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SmashMouth 01-12-2018 06:36 AM

63 Saints superstitions you said you MUST follow to stomp the Vikes
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THESE SACRED RITUALS, ROUTINES, AND RELICS (posted by fans on The New Orleans Saints on Facebook page ) MUST BE RESPECTED!
Brittney Sutton wrote: "I make sure I don’t wear any color of the opposing team...underwear included."

Wayne Eddington wrote: "Wear the same outfit until a loss then switch. Never wear underwear with any of the opposing teams colors in it during game week. Eat nachos during the game if home."
Sabrina G Randall wrote: "Won't wear opposing team colors that whole week."
Natalie Herman wrote: "Can't wear any clothing or have anything in the room with opposing team colors on it on gameday. I used to have to do a pushup for every point we scored."
Tim Bali Prescott wrote: "I make sure I’m not wearing ANY of the opposing team’s colors and I have to drink out of my favorite Saints mug on game days."

James Luwisch wrote: "We ate fried chicken last week and I’ll be damn sure to be eating fried chicken again this Sunday."
Nicole Simon wrote: "Popeye's Chicken, Gatorade, and Juicy Fruit of course."
Destiney Robb wrote: "After Katrina, my aunt in Gentilly had a gross chicken foot hanging from her rearview mirror because she said it scared anyone giving her the evil eye at night. She would shake her chicken foot and pretend she knew some voodoo curse. From then on, we have said "chicken foot chicken foot voodoo curse" when we really need some voodoo help. Its worked so many times that our whole family and some friends say it now. Lol It's only weird if it doesn't work, right?"
Billye Jo Dement Fleming wrote: "On sway games eat Popeye’s Chicken but never take a bite until 3rd quarter! And never leave early whether in the Dome or at home!"

read more on NOLA

Rugby Saint II 01-12-2018 01:18 PM

Re: 63 Saints superstitions you said you MUST follow to stomp the Vikes
Athletes are superstitious. Personally, I have too many superstitions to list them all.

I live in a Saints museum and if we are losing I walk around rearranging different objects during commercial. I stand to the left of the big screen when we win and move to the right when we are down. I will move back and forth throughout the game. I really wear out my carpet because I rarely sit down unless I am having company over for the game.
Edit: My fiance bought new carpet and she had to remove a trash can of carpet fuzz that I had roughed up watching the Falcons game.

Of course I wear my lucky Saints gear(hat down to socks) which changes year to year depending on what works at the time. If nothing is working it's time for a complete make over if we are on a losing streak.

I drink more if we are losing but I'm not sure if that is superstitious or nervousness kicking in.:chug:

vpheughan 01-12-2018 02:39 PM

Re: 63 Saints superstitions you said you MUST follow to stomp the Vikes
Cue up John Sebastian's "Do You Believe In Magic"

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