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dberce1 03-22-2005 08:26 AM

Bill would bar state payments to the Saints

Bill would bar state payments to the Saints
3/21/2005, 3:51 p.m. CT
The Associated Press

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Negotiations between the state and the Saints to keep the NFL team in New Orleans are ongoing, but one state senator wants to set some parameters now: namely, that the Saints won't get any money from state coffers as part of a deal.

Danno 03-22-2005 08:29 AM

Bill would bar state payments to the Saints

Sen. Rob Marionneaux, D-Livonia, has filed a bill for the upcoming legislative session that would bar the state from spending any money \" for the benefit of any National Football League franchise.\"
How about for the benfit of Louisiana and New Orleans.
Typical short-sighted idiot.
But you get what you vote for.

WhoDat 03-22-2005 08:57 AM

Bill would bar state payments to the Saints

for the benefit of
It\'s Louisiana, so you never know, but I would think that this language is pretty insufficient. What about if the State pays for a Super Bowl? NFL Franchises benefit from that. That opens the door to lawsuit... Maybe if it said \"direct payment to a franchise for reasons other than....\" Of course, this is Louisiana, so you never know.

I will say this. I am SHOCKED that a Democratic senator from Livonia is introducing this bill!!! LMAO. (yeah, that\'s sarcasm).

frankeefrank 03-22-2005 02:17 PM

Bill would bar state payments to the Saints
Don\'t think it\'s related but anyt of you see the story today.

Arthur Blank is going to pay for his own stadium upgrades...
I don\'t know all the particulars in our Dome talks, but 150 million is right about the number the state wants Benson to fork over right?
This isn\'t good news.

WhoDat 03-22-2005 02:39 PM

Bill would bar state payments to the Saints
Bad news for who? This should put pressure on both sides to settle this thing.

Benson: Other owners are spending their own money? Not only \"other owners,\" but the owner of the team that is most closely watched and related to the Saints? I\'ve got an average team with fans booing at home? Better do something before I lost this cushy gig (contrary to what people say, this is very cushy for Tom. Moving to LA would cost him millions. Expenses of moving, he would have to spend the money to be a winner lest he sink faster than the Titanic in LA, huge investments for marketing the new team in a new market, and all that without being paid tens of millions of dollars a year for his mere pressence).

State: Lots of other states are spending money to upgrade stadiums. Now, a group of cities is trying to create a coalition to periodically and repetitvely host the Super Bowl, and despite having hosted it more than any other city, New Orleans isn\'t on the list. What\'s more, the $300 million + that the SB brings hasn\'t come this way in years, and won\'t again, for years. Let\'s pony up and get ourselves out of the media where other big businesses can see the way we jerk around our corporations and aren\'t really interested in business development.

LKelley67 03-22-2005 03:53 PM

Bill would bar state payments to the Saints
it couldn\'t hurt deluging him with email.

mention incentives to other industries...


Capitol Office
P.O. Box 94183
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
(225) 342-2040

District Office
P.O. Box 577
Livonia, LA 70755-0577
(225) 637-3623

LKelley67 03-22-2005 04:00 PM

Bill would bar state payments to the Saints
and from another source---

Hey guys most of you know of my site by now, but we never know who doesn\'t and we need all the help we can get.

I make absolutely nothing off this site, so I\'m not asking for your visits to gain financially, I just want the Saints to stay in N.O.!!! Please if anyone has connections to radio or TV stations, plug the site so maybe, just maybe we can have our voices heard.

To all that have seen me post in here before, I apologize, but as a 24 yr old grad LSU I don\'t have any other connections and just want to do everything I can to keep the Black and Gold here.

Thanks to all!! and Go Saints!!

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