spkb25 |
03-24-2005 10:20 PM |
Haslett admits to using steroids....
who cares. it was legal when he did it and who really cares. its not like everyone knew about them then. and really i dont see them as terrible as other people do. the ones that the pros are taking are not the one kids are taking. maybe the pros should tell kids not to take them until they can afford the good stuff. if they just let everyone take them then you would have an equal playing field. to worry about kids is ridiculous. i know people that have taken massive amounts of hard drugs and been ok. i know some that ended up addicted and it wasnt a pretty sight. but worse then all of that is i know more alcoholics and nicotine addicts then i do anyone addicted to steroids. yeah its all bs. continue to tax nicotine because people dont have a problem with that, but hold a hearing on steroids, are you kidding me. and to the parents of those kids that killed themselves you probally should have been better parents. to put the blame on something else in our day and age isnt surprising. reminds me of the racism argument. everytime someone cant accomplish something its because someone was a racist. couldnt possibly because they just cant do it. no it has to be someone or some ideas fault