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GumboBC 04-06-2005 05:38 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
Kurt Warner was able to lead his team to 2 super bowls and he won one of them.

Peyton Manning, well ....... let's just say he hasn't done as well as Warner in the playoffs.

Both the Rams and Colts never had great defenses, but Warner still led his team to the promised land. TWICE !!

Why can't Peyton do what Warner did?

Let me hear it folks? :o

papz 04-06-2005 06:06 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
Half decent defense maybe? My grandmother can score on the Colts.

Tobias-Reiper 04-06-2005 06:18 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

...because the AFC has the Patriots and the NFC doesn\'t?

xan 04-06-2005 06:23 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
and the Colts scored on your grandmother.

that\'s funny

[Edited on 6/4/2005 by BlackandBlue]

LordOfEntropy 04-06-2005 06:29 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
At least is wasn\'t old Ron Mexico.

mutineer10 04-06-2005 06:49 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

At least is wasn\'t old Ron Mexico.
Yeah, don\'t want ol\' Ron (Jeremy) Mexico putting the moves on granny.

Oh, the horror...

WhoDat 04-06-2005 09:35 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
The Rams defense was ranked FIFTH in the league the last time they went to the Super Bowl. It was in the top 10, or so when they beat the Titans. Indy has consistently been in the bottom half of the league.

Additionally, Edge is nowhere near the RB that Faulk was at that time. To beat the Colts you stop Manning. To beat the Rams it used to be you stopped Faulk.

Tobias-Reiper 04-06-2005 10:58 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
...because the AFC has the Patriots and the NFC doesn\'t??

saintz08 04-07-2005 12:51 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

Why can\'t Peyton do what Warner did?
The stadium ...... ;)


because the AFC has the Patriots and the NFC doesn\'t??
Same way Young had trouble freezing his nuts off in Green Bay .....

4saintspirit 04-07-2005 09:11 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
Why can\'t AB lead us to anything past a wild card game -- Warner did it without a defense

GoldenTomb 04-07-2005 09:17 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

Why can\'t AB lead us to anything past a wild card game -- Warner did it without a defense
Oh touche\'....

And AB didn\'t really even do that....he just took over Blake\'s offense.

yasoon 04-07-2005 09:32 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
Because Kurt Warner is clearly a much better QB than Peyton Manning....right?

Ahhhhh, Gumbo, just keep throwing poop against the wall and see what sticks. When I read the topic, I didn\'t even have to look at who the author was. Your football analysis occurs in a vacuum.

So, did you watch any of the games in question? Let\'s see....Rams, homefield in their cheesy little dome. Colts, 2 snow games against one of the best football teams you\'ll ever see. The Patriots beat the Rams in a superbowl, by the way.

Oh yeah, Kurt Warner, only QB in history to lose to the New Orleans Saints in the playoffs.

Seriously, what is your point?

saintz08 04-07-2005 10:02 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
Gumbo is prepping us knowing the Saints could draft a real quarterback in the draft , something we Saints fans have not seen for quite awhile ...... ;)

yasoon 04-07-2005 10:06 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
I would like to see them grab a guy in the third or something. Maybe Frye or Orlavsky? (Not sure where they\'re projected.)

But, I do expect Brooks to have a decent year this year (call me crazy).

FireVenturi 04-07-2005 11:27 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

Why can\'t AB lead us to anything past a wild card game -- Warner did it without a defense
Actually the Rams had a top 10 D back far as Peyton i hate to say it.....but....he is a choker!

ScottyRo 04-07-2005 11:35 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

Oh yeah, Kurt Warner, only QB in history to lose to the New Orleans Saints in the playoffs.
How damning is that?
Poor Kurt.
Poor, poor Kurt.

FireVenturi 04-07-2005 11:43 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

FireVenturi 04-07-2005 11:44 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
I should really stay off of Peyton,cause he did put up 55 on us and could have scored more!!!!

ScottyRo 04-07-2005 11:49 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

I should really stay off of Peyton,cause he did put up 55 on us and could have scored more!!!!
Peyton just happened to be HOT that night. That\'s all it was. Just ask Rick.

GumboBC 04-07-2005 05:08 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
Very interesting responses.

Since so many folks like to blame the QB for everything, I wanted to see if the same guys would blame Peyton.

I see that you guys think Peyton needs help from his teammates. Interesting!!!

Regardless of where the Rams\' defense was ranked back then, the Rams had to regularly score 30-points to win.

And Warner never threw all those picks in the playoffs like Peyton.

Anyway, I just wanted to stir the pot a little bit. ;)

Tobias-Reiper 04-07-2005 05:47 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

...because the AFC has the Patriots and the NFC doesn\'t???

GumboBC 04-07-2005 05:57 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

...because the AFC has the Patriots and the NFC doesn\'t???
Peyton got put out of the playoffs when he didn\'t play the Pats. So, that \"theory\" doesn\'t hold water. Not in my book.

I belive the Jets beat Peyton and company something like 55-10.

And some other team beat the Colts pretty handily. I can\'t remember who that was, but Peyton bombed in that game too.

Warner never did that. Warner just made every play and his team did what the did best. WIN!

LKelley67 04-08-2005 12:13 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
Good point, Peyton is a loser. I\'d take Jim McMahon, Jeff Hostetler, Mark Rypien, Trent Dilfer, and Brad Johnson over him anyday. They went to the big game and won it for their team. Warner will be a Hall of Famer like they will one day. That HOF just screws up sometimes not inviting Superbowl quarterbacks like Chris Chandler and Billy Kilmer while letting people like Dan Fouts in who never even went to the Superbowl. Peyton should be third string backing up to Warner in Arizona. He might get to see how Warner wins it there.

FireVenturi 04-08-2005 12:14 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning


I should really stay off of Peyton,cause he did put up 55 on us and could have scored more!!!!
Peyton just happened to be HOT that night. That\'s all it was. Just ask Rick.
YEA...ur right JKOOL, it was a fluke!! Our D is the greatest, we just have bad timing.

WhoDat 04-08-2005 08:11 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

Since so many folks like to blame the QB for everything, I wanted to see if the same guys would blame Peyton.

I see that you guys think Peyton needs help from his teammates. Interesting!!!
To questions:

1) Does Peyton empower and elevate his team\'s play?

2) Is Peyton the best player on his offense?

4saintspirit 04-08-2005 08:18 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
Let me put another spin on it === Martz is an offensive genius -- Dungy is a hack -- Warner for those 2 years was as good as anyone I have ever seen --- however when he started getting sacked he got happy feet and sucked --- Peyton knows how to run an offense -- basically I\'d take Peyton -- (wonder what the stats would be if Peyton played for the rams in those days).

GumboBC 04-08-2005 09:11 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
This discussion went much the way I expected it to.


You know ... it\'s very funny that some of you love to blame the QB for every problem when it comes to the Saints. You give all kinds of reasons why Brooks is to blame. Most of them don\'t make much sense to me, but, hey ... that\'s just me. Maybe I\'m the crazy one.

Some folks love to talk about \"history\".

Well, take a look at Manning\'s \"playoff\" history.

WhoDat SHOULD be the first one to point out how terrible Peyton has played in the playoffs. EVERY year Peyton stinks it up in the playoffs.

I don\'t agree with folks who try and pin everything on the QB. In fact, I think it speaks directly to their \"lack\" of football knowledge. If indeed they really feel that way.

But if some of you do blame the QB for almost every thing, then be consistent. Use your little blame game for Peyton Manning too!

My work here is done :exclam:

GoldenTomb 04-08-2005 10:19 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

This discussion went much the way I expected it to.


You know ... it\'s very funny that some of you love to blame the QB for every problem when it comes to the Saints. You give all kinds of reasons why Brooks is to blame. Most of them don\'t make much sense to me, but, hey ... that\'s just me. Maybe I\'m the crazy one.

Some folks love to talk about \"history\".

Well, take a look at Manning\'s \"playoff\" history.

WhoDat SHOULD be the first one to point out how terrible Peyton has played in the playoffs. EVERY year Peyton stinks it up in the playoffs.

I don\'t agree with folks who try and pin everything on the QB. In fact, I think it speaks directly to their \"lack\" of football knowledge. If indeed they really feel that way.

But if some of you do blame the QB for almost every thing, then be consistent. Use your little blame game for Peyton Manning too!

My work here is done :exclam:
So you\'re using this as an example that too many people blame Brooks and not enough people blame Manning???

Yeah well it\'s a lot easier to blame someone when they bring it on themselves. Peyton Manning is an intelligent, hard working student of the game, whereas Aaron Brooks is an overrated, less-than-intelligent primadonna. It\'s a lot easier to believe that Peyton is doing all he can to elevate his team to the next level. It\'s a lot more obvious that he cares about more than just himself. We can\'t say the same for Brooks, can we?

People wouldn\'t be so quick to judge AB if he\'d keep his mouth shut and just produce. When you say you\'re a top 5 QB people expect you to back it up. He did this all to himself.

[Edited on 8/4/2005 by GoldenTomb]

4saintspirit 04-08-2005 10:21 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
Okay Gumbo -- I will give you a little back up --

Peyton does seem to suck in the playoffs --- but in the regular season he has been as close to perfect as a QB can be. AB on the otherhand is inconsistent at best in the regular season --- and well we cannot really judge the playoffs because he can\'t seem to lead us there.

WhoDat 04-08-2005 11:15 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
Man, Billy just opened my eyes. Brooks is a great QB and the rest of the team is holding him down.

The fact the people on this board use Aaron Brooks\' name in the same sentence as Manning, Montana, Elway, and Favre makes me sick.

Why not start comparing Victor Riley to Roosevelt Brown, Anthony Munoz, Jackie Slater, and Dan Dierdorf? I mean, after all, those guys are Hall of Famers and only Riley can rival Brooks\' inconsistency. It makes sense to me.

Dan Hampton, Howie Long, Joe Greene... Jonathan Sullivan.


You know what I would love to hear... just once. I would love to hear one Brooks-lover make a legitimate AFFIRMATIVE argument as to why AB is a good QB. Not one of those, well if the WRs would catch the ball, or the linemen would block or the RB wasn\'t hurt whiny arguments.

Tell me why Brooks is better than most QBs in the league right now, and support it with COMPARATIVE stats, scouts/analysts opinions (NOT SAINTS\' OPINIONS), etc.

LKelley67 04-08-2005 11:39 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

...I just wanted to stir the pot ...
or a waste of time with no meaningful discourse

GumboBC 04-08-2005 03:15 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning


...I just wanted to stir the pot ...
or a waste of time with no meaningful discourse
How \'bout I write a post on the past 37-year history of the Saints and dwell on all of the negatives?

Oh, yeah ... I forgot ... you do that on a daily basis.

No need for me to do it. :o

WhoDat 04-08-2005 03:45 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
I have a challenge for you Billy.

Without belittling other Saints players - show me why AB is a good QB. Can you do that?

GumboBC 04-08-2005 04:16 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

I have a challenge for you Billy.

Without belittling other Saints players - show me why AB is a good QB. Can you do that?
1. Brooks won the only playoff game in club history.
2. Our offense was the 2nd highest scoring in the NFC in 2002.
3. 24TDs/8Ints in 2003.

WhoDat 04-08-2005 04:37 PM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning

Both of those are irrelevant b/c they relate to the team, not Brooks. Remember - you\'re the guy who says that QBs don\'t individually deserve credit or blame for those types of things.

3. Yep - that was a good year throwing the ball. He also finished 8th in QB rating that year. Pretty darn respectible. Here are a few more stats related to that:

2003 - AB led the league in fumbles lost - that kind of undermines the low INT rate, don\'t you think?

Aside from his 8th place finish in 2003 in QB rating, he has finished 20th, 20th, and 19th. So does one \"good\" year in four make up for the three other \"below average\" years?

[Edited on 8/4/2005 by WhoDat]

LKelley67 04-09-2005 01:11 AM

Kurt Warner vs. Peyton Manning
c\'mon whodat why do you have to look at four years starting. 2003 alone was the true indicator. the other years there were bad receivers or bad line or bad play calling, etc. and you don\'t call averaging 17th is passer rating out of a 32 team league elite? you\'re looking at the wrong stats buddy.

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