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brees84 08-26-2017 02:25 PM

Kony Ealy
Patriots are releasing Kony Ealy. Definitely worth the look.

stickman 08-26-2017 03:12 PM

Re: Kony Ealy
Wouldn't be surprised to see him back in Carolina.

AsylumGuido 08-26-2017 03:39 PM

Re: Kony Ealy
Where ever he shows up I hope he's successful. I picked him up in my legacy IDP experts league this off-season. Hoping I don't need him but wouldn't mind a surprise.

ChrisXVI 08-26-2017 03:41 PM

Re: Kony Ealy
For Carolina and New England to both be willing to let him go... Something's up with him behind the scenes. Probably not worth whatever's wrong with him.

spkb25 08-26-2017 03:43 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 760859)
Where ever he shows up I hope he's successful. I picked him up in my legacy IDP experts league this off-season. Hoping I don't need him but wouldn't mind a surprise.

He stinks just like Chase Daniels and your scrub IDP team

AsylumGuido 08-26-2017 03:53 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 760862)
He stinks just like Chase Daniels and your scrub IDP team

Either you thought better of your asinine ending of your response or it was edited by a mod. You seriously have issues, my friend.

spkb25 08-26-2017 03:58 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 760866)
Either you thought better of your asinine ending of your response or it was edited by a mod.

Wasn't edited by me CFC.


Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 760866)
You seriously have issues, my friend.


ChrisXVI 08-26-2017 04:01 PM

Re: Kony Ealy
Thank you Mitch. I didn't even see what was written but I can guess and that's enough of that.

AsylumGuido 08-26-2017 04:01 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 760861)
For Carolina and New England to both be willing to let him go... Something's up with him behind the scenes. Probably not worth whatever's wrong with him.

NE said he didn't fit the defensive scheme they have decided to use this season. That's what makes the Patriots so good. They are so malleable depending upon needs. They probably respected him enough to let him go early enough to land elsewhere. Classy move.

spkb25 08-26-2017 04:04 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 760868)
Thank you Mitch. I didn't even see what was written but I can guess and that's enough of that.

Just getting started

hagan714 08-26-2017 04:22 PM

Re: Kony Ealy
head case

AsylumGuido 08-26-2017 04:28 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 760876)
head case

Kony or skpb25? :confused:

spkb25 08-26-2017 04:40 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 760879)
Kony or skpb25? :confused:

I am going to have to take exception here. Being indifferent to someone else's cancer issues doesn't actually reveal anything about a person other than being indifferent to your cancer. You should have made better choices in your life as far as your weight gain and eating habits. I am not wishing you to have cancer, I just don't care one way or the other. Your opinion of that doesn't really matter to me. Again, you spend more time on this board attacking other people than discussing the Saints. Maybe that is another reason you got cancer? You're uptight and angry. See where that got you?

|Mitch| 08-26-2017 04:59 PM

Re: Kony Ealy
Talk about a class act :rolleyes:

AsylumGuido 08-26-2017 05:10 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 760882)
I am going to have to take exception here. Being indifferent to someone else's cancer issues doesn't actually reveal anything about a person other than being indifferent to your cancer. You should have made better choices in your life as far as your weight gain and eating habits. I am not wishing you to have cancer, I just don't care one way or the other. Your opinion of that doesn't really matter to me. Again, you spend more time on this board attacking other people than discussing the Saints. Maybe that is another reason you got cancer? You're uptight and angry. See where that got you?

Look in a mirror, my friend. You know nothing about my lifestyle. No one does more attacking than you on this site and you know no bounds. I truly feel sorry for you.

spkb25 08-26-2017 05:16 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 760889)
Look in a mirror, my friend. You know nothing about my lifestyle. No one does more attacking than you on this site and you know no bounds. I truly feel sorry for you.

The only person I attack is you. You're an arrogant jerk who consistently puts people down. I said that a while ago to you. You are a big mouth bully who wouldn't dare act the way you do toward people on here if it wasn't from behind a screen.

Who was it that said you have an insufferable superiority complex and consistently complain about everyone on the board?

Apparently it isn't just me.

I do know about your lifestyle because that is another thing you discussed...being grossly overweight. I didn't invent that. You are right sir, when someone like you attacks people I know no bounds.

AsylumGuido 08-26-2017 05:31 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 760891)
The only person I attack is you. You're an arrogant jerk who consistently puts people down. I said that a while ago to you. You are a big mouth bully who wouldn't dare act the way you do toward people on here if it wasn't from behind a screen.

Who was it that said you have an insufferable superiority complex and consistently complain about everyone on the board?

Apparently it isn't just me.

I do know about your lifestyle because that is another thing you discussed...being grossly overweight. I didn't invent that. You are right sir, when someone like you attacks people I know no bounds.

When did I ever say I was grossly overweight? And when have I ever consistently complained about everyone on the board? Perhaps it is just you, my friend.

And I would happily meet you face to face to discuss differences. Let me know when you can meet me here.

spkb25 08-26-2017 05:42 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 760892)
When did I ever say I was grossly overweight? And when have I ever consistently complained about everyone on the board? Perhaps it is just you, my friend.

Apparently it is not just I since someone else stated you have an insufferable superiority complex and constantly complain. Can't be just me if someone else posted the same thing. I am not sure if you have difficulty reading?

Dude, Willsaint, Cherm the other day, and on and on. You discuss more about what people post in terms of the subject vs discussing their opinions and positions. Maybe that is slight hyperbole, but you spend a lot of time complaining about other people, the topics they choose to post or discuss, vs just arguing their points. It isn't me because I rarely create threads, but you did do that previously when I posted an article Brees was quoted in. You attacked me posting the article and I didn't even offer any opinion of the article. I simply posted something for people to read. You immediately lashed out and attacked, like you do to other people. It is one constant around here. But our discussion is over. I don't aim to be friends with you so please stop referring to me as that, unless you are using the MF intentionally. Wouldn't surprise. But either way, honestly, there is not one other person on this board I truly dislike other than you and at first I liked reading your post etc, but then when you turned to constantly attacking people I got tired of it.

Who you are on this board is who I suspect you are in life. A bully. Someone who picks on people weaker. I wouldn't be friends with you here or in life.

AsylumGuido 08-26-2017 05:55 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 760895)
Apparently it is not just I since someone else stated you have an insufferable superiority complex and constantly complain. Can't be just me if someone else posted the same thing. I am not sure if you have difficulty reading?

Dude, Willsaint, Cherm the other day, and on and on. You discuss more about what people post in terms of the subject vs discussing their opinions and positions. Maybe that is slight hyperbole, but you spend a lot of time complaining about other people, the topics they choose to post or discuss, vs just arguing their points. It isn't me because I rarely create threads, but you did do that previously when I posted an article Brees was quoted in. You attacked me posting the article and I didn't even offer any opinion of the article. I simply posted something for people to read. You immediately lashed out and attacked, like you do to other people. It is one constant around here. But our discussion is over. I don't aim to be friends with you so please stop referring to me as that, unless you are using the MF intentionally. Wouldn't surprise. But either way, honestly, there is not one other person on this board I truly dislike other than you and at first I liked reading your post etc, but then when you turned to constantly attacking people I got tired of it.

Who you are on this board is who I suspect you are in life. A bully. Someone who picks on people weaker. I wouldn't be friends with you here or in life.

Wow! Everyone includes WillSaint81 whom The Dude has mercilessly ridiculed himself. And many others on this site much more than me.

And then Cherm. Cherm and I are cool. We communicated like adults right away offline.

Okay, that leaves your supposed "on and on." Who might that be?

Hopefully you learned a little about yourself through this. You have a tendency to be negative about things. As a fellow Saints fan I simply hope to help you look more at what can be than what can't be. That appears to piss you off.

In addition, I am sorry that I picked on you ...


The Dude 08-26-2017 06:00 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 760866)
Either you thought better of your asinine ending of your response or it was edited by a mod. You seriously have issues, my friend.

Been gone a day or so. You were mum for a while when I posted the ABCs of your pathetic life but I'm sure someone in one of your supports groups patted you on your back and told you what a trooper you are for going through more adversity than anyone else has.
Now your back to making yourself feel good about your pathetic life by picking on people on the computer. I'd love to see how you act towards people in real life

spkb25 08-26-2017 06:02 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 760897)
Wow! Everyone includes WillSaint81 whom The Dude has mercilessly ridiculed himself. And many others on this site much more than me.

And then Cherm. Cherm and I are cool. We communicated like adults right away offline.

Okay, that leaves your supposed "on and on." Who might that be?

Hopefully you learned a little about yourself through this. You have a tendency to be negative about things. As a fellow Saints fan I simply hope to help you look more at what can be than what can't be. That appears to piss you off.

In addition, I am sorry that I picked on you ...


Larry you couldn't pick on me if your life dependent on it.

Nothing upsets me about you on this board other than you picking on other people, like the bully you are.

The only negative person I have found on this board is you. You seem to be unable to live with being objective or recognizing what is vs what you wish they were. That's fantasy sir.

I think we have taken up enough of the posting here, if you have something else to comment I would ask that you do it through a private message.

AsylumGuido 08-26-2017 06:14 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 760898)
Been gone a day or so. You were mum for a while when I posted the ABCs of your pathetic life but I'm sure someone in one of your supports groups patted you on your back and told you what a trooper you are for going through more adversity than anyone else has.
Now your back to making yourself feel good about your pathetic life by picking on people on the computer. I'd love to see how you act towards people in real life

Saddling up to your buddy, skpb25, huh? He claims that you and he and WillSaints81 are soulmates. Is that true? I can tag dozens of posts where you have denigrated WillSaints81.

I also wish to meet you in real life. You hide behind the screen far more than me.

Let's work out a meeting date offline. I'm not full off ****. I respect people and when others attack them I will respond. Let's work a meeting out. PM me if if really mean it.

spkb25 08-26-2017 06:17 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 760900)
Saddling up to your buddy, skpb25, huh? He claims that you and he and WillSaints81 are soulmates. Is that true? I can tag dozens of posts where you have denigrated WillSaints81.

I also wish to meet you in real life. You hide behind the screen far more than me.

Let's work out a meeting date offline. I'm not full off ****. I respect people and when others attack them I will respond. Let's work a meeting out. PM me if if really mean it.

You have been messaged

spkb25 08-26-2017 06:32 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 760900)
Saddling up to your buddy, skpb25, huh? He claims that you and he and WillSaints81 are soulmates. Is that true? I can tag dozens of posts where you have denigrated WillSaints81.

I also wish to meet you in real life. You hide behind the screen far more than me.

Let's work out a meeting date offline. I'm not full off ****. I respect people and when others attack them I will respond. Let's work a meeting out. PM me if if really mean it.

Very cool of you and I respect that!

jlouhill 08-26-2017 07:25 PM

Re: Kony Ealy
I think we need to leave Ealy alone. As evidenced by this thread he is a very divisive individual. Don't need that in the locker room. JMHO

jeanpierre 08-26-2017 09:14 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by jlouhill (Post 760917)
I think we need to leave Ealy alone. As evidenced by this thread he is a very divisive individual. Don't need that in the locker room. JMHO

Has anyone been watching this team this training camp, preseason?!?

Short of J.J. Watt, Khalil Mack, Muhammad Wilkerson,Cameron Wake we now have as good as anyone to matchup, complement Cam...

Seer1 08-26-2017 09:38 PM

Re: Kony Ealy

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 760949)
Has anyone been watching this team this training camp, preseason?!?

Short of J.J. Watt, Khalil Mack, Muhammad Wilkerson,Cameron Wake we now have as good as anyone to matchup, complement Cam...

Love the attitude JP!


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