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homerj07 12-13-2017 05:37 PM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 782179)
Who is preaching to you? You want to know the difference between the two things you mentioned are? One is a private matter that isn't stated in protest, and the other is something that entire teams are doing, and it has often been done in the middle of our National Anthem. You use the word religion, but there are a lot of different beliefs. As a Christian myself, I have a lot of problems with "religions" that pop up around the world. But if I see someone praying during a game, and I know he isn't a Christian, I am not offended. I would wish that the person where not praying to some pagan "god", or whatever else, but I believe in his right to have his religious freedom. It isn't something that is in your face, and making a political statement.

Major difference.

NO... its not. And please don't pull the "As a Christian" - I am too.

IF it wasn't Christian prayer if it was something Buddhist or Hindu or whatever, would you still be ok with it?

If the argument is "a disrruption of the entertainment value" then the religion is the same thing.

burningmetal 12-13-2017 05:44 PM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests

Originally Posted by homerj07 (Post 782182)
NO... its not. And please don't pull the "As a Christian" - I am too.

IF it wasn't Christian prayer if it was something Buddhist or Hindu or whatever, would you still be ok with it?

If the argument is "a disrruption of the entertainment value" then the religion is the same thing.

Did you read my post? Did I not just say that while I have problems with the various religions around the world, I am not offended by their praying? I have seen it, and it did not affect me in the least. It would help you to understand my point if you simply go back and read through my entire post. It's not very long.

I also asked you, who is preaching to you? When a player says a prayer, is that in your face? Is it directed at anyone in particular? It is not a protest, and it is not done as a disruption. And what do you mean "don't pull" the as a Christian statement? What exactly am I pulling by simply stating my faith? And if you are, as you say, also a Christian, then why are you talking about not wanting to be preached to? What exactly is it that you stand for, then?

AsylumGuido 12-13-2017 06:27 PM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 782179)
Who is preaching to you? You want to know what the differences between the two things you mentioned are? One is a private matter that isn't stated in protest, and the other is something that entire teams are doing, and it has often been done in the middle of our National Anthem. You use the word religion, but there are a lot of different beliefs. As a Christian myself, I have a lot of problems with "religions" that pop up around the world. But if I see someone praying during a game, and I know he isn't a Christian, I am not offended. I would wish that the person were not praying to some pagan "god", or whatever else, but I believe in his right to have his religious freedom. It isn't something that is in your face, and making a political statement.

Major difference.

Major difference to you. I respect that. But you are obviously in the minority.

burningmetal 12-13-2017 06:41 PM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 782188)
Major difference to you. I respect that. But you are obviously in the minority.

Am I? Show me your proof. How many people are complaining about prayer? It's something that people might disagree with, depending on their beliefs, or lack thereof, but it isn't something that causes a stir. There would be a big fire storm, as with the protests, if a majority of people were offended by it. It's a private act. It might be in public, but it's not being done at an inappropriate time, and it's not directed at any "cause". So comparing that with the protests makes no sense.

I don't like the way players bleach their hair and act like they won the super bowl every time they make a big hit after giving up a 15 yard run, but I don't feel disrespected by it, nor do I feel it is championing a false narrative.

Seer1 12-13-2017 07:16 PM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 782176)
'Guido, you clearly have no clue what is going on, and that's fine if ignorance is bliss to you. I have followed the ratings and seen the massive amount of negative attention the NFL has gotten from this whole thing. Stands around the league have been emptying, while you have been sitting in your chair pretending everything is great and making football your "god". You have demonstrated time and again just how naive YOU are. You cannot stand for anyone to say anything negative about your all important football team. You know why the people who still go to games are going? Because they are addicted to their team. I get it... I understand those people, but for you to suggest that they are all going because they don't care about the protests, is pure ignorance.

And as for this guy "making a point", as I said, whenever a customer is dissatisfied with a product, they tend to want to make it known. That does NOT suggest that he is doing this for the sole purpose of making a point. The guy isn't happy about what is going on, and he wants a refund. Should a point be made to the Saints and the NFL? Absolutely. It's become a political cesspool, and this is precisely why people like me are boycotting.

You clearly did not read the article word for word. It clearly says he went to the team and asked for a refund, but was turned down. You either aren't paying close enough attention, or you are lying to me. So don't pull that on me.

As for the season ticket prices, you seem to be missing a major point: While the lowest priced tickets might not be astronomical, you have to buy the entire package, as opposed to just a one time deal, and that gets expensive. But those "cheap" seats sell out quickly, and you are left with tickets that only wealthy people can afford.

As for your opinion being valid, I didn't suggest it wasn't, though I obviously disagree with you. But opinions, however valid or not, only make a difference when thy are shared with a majority. And so while you might choose to live in a bubble where nothing else matters as long as you are entertained, the fact is that you are not in the majority. I personally know people who are not boycotting, but hate what the NFL is doing. I can't make them boycott, and I won't attempt to. People will do what needs to be done when the time is right. Rome didn't fall over night, but when it did fall, it fell hard. Such will be the case for the NFL.

Lastly, this fan has a far greater reason to ask for a refund than the example you gave. Your example is something that is small and part of the game. This protesting is not only disrespectful, but it's a lie. They are pushing for justice where it isn't needed. They, along with the media, have brought negative attention to cops, which has helped to incite violence against police, and lead to murders of police. The NFL would not allow those officers to be honored when the Cowboys actually wanted to do something good to remember them. But they allow the protests with no consequences? Do you see my problem here, 'Guido?

There are a lot of things that you have not paid attention to, and you have just assumed that it's all a bunch of nothing. Pop that bubble, pal, and take a look at what's happening and ask yourself what exactly these players are doing. It is far from a trivial matter.

Soooo, why are you allowed to speak your opinion which might be valid and Guido allowed to speak his opinion which might be valid, but a player (who you happen to strongly disagree with) not be allowed to?

shawnkytonk 12-14-2017 02:14 AM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests
I see burningmetal is putting his butthurt on display in here once again.

AsylumGuido 12-14-2017 07:01 AM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests
Just saw this article. Just posting what is being written.

Dip**** Saints Fan Sues Team Over Anthem Protests

A Saints fan named Lee Dragna, who appears to be a real dumbass, has filed a lawsuit against the team seeking a refund for his season tickets. He wants the refund because his ability to enjoy Saints games has been ruined by the NFL’s anthem protests.

In his suit, Dragna cites a Week 2 home game against the Patriots, at which he claims a number of Saints players didn’t come onto the field until after the anthem, causing an uproar near his seats. Because of this clearly traumatizing experience, Dragna claims, he hasn’t attended a home game since.

The suit goes on to claim that Dragna would have never purchased his season tickets in the first place if he had known “Saints football players would use Saints football games as a platform for protests.” Dragna believes he is entitled to a refund because he purchased his season tickets for “entertainment and intellectual enjoyment,” and the protests got in the way of that.

The stupidest thing about this lawsuit, aside from the fact that it exists, is that Saints players never even protested during the anthem at a home game. The only time any players sat for the national anthem was before their Week 3 game against the Panthers, which was a road game. Saints running back Mark Ingram helpfully pointed this out yesterday:

Between this guy and the dingus who refused to accept an award from the team, Saints fans are quickly becoming the worst.

QBREES9 12-14-2017 09:49 AM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests
What an Idiot. Good luck dude.

Rugby Saint II 12-14-2017 11:09 AM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests

Originally Posted by Seer1 (Post 782195)
Soooo, why are you allowed to speak your opinion which might be valid and Guido allowed to speak his opinion which might be valid, but a player (who you happen to strongly disagree with) not be allowed to?

This is a discussion board where we discuss football. A football field is for football not some players political agendas. Damn folks! How do you not follow that? This is my time not theirs. They are the product on the field.

voodooido 12-14-2017 03:26 PM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests

Originally Posted by Cruize (Post 782070)
He will lose. He should lose.

Don’t bet on it. The right judge at the right time and this guys a millionaire. For crap sake look at all the rogue liberal judges doing what they want. This guy might get a vet.

saintfan 12-14-2017 03:52 PM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests

Originally Posted by voodooido (Post 782301)
Don’t bet on it. The right judge at the right time and this guys a millionaire. For crap sake look at all the rogue liberal judges doing what they want. This guy might get a vet.

Those rogue Judges are being phased out, thank God. Let's hope that continues.

This guy has no case. He's wasting his money. Human evolution has slowed to a crawl...

homerj07 12-15-2017 01:22 PM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 782185)
Did you read my post? Did I not just say that while I have problems with the various religions around the world, I am not offended by their praying? I have seen it, and it did not affect me in the least. It would help you to understand my point if you simply go back and read through my entire post. It's not very long.

I also asked you, who is preaching to you? When a player says a prayer, is that in your face? Is it directed at anyone in particular? It is not a protest, and it is not done as a disruption. And what do you mean "don't pull" the as a Christian statement? What exactly am I pulling by simply stating my faith? And if you are, as you say, also a Christian, then why are you talking about not wanting to be preached to? What exactly is it that you stand for, then?

You are pretending, for some reason, that I am offended by either. I am not.

As a student of history I understand that both social protest AND religion are main stays of American society & I don't care about either. I understand the reasons for & concepts behind both displays.

I am simply making a point. (And I will say it again...)

IF the argument is that that one "takes away from the "entertainment value of the game" THEN so does the other.

I don't see how the protest is "in your face". But if that' the way you see it Ok.

I do not see it as any more "in your face" then the praying & praising. BUT that is my opinion.

All I am saying is it is hypocritical to not see both of them as basically the same WHEN the argument is "takes away from the entertainment value of the game".

So, we are at an impasse. There is no way I will convince you & no way you will convince me. Any more discussion on this point would be moot.

Have a great one! :D

xan 12-15-2017 01:51 PM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests
And some call 'liberals' snowflakes...

xan 12-15-2017 02:01 PM

Re: Saints fans sues over protests
And I'm sure it was difficult for this guy, sitting in his seats, trying to explain that he paid money to take his family to see the high speed brutality of a full contact sport where those gladiators are protesting the nature of the society that makes this vocation one of the few methods of escaping hopeless poverty for these gladiators.

Reality may be too much for some. Irony, too. I'm sure he thinks there's dignity in suing because he became intellectually challenged.

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