81 01-15-2017 04:15 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
San Antonio is in the next state over. Shift loyalty to the texans who are closest to state in that regard? San Antonio is closer than Dallas.

Crusader 01-15-2017 05:16 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
I would probably stop watching football altogether.

vpheughan 01-15-2017 07:35 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
Wait until the Saints organization asks for a "new stadium"

halloween 65 01-15-2017 07:43 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
I would hate them for moving. I've only known them as the New orleans Saints since birth.

SmashMouth 01-15-2017 08:10 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City

nola_swammi 01-15-2017 10:42 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
I stress over this topic too much when it was a relevant question. No reason to start bringing up another franchise misfortunes and placing a what would I do here

jeanpierre 01-15-2017 11:23 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 733666)
If they stayed on the gulf coast I'd still be a fan, anywhere else they become my most hated team

Benson and his traitorous host would be cursed to the Ninth Circle of Hell...

And then I'd only be a Patriots fan...

44Champs 01-15-2017 11:43 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
They'd be a totally different team and belong to someone else. I couldnt do it.

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MatthewT 01-16-2017 04:52 AM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
I'm pretty much thinking it would depend where they go and for what reason. I think had they moved to San Antonio, I may have continued watching them for at least a little while, a move to Los Angeles and it would have been over with immediately. The thing that would have sucked even more is since I live in the Jackson, MS area it would have been almost a guarantee that this area would be a secondary market of the Dallas Cowboys. (At least with Dak it would be a little easier to stomach...)

neugey 01-16-2017 06:55 AM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
If the unthinkable happened they ought to change the nickname and colors, those belong in NOLA.

Barry from MS 01-16-2017 09:57 AM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
I'd be an even bigger fan if they became the Biloxi Saints (never happen). Otherwise, anything outside the SE US I'd be done with them.

Seer1 01-16-2017 10:02 AM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
One question and one answer:
Who the **** is Low Energy?
Anywhere, but Texas....

Rugby Saint II 01-16-2017 11:17 AM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
I'd become a Raiders fan again.

AsylumGuido 01-16-2017 11:59 AM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City

Originally Posted by Seer1 (Post 733738)
One question and one answer:
Who the **** is Low Energy?
Anywhere, but Texas....

It is spkb25 trying to be cute. It's his new nickname for Sean Payton. He has some sort of irrational hatred for Payton.

The Dude 01-16-2017 12:58 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
I would but I doubt I could be as die hard.
If that happened something would die in me I couldn't get back when it comes to football. I would probably just pay more attention to college and wind up just watching NFL highlights until something caught my interest.

foreverfan 01-16-2017 01:11 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
What... I can't post stupid cat pics?

Seer1 01-16-2017 01:36 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 733773)
What... I can't post stupid cat pics?

I beg of you, please do! Bring us back down to Earth.

Seer1 01-16-2017 01:37 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 733763)
It is spkb25 trying to be cute. It's his new nickname for Sean Payton. He has some sort of irrational hatred for Payton.

What a stupid ****ing name!

Tobias-Reiper 01-16-2017 01:43 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 733666)
If they stayed on the gulf coast I'd still be a fan, anywhere else they become my most hated team

The only 2 possible locations within the Gulf Coast would be San Antonio, or Mexico City :) Would you still be a Santos fan if that happen? ;)


Originally Posted by neugey (Post 733727)
If the unthinkable happened they ought to change the nickname and colors, those belong in NOLA.

Was going to post the same. If they move, keep name and colors in NO.

Utah_Saint 01-16-2017 01:47 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
It wouldn't bother me a bit if the Saints moved to another city.

Baton Rouge
Lake Charles

all fine cities.

Heck, The Ville Platte Saints kinda has a catchy ring to it.

I'm open to the possibilities.

RailBoss 01-16-2017 03:04 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Seer1 (Post 733777)
What a stupid ****ing name!

Low E..........................

SaintFanQ 01-16-2017 04:13 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
The idea of New Orleans not having the Saints around just doesn't bare thinking about! :-(

It would be terrible for the Saints fans and the City!

But, as someone has already said it is a business and money talks, especially in the NFL, so I guess anything is possible.


But don't GEAUX from New Orleans!

jnormand 01-16-2017 04:15 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 733665)
2 questions would need answering

1rst- What would they be doing with Low Energy?

Jesus Spike. I think the real question is wtf are you gonna do and who are you gonna hate on if they do get rid of him or the team turns it around? Lol.

What are you gonna talk about?!

foreverfan 01-16-2017 06:58 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City

Originally Posted by ForeverFan
What... I can't post stupid cat pics?


Originally Posted by Seer1 (Post 733776)
I beg of you, please do! Bring us back down to Earth.

AsylumGuido 01-17-2017 07:54 AM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 733803)
Jesus Spike. I think the real question is wtf are you gonna do and who are you gonna hate on if they do get rid of him or the team turns it around? Lol.

What are you gonna talk about?!

Yup. Mr. Negativity would be in a quandary.

stickman 01-17-2017 12:11 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
Kind of an afterthought here, but, since Benson owns the Saints and the Pelicans, I imagine any scenario that would have New Orleans losing the Saints would have us losing the Pelicans as well.

I realize that some of you don't care about the Pelicans, but, that would leave New Orleans with AAA baseball, and something like 7th division soccer.

That would be a shame.

Budsdrinker 01-17-2017 12:46 PM

Re: If The Saints Moved To Another City
If that were to happen, my man cave would turn into a baseball shrine.

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