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GumboBC 03-23-2005 12:39 PM

Who's with me ??
Since Haslett and Loomis are returing this season, I think we should all hope the Saints have a terrible season.


Hear me out folks ...

If we lose and end up with the worst record in the NFL, Haslett and Loomis are almost certain to lose their jobs. Granted, we don't know who will replace them, but it certainly couldn't be any worse than missing the playoffs for 4 years in a row.

And also ... Brooks would most likely get the boot and we would have the first pick in the draft.

Look guys ... We need to sacrifice this season in order to get better in the long run. It's the only way out.

Let's hope that Howard doesn't get traded for a LB. We need to lose this year. Even if we do go to the playoffs, there is no way we are going to the super bowl.

I know I'm right about this and I'm sure I'll take some heat for saying it ... but I'm honestly thinking of what's best for the team.

Who's with me?

[Edited on 23/3/2005 by GumboBC]

saintswhodi 03-23-2005 12:41 PM

Who's with me ??
I love this new guy. I don\'t know what you did with Gumbo, but I hope you stay. :broccoli:

LKelley67 03-23-2005 12:44 PM

Who's with me ??


natedogg02 03-23-2005 12:58 PM

Who's with me ??
Gumbe must be messed up in the head. Wanting your team to lose? Want Haz gone? (8-8 is better then 3-13) Want Brooks gone? (ranks top 10 in most everything at the QB positon, every year) yea that\'s somebody i dont want on my team, lol. Your prob. one that boo\'s before the game ever starts.

GoldenTomb 03-23-2005 12:59 PM

Who's with me ??
Mmmm....somehow I doubt you are sincere with your new change of attitude Gumbo.

But it\'s just like caring for your children. Sometimes you have to do unpleasant things to them to protect them in the long run, like taking them to the doctor for a shot. I realize that the Saints playing really bad for one year would really suck, but we would have a bunch of early round picks to re-build the franchise on. What\'s better...another 8-8 record or a 1-15 record? Last I checked both were at home watching the playoffs. The way things are going now, it\'s headed that way anyway. The team is doing just enough to keep their heads above water. It\'s just a matter of time before we start slowly sinking.

And you\'re right....why expect anything different that what they already shown us?

saintswhodi 03-23-2005 01:02 PM

Who's with me ??

Want Brooks gone? (ranks top 10 in most everything at the QB positon, every year)
Nate, you do know AB was the 19th rated QB last year right? And rarely is he top 10 in most everything every year, unless you count turnovers. Your blind devotion is starting to scare me.

GumboBC 03-23-2005 01:02 PM

Who's with me ??

Gumbe must be messed up in the head. Wanting your team to lose? Want Haz gone? (8-8 is better then 3-13) Want Brooks gone? (ranks top 10 in most everything at the QB positon, every year) yea that\'s somebody i dont want on my team, lol. Your prob. one that boo\'s before the game ever starts.
Think about it. Four years without the playoffs?! You think we\'re going this year? Why? Still got the same coaches. Brooks has proven he can\'t ever lead us to the playoffs.

What best is for us to lose THIS year and be better in the long run.

If we don\'t make the playoffs this year ... what\'s the difference?

At least if we go 2-14 we get a high draft pick and the coaches will get fired.

What\'s the difference between 8-8 and 2-14? Neither make the playoffs.

LKelley67 03-23-2005 01:05 PM

Who's with me ??
c\'mon billy we need to hear more to be convinced. you really think a 4-12 to become 12-4 is better than another 8-8?

4saintspirit 03-23-2005 01:05 PM

Who's with me ??
Hmm -- losing team -- Yeah that will help in the negotiations to keep the Saints in town.

saintswhodi 03-23-2005 01:06 PM

Who's with me ??

Hmm -- losing team -- Yeah that will help in the negotiations to keep the Saints in town.

I guess this is opposed to all the winning they have been doing the past few years huh?

GumboBC 03-23-2005 01:09 PM

Who's with me ??
Hey .. you guys converted me.

Now, let\'s keep it real fellow moonshiners.

No more talking about the draft or trading Darren Howard.

Let\'s put our money where our mouth is.


We need to hope this team sucks this year so changes will be made.

No more talking about the stupid draft or any improvements that have been made. We all know the Saints aren\'t going to do anything.

No proven linebacker. Venturi still here.


Danno 03-23-2005 01:14 PM

Who's with me ??
Yup, finishing last, firing all the coaches, dumping players...
It\'ll make that transition to Los Angeles as painless as possible.

Then you can become a Falcon Fan and raise the IQ level of both teams.

GoldenTomb 03-23-2005 01:15 PM

Who's with me ??
OK...change that awful avatar and I\'ll believe you. ;)

Now you\'ve gone from one extreme to another. Neither is good thinking. I think most will at least wait until pre-season to officially put in the \"let\'s tank the season\" votes.

GumboBC 03-23-2005 01:18 PM

Who's with me ??

Yup, finishing last, firing all the coaches, dumping players...
It\'ll make that transition to Los Angeles as painless as possible.

Then you can become a Falcon Fan and raise the IQ level of both teams.
But Danno. How many years is enough for you? 5? 6? 10?

When is enough enough?

I don\'t know about you, but I\'ve seen enough. You think something \"magical\" is going to happen this year? Come on, Danno. You can be optimistic but you don\'t have any facts to support it with?!

LOL ... I like your optimism but I\'m a realist.

;) ;) ;) ;)

Danno 03-23-2005 01:23 PM

Who's with me ??


Yup, finishing last, firing all the coaches, dumping players...
It\'ll make that transition to Los Angeles as painless as possible.

Then you can become a Falcon Fan and raise the IQ level of both teams.
But Danno. How many years is enough for you? 5? 6? 10?

When is enough enough?

I don\'t know about you, but I\'ve seen enough. You think something \"magical\" is going to happen this year? Come on, Danno. You can be optimistic but you don\'t have any facts to support it with?!

LOL ... I like your optimism but I\'m a realist.

;) ;) ;) ;)
LOL, A realist
B&G Realist: Someone who points out every possible negative about any situation, and completely ignores any sliver of the positive about any situation.

On this site a realist is simply a pessimist who refuses to admit it.
Hell, half the people on this site had their blood type changed to B-Negative.

[Edited on 23/3/2005 by Danno]

BlackandBlue 03-23-2005 01:28 PM

Who's with me ??
This would never work. I would vomit if Leinert declared that he would stay at USC for another year...

natedogg02 03-23-2005 01:29 PM

Who's with me ??
Hey i\'m not trying to bash you i\'m just saying, ever heard of supporting your team, instead of complaining about everything. And if Brooks was ranked #19th -Bad things happen when you throw 40 to 60 times a game trying to make up the 30 pt differance. Haz is the best NO has seen since Mora, so excuse me if i\'m not ready to kick him out the door everytime something goes wrong

shadowdrinker 03-23-2005 01:30 PM

Who's with me ??
I\'m somehow unimpressed with your recent jumping from one side of the fence to the other...

Loosing has never helped any team succeed...or any individual...

IF the team were to loose 5 of the first 7 or so..then might be time to break out the paper sacks...

The Draft may turn out pretty good...and Howard is still a very viable option for a trade...

We\'ve just come off of a very good FA period...and we\'ve made some big strides...The coaching has changed a little, maybe not enough..but, I am not going to write off the entire season before the Draft...

Infact...your recent surge of critisizm really make me think we\'ll do good..You are usually wrong at predicting the outcomes of these things, and more times than not, what your say will happen, happens the opposite way..

So..yeah..I\'m stoked..haha

GumboBC 03-23-2005 01:34 PM

Who's with me ??
Oh, hell no. This is just too much fun.

I find someone who wants the Saints to win or sees something that looks opitmistic and I just shoot it down.

And the facts are on MY side.

Four years with no playoffs.
Same coaches.
Same QB.
Didn\'t address too much in free-agency.

LMAO ... And we\'ve got some folks who are optimisic about this season? Chumps ... ;)

Now, if I can get the rest of the moonshiners to quit talking about the stupid draft.

Saint_LB ... are you with me? No more draft talk for the Saints. We know it ain\'t gonna help.

WhoDat --- Are you with me?

bignic26 03-23-2005 01:44 PM

Who's with me ??
I\'m away from my computer for a few minutes and I come back to this!!! What the heck is going here? This is like the Twilight Zone or something. :seeingstars:

shadowdrinker 03-23-2005 01:50 PM

Who's with me ??

What the heck happened to you man?...Your one sided optomizm was at times, flawed, But..It was who you were...that\'s why people responded to your posts..and thoughts...and you HAD some relevant points..But it seems as if you\'ve gone MAD with rage...

How many posts does it take to achieve insanity?....

My guess...somehwere around 2000...hahaha

WhoDat 03-23-2005 01:51 PM

Who's with me ??
What\'s an optimist\'s blood type Danno? I dunno? O-positive? Probably more like AB-Positive. LOL.

natedogg02 03-23-2005 01:52 PM

Who's with me ??
When did you become a Saints fan in 2000 when Haz first came because you\'ve apprantly never had to deal with less then a 8-8 season. (just going by how bad you want haz out) Did you happen to see how the steelers turned it around last year, compared to the yr. before. So heck yea i\'m optimistic.

GumboBC 03-23-2005 01:53 PM

Who's with me ??
For those of you that don\'t know, I\'m just playing around.

Danno 03-23-2005 01:55 PM

Who's with me ??

What\'s an optimist\'s blood type Danno? I dunno? O-positive? Probably more like AB-Positive. LOL.
LOL, why did I get the feeling you\'d be the 1st to respond?

BTW: Mine actually is O-positive!

WhoDat 03-23-2005 02:00 PM

Who's with me ??
Mine is Jack Daniels...

Savant 03-23-2005 08:09 PM

Who's with me ??
Well, to say that i would want the saints to have a bad year just to give rid of some people(jim haslett) and pick up some high draft picks would go against every fiber of my body. Even though i thought Haslett should have been fire the year before, and the Saints should have already found future replacements for a underprerforming defense , i can\'t in good concious wish the Saints ill will. You also have to think about the pyschology of the whole thing. Another season of not getting in the playoffs would be a devistating blow to the teams self-confidence. If the front office would be more aggressive in actually signing people that could make an impact and still has years of prime football playing left ahead of them, then maybe this team could turn around. They\'ve done well so far in this off-season, but for Jim Haslett sake, i think it might be too little too late. Plus, i think people have been too hard on Brooks. Do you guys forget the defense that has been supporting him. Look as some of the QB\'s that have won super-bowls. Trent Dilfer and Rob Johnson! And then you look at some of the great quarterbacks of today that have\'nt been to the big game: Peyton Manning , Steve McNair, and Dante Cullpepper. Can you say that these three qb\'s dont match up to Trent Dilfer or Rob Johnson? No. It just goes to show you that defense wins championships. Period.

RockyMountainSaint 03-23-2005 08:41 PM

Who's with me ??
Compare Johnson\'s and Dilfer\'s contracts to what AB is getting paid.
They were also realistic enough to know that they weren\'t one of the top 5 QBs in the league, whereas AB belives he is the second coming.
This is where a lot of the \"Bashing\" of Brooks comes from.
It is also where some of the \"Bashng\" of Haz comes from, given his blind devotion to a QB who quite frankly often plays as if he is blind.

Saint_LB 03-23-2005 08:42 PM

Who's with me ??

For those of you that don\'t know, I\'m just playing around.
Oh, darn...just when I was about to jump on board!! :(

CheramieIII 03-23-2005 09:31 PM

Who's with me ??
Don\'t worry the real Gumbo will be back before long. He\'s just trying that reverse psychology crap.

:soleil: :soleil: :soleil: :soleil: :soleil: :soleil: :soleil: :soleil:

saintswhodi 03-24-2005 09:02 AM

Who's with me ??
Can someone tell me when ROB JOHNSON won a Superbowl? I must\'ve slept through that one. :no_no:

duece4pres 03-25-2005 01:46 AM

Who's with me ??
:o Play to win. Super Bowl bound. Whose joining me!!!

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