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ssmitty 04-09-2005 04:49 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
who among you were there when dempsey kicked the 63 yarder, and who among you were there when j.g. ran the opening kick off all the way to start a wishful season.........
i was there for both....................
i was also there when danny a. got kicked in his ass by an atlanta falcon by or in the endzone..................was there when hebert lost a few teeth, was there when manning was at his prime and his release.............was there for hogie, one of the few saints with heart, what i'm getting at if is has gone over your head is i was there, and still am..............
i can truely say, been there, done that............
who among you can...................
not many , i bet.................
let's hear the names,,,,,,,,,,bet i can count on one hand,,,,smitty

ssmitty 04-09-2005 04:51 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
yeah, yeah, yeah, that\'s hokie................

JOESAM2002 04-09-2005 05:08 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
ME! :D

ssmitty 04-09-2005 05:15 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
joe, i knew you\'d be the first..........cause of your age......
and diehard saints fan as well...........but as you can see, few other can they disect what they don\'t know? how can they bleed black and gold? how can they say they know? unless they\'ve been there? it\'s time to quiet the know it alls, and the so call diehards..........really? how could you know? smitty

saintsfan1313 04-09-2005 07:01 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
hey man, not trying to start anything, but just becuase im younger than most of the members here, does that mean i care LESS about the Saints? I dont think you can measure a fan by their age. Just because I\'m half the age of some members doesnt mean i dont bleed black and gold. That\'s crap if thats the case you trying to start.......

saintswhodi 04-09-2005 07:16 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
1313. couldn\'t have said it better myself. If I have lived for the Saints since I could remember football, how does someone bleed black and gold more than me cause of age? Huh?

TayTay 04-09-2005 07:24 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
Just out of curiosity...
What is the point of this posts?
I don\'t understand if ssmitty is trying to start argument, or if he really doesn\'t think we all are true fans?

JOESAM2002 04-09-2005 08:13 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
Ok guys chill a minute and listen. I don\'t think Ssmitty\'s trying to start anything and I don\'t think he\'s trying to say you guys are less fans than we are. I think (and he can correct me if need be) is that some of us have been through ALL the wars with the Saints. I personally don\'t equate how much someone is a fan by time but how you percieve the team. We have seen all the ups and downs this team has provided for years. We\'ve seen all the disappointments year after year. Somehow we keep coming back. We love this team, as I\'m sure we all do. It\'s just after 37 years of losing, maybe we look for more out of this team.

It was posted in another thread about the Saints not letting out any info at this time, letting fans know whats going on in the organization. It\'s been that way for as long as I can remember. They never tell us anything to keep our interest up. Yet still they want to threaten us with a move from Louisiana. I will say one thing for Fans of the New Orleans Saints, I don\'t care what team says their fans are better, there are none better than Saints fans. There are no fans more loyal than Saints fans and there are no fans more in the dark than Saints fans.

I guess what I\'m saying is, we are all Saints fans. We love our team and we will be there till the end!

saintsfan1313 04-09-2005 08:23 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
Thanx for your opinion on it JoeSam, yer a cool cat and never understood the beef that some \"members\" had with u a lil while back. I just think the post of Smitty\'s, was basically stirring up crap since it has been a couple days since a good pile of crap was laid at

\"how can they disect what they don\'t know? how can they bleed black and gold? how can they say they know? unless they\'ve been there? it\'s time to quiet the know it alls, and the so call diehards..........really? how could you know?\"

Thats the part im pissed about. The \"so-called diehards\"? So the fact that I\'m 20 years old, and wasnt even alive when the fieldgoal was kickd prolly, that means im not die-hard? Ya know its funny, I\'m allowed and licensed to deal with hundereds of thousands of dollars worth of your money and your homes, yet I\'m not old enough to be considered a Saints Fan. I guess you(Smitty) need to let me know what the requirements are of a Saints Fan and what membership forms I need to fill out to be considered a Saints fan. I guess I\'ll need to bring my ID to see if I\'m old enough and meet the age requirements. Saintsfan1313

LordOfEntropy 04-09-2005 09:02 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
I wasn\'t there. I didn\'t become a fan until the late 70\'s.

But... I can appreciate those that have been there since the beginning (like my dad). They\'ve had more crap spilled on them then any other fans in sports.

Nobody deserves a Superbowl more than them. You\'ve gotta repect them for still being there.

Saint_LB 04-09-2005 09:33 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
I am a member of that club....and, I think you have to have experienced it all to know what ssmitty is talking about. It is no knock on anyone else, it\'s just a fact. It doesn\'t make us any better person than anyone else, however, it does cause us to have a different perspective, and, I can\'t speak for anyone else, but it causes me to be as skeptical as I am. With all that pessimism and negativity, you can assure yourself that if I was presented with the dilemna of having to choose between game 7 of the World Series or a Saints/Bengals game, it\'s gonna be a no-brainer....I\'m watching the Saints.

saintz08 04-09-2005 09:39 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
Member of the Bush in the end zone society .....

Although not the inagural season ......

Could you imagine those old metal bleachers and the noise we could make in the Super Dome now ..... :rockon:

JKool 04-09-2005 10:04 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
I think I know what you guys are getting at, but it is hard to take this,


it\'s time to quiet the know it alls, and the so call diehards..........really? how could you know?
as bringing people together as fans.

I\'m with 1313 on how it sounds. I suppose those of us who are too young to have seen it all shouldn\'t say anything around here?

Now, I\'m CERTAIN that that is not how this was intended, but that is how it sounded.

I certainly grant that those of us who are younger are LUCKY to not have suffered as long. Let\'s all just all be there together when we get that Super Bowl!

FireVenturi 04-09-2005 11:43 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........

hey man, not trying to start anything, but just becuase im younger than most of the members here, does that mean i care LESS about the Saints? I dont think you can measure a fan by their age. Just because I\'m half the age of some members doesnt mean i dont bleed black and gold. That\'s crap if thats the case you trying to start.......
I agree...i am only 26 but i kick my dog just as hard when the saints lose as the next guy. i guarantee you i understand coverages and blocking schemes more than most fans!

LKelley67 04-10-2005 12:03 AM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
i wasn\'t at those games but watched them on the toob. i had all the saints football cards before the first kickoff. they all had pics with the uni\'s of the teams they were selected from.

i have no beef with the veracity of any other fan no matter what their age. sure, i can recite more history, recall the rumble of tulane stadium, and laugh remembering chuck muncie interviews (wasn\'t he functionally illerate?). any fan though, whether from youth or by decision, i respect. heck, if someone decided to be a saints fan as an adult knowing their history that might be a higher calling than me being a lifer. i have known nothing else, have been comitted, and am in it for the long haul- too far to turn back now. but to choose them over another team, specifically if you do not have regional allegiance, phew, i gotta respect that.

so maybe give any oldtimers that lived thru the mecom era some props cuz that was a different nfl and a perpetual purgatory to live thru. enjoy some of the reminicing and tales of yore. understand that cynicism isn\'t pessimism. otherwise plant your roots, take a stand, and be ready for a hurricane season now n then.

saintsfan1313 04-10-2005 01:59 AM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
Out of all of the wonderful replies ive read, ive yet to see anything from the origninater of the post, Smitty. Now i really dont understand the reason for your post, but i\'d really like to hear it..........Saintsfan1313

ssmitty 04-10-2005 06:26 AM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
sorry, but us oldtimers need our rest.....
49 is\'nt that old, is it joe?
seems i\'ve stirred a few young ums.........
in my original post i merely asked for a show of hands as to who has seen it all. did not expect to see or offend younger ones. but, everyone reads and interprets a post differently. as to my response to joe i can certainly see why some may take offense as to my questioning, but that response was to joe and joe alone. just me letting off some steam to another old timer out loud. and while crow is best served warm, i will apologize to the youth on board who took offense for my response to joe.........i never questioned your heart or faith, only if you had seen it all.......those were the worst and best of times and forgive me for taking a walk down memory lane. hope this clears up my original post........smitty

i can remember when the dome was fairly new and of course the saints were\'nt doing well....
i had 4 extra tickets which you could\'nt give away, much less sell......i left them under the wiper blade in clear view thinking someone would use em.....after the game, (we lost) upon arriving at my truck, the windshield was full of tickets....
that was cold man..........but priceless too...........wish i had a camera at the time..............smitty

JKool 04-10-2005 10:21 AM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
The story about the tickets is priceless ssmitty!

One thing we youth do appreciate is the stories from the old days. One thing I bet: any one of us \"young pups\" would like to have some stories like that.

FireVenturi 04-10-2005 11:34 AM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
That story was funny

ssmitty 04-10-2005 02:23 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
the worst of times was sitting next to the bagheads....
all my friends were wearing em, and there are no greater fans then they was out of frustration, (dam you buddy d. for starting that) but, i just could\'nt do it..........besides, it was too dam hard to drink the beer.............i have friends ranging in age from 16-plus 90 back there (i am in dallas right now) each a diehard in their own right as i am..........we played baseball for over 20 yrs every sunday when i was there, and would catch the saints game if they were playing at the dome......hell, they are still playing, 52 weeks a yr....
no matter who showed up, no matter how many showed up, you could play...........and man, when there are 30 plus in the outfield, it\'s hard to get a hit, believe me.....even if you did not have a few dollars to drink all the beer you wanted while you played, you could still drink for free.....
you don\'t know how displaced you actually feel until you\'re in another town...........til you don\'t have the friendlyness that n.o. provides.........(aside from the bullets) but the good thing is, you can go home again.......things don\'t change and i can pick up where i left off. i can show up at anyones house and have a beer in my hand with food on the table or bbq going just like i never thankful for what you have.......and b&b, i do not need to hear you are displaced, i know............just another story.................smitty

coastalkid 04-11-2005 12:46 AM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
I\'ve been there the entire time with you brother.....kind of shows our age though wouldn\'t you say? What\'s your point?

ssmitty 04-11-2005 04:29 AM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
just talking ck..................smitty

4saintspirit 04-11-2005 06:51 AM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
You missed an important one -- Archie\'s first game as a Saint -- ran a td around the left end from the 2 yard line against the rams to win it on the last play. But yeah -- I was at those games -- remember the game after the lions when they were selling this 45 record -- on one side was the official voicecast of the play -- on the other song a hokie song about Tom, his half foot etc. The good old days at Tulane stadium --

ssmitty 04-11-2005 07:06 AM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
i don\'t believe archie ever got in on that one or was it another? they stopped him short of the goal, but gave him the td...........but it was against the rams i believe......smitty

4saintspirit 04-11-2005 08:22 AM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........

i don\'t believe archie ever got in on that one or was it another? they stopped him short of the goal, but gave him the td...........but it was against the rams i believe......smitty
Okay -- whether he got in or not they gave him the TD and we won -- all in all a day to remember for Saints fans --- first game of the season -- our new QB leads them to victory -- same ol saints season --

baronm 04-11-2005 09:28 AM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........

I am a member of that club....and, I think you have to have experienced it all to know what ssmitty is talking about. It is no knock on anyone else, it\'s just a fact.
bull...that\'s like saying-well I was a braves fan from the begginning of the Mrphy era and so I\'\' a better fan than you cause you weren\'t born untill close to the end-but we still saw the braves play before they become america\'s team...

I\'ve watched the saints my whole life-chose the saints over the crackboys even...and I\"m not even from LA...I picked them for my own reasons-not some bandwagon or because they are the hometown team..

you wanna look for how much you bleed--look at teh people who root for the saints even though they\'ve got better choices and aren\'t from the area...

or better yet-let\'s all just be fans and bring our own experiences in...and stop trying to get into a contest. I can watch Classic games and see the old plays..and talk to the old timers and hear about the old days....and that makes me or my kids or grandkids or whoever just as much as a fan as those people who saw archie manning play...or vince lombardi or whatever.

[Edited on 11/4/2005 by baronm]

[Edited on 11/4/2005 by JOESAM2002]

4saintspirit 04-11-2005 09:38 AM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........


I am a member of that club....and, I think you have to have experienced it all to know what ssmitty is talking about. It is no knock on anyone else, it\'s just a fact.
...that\'s like saying-well I was a braves fan from the begginning of the Mrphy era and so I\'\' a better fan than you cause you weren\'t born untill close to the end-but we still saw the braves play before they become america\'s team...

I\'ve watched the saints my whole life-chose the saints over the crackboys even...and I\"m not even from LA...I picked them for my own reasons-not some bandwagon or because they are the hometown team..

you wanna look for how much you bleed--look at teh people who root for the saints even though they\'ve got better choices and aren\'t from the area...

or better yet-let\'s all just be fans and bring our own experiences in...and stop trying to get into a contest. I can watch Classic games and see the old plays..and talk to the old timers and hear about the old days....and that makes me or my kids or grandkids or whoever just as much as a fan as those people who saw archie manning play...or vince lombardi or whatever.

[Edited on 11/4/2005 by baronm]
I am not sure that the intent of those old timers (cetainly not me) posting was to say we are better fans -- matter of fact I would not agree with that statement at all. Because someone was not born when the Saints frustration originally began doesn\'t meant they have not experienced the same pain we have -- just not as many years -- And just because they have been around for so many years does not mean they are die hard fans -- For myself -- I look at the saint games of years ago as memories of me and my dad going to the game -- this was our time together -- While I agree with the intent of your post I do think you were a little harsh in your response

[Edited on 11/4/2005 by JOESAM2002]

xan 04-11-2005 11:31 AM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........

]...that\'s like saying-well I was a braves fan from the begginning of the Mrphy era and so I\'\' a better fan than you cause you weren\'t born untill close to the end-but we still saw the braves play before they become america\'s team...
AAAHHHGGGHHHH My virgin eyes!!! what happened to the auto-censor???

smitty\'s so old he\'s still carrying the plague.

We used to stomp our feet in the top level of Tulane stadium to make a thunder sound when the ball was near the endzone. I think that sound is reverberating to (hopefully) drown out this thread.

[Edited on 11/4/2005 by JOESAM2002]

ssmitty 04-11-2005 04:41 PM

to get away from all this b.s. i want to know.........
hey, i was only in the top of tulane stadium as a boyscout..i got to move down in the shade when i could afford tickets.....and as far as the rumble 08, you have no idea how deafening it was when fans went to stomping feet.........had to be the loudest open stadium in the world at the time........still don\'t know why they tore it down, might have lasted long as the pyramids..........and hey, b&b , are you out there? tell em how they serve crayfish in dallas, well, most of the places........smitty

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