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skymike 01-15-2018 12:19 AM

Is The Curse back?
This game reminds me of so many games past, particularly in the 80s. It wasnt just a loss. It was a special kind of hurt. A game we had won. And then *poof* . A bounce of the ball. A weird call. An unknown rule. A "you had one job"- scenario. No time left. Huge mental error. What the hell happened? Where was the deep guy? What did they not talk about during the Timeout? I watched us beat up our opponents weekly, and find a way to lose, for several decades. This looks like our Past. Gleason blocked away the Old Curse in '06, and not only did we win, but when we did lose, its was just the normal way-- Someone beats you, or you dont have enough big plays--- But NOT some piece of flaming fabric falling from the Superdome Gondola to the turf kind of freak loss. This looks like the way it used to look. - and right after 3 straight seasons of Suck.

I lived under The Curse for 30+ years, and never once considered changing colors. In fact, each horrible series of events only ensured I would be back, Believing again, raising hell in the Dome. The Curse was part of the intrigue of being a Saints Fan-- Hell, it was part of what was so cool about being in New Orleans. We were always the Ripley's Believe It Or Not of Sports. Which made it more amazing at how rabid we were as a fan base.

I'll never forget after the Falcons Game in '06, the surreal feeling-- from the dead buildings I walked past, and the street zombies on Canal, but not nearly as weird as I felt that we had WON A BIG GAME and were 3-0. I kept looking twice, before I crossed the street, and looking up to make sure a piano was not about to fall on my head.

I'm sorry for you Young-Uns who dont remember, but I am glad you had a chance to experience The Old Days with me. Weird Stuff used to happen to us all the time. Do some googling & YouTubing, if you're not old enough to remember having 2 Billy Joes at QB. We seemed to have It exorcised, even in some of our disappointing times.

But you tell me. Is The Curse Back?

RailBoss 01-15-2018 12:50 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
1 Attachment(s)
No not the curse........

WHODATINCA 01-15-2018 01:05 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
No. This is a team on the rise. The curse was the last 3 - 5 years. This team fought their heart's out this year --- overcoming a completely abysmal start to the season. We had a historic draft. These rookies amazed us all. Given our recent history, making the playoffs showed that we had skill, talent and fortune -- the latter attribute being the opposite of a curse.

This year, this team worked hard, played well, and made us all proud. We got some bad calls -- that we didn't deserve, we got some good calls -- that we didn't deserve. We got lucky some, too. Tonight, we fought hard ... one last play didn't break our way. That's just how the game is played.

Next year, I say, we have the talent and heart go to the SB. But, if not, I will still be cheering for this team. :bng:

jnormand 01-15-2018 01:15 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
No. Period.

Crusader 01-15-2018 02:51 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 789368)
No. Period.

What he said.

The Dude 01-15-2018 03:11 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
No. We just didn’t play well enough to win. Not for 4 quarters anyway. It was a great season and out guys worked their addes is off. They showed how far good morale and a supportive locker room can get you. Unfortunately the ball didn’t bounce our way in the end.
Most of our emerging stars are young players and will only get better. There is a SB coming, we just have to wait a little longer.
The Nfl needs to do something to fix the officiating. There are too many calls that have the ability to majority effect the outcome. Someone in chat mentioned the spot foul for PI. That needs to be changed to 10 yards. They can call PI on Just about any play.

CheramieIII 01-15-2018 04:40 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
No it's not. We just had too many people hurt and honestly Drew is not what he once was. He has spurts now instead of being consistent the entire game. Everyone has to admit that he was **** the first half. They had 2 opportunities in the 1st half to score inside Vikings territory and came away with a goose egg. Taysom Hill would be a beast at QB.

burningmetal 01-15-2018 06:15 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by CheramieIII (Post 789388)
No it's not. We just had too many people hurt and honestly Drew is not what he once was. He has spurts now instead of being consistent the entire game. Everyone has to admit that he was **** the first half. They had 2 opportunities in the 1st half to score inside Vikings territory and came away with a goose egg. Taysom Hill would be a beast at QB.

Get ready. Nobody likes to talk about Drew being anything less than the absolute best version of himself on the field (or close to it). It's treated as heresy or taken as a minor act of war.

hagan714 01-15-2018 06:50 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
To be honest who really thought we would be playing in this game after that 0-2 start. I did not think we would be there before the season started

Add in all the starters on IR and you have to tip your hat to SP, DA and the team.

skymike 01-15-2018 07:40 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by CheramieIII (Post 789388)
No it's not. We just had too many people hurt and honestly Drew is not what he once was. He has spurts now instead of being consistent the entire game. Everyone has to admit that he was **** the first half. They had 2 opportunities in the 1st half to score inside Vikings territory and came away with a goose egg. Taysom Hill would be a beast at QB.

I still think Drew's the best. But your point is received, Cher.
Nevertheless, these guys just dropped in. They would like to ask you a
few questions.

burningmetal 01-15-2018 08:17 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
Yep, there they are ^^...

Edit- I was pointing at the picture, but my post landed on the second page, and ruined it. Should have clicked on the quote box.

skymike 01-15-2018 08:56 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 789415)
Yep, there they are ^^...

Edit- I was pointing at the picture, but my post landed on the second page, and ruined it. Should have clicked on the quote box.

:p I"m still a believer in Drew, and dont want anyone else, but I thought you would enjoy that.

saintsfan1976 01-15-2018 09:07 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
Far from it. Youngest team in the NFL. Made a comeback against the best defense. Only to fall to a last second mistake.

We’ll be improved next season and back in the hunt.

PS - where are all the Drew Brees haters now??

burningmetal 01-15-2018 09:23 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 789421)
:p I"m still a believer in Drew, and dont want anyone else, but I thought you would enjoy that.

I did, lol. It was the perfect picture.

I understand your opinion on Drew. The good thing is you aren't beating anyone over the head who doesn't fully agree.

saintsfan1976 01-15-2018 09:25 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 789428)
I did, lol. It was the perfect picture.

I understand you opinion on Drew. The good thing is you aren't beating anyone over the head who doesn't fully agree.

I thought you didn’t watch football?

burningmetal 01-15-2018 09:26 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 789430)
I thought you didn’t watch football?

I don't. Is there a problem?

saintsfan1976 01-15-2018 09:31 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 789431)
I don't. Is there a problem?

Just confirming. Provides better context around your statements.

burningmetal 01-15-2018 09:39 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 789433)
Just confirming. Provides better context around your statements.

Go read what my reply to you in what you said to me in the other thread. That will give you a better clue.

Here's a sneak peek. There is such a thing as sports media. It's the same thing that gives you license to talk about teams you don't watch all year long...

saintsfan1976 01-15-2018 09:44 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 789442)
Go read what my reply to you in what you said to me in the other thread. That will give you a better clue.

Here's a sneak peek. There is such a thing as sports media. It's the same thing that gives you license to talk about teams you don't watch all year long...

Look, some of us have a lot invested in this team. We’re passinate about outcomes. We care about what happens. When you waltz in to remind us that watching Saints football is beneath you, but still make a passing comment about how poor they are, it pisses me off.

So yeah, maybe some people don’t belong.

burningmetal 01-15-2018 09:52 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 789443)
Look, some of us have a lot invested in this team. We’re passinate about outcomes. We care about what happens. When you waltz in to remind us that watching Saints football is beneath you, but still make a passing comment about how poor they are, it pisses me off.

So yeah, maybe some people don’t belong.

I simply talked about the fact that I didn't let off my boycott, because of the original post in this thread. I am agreeing with the OP, nothing more. I stayed off the Saints board for a solid two months. I only started to post a few things on this board in the last couple of weeks, because I HAVE been aware of what is going on and still have opinions, even if I don't watch.

And, again, just as I said to you in the other thread, I don't come in here telling you the team sucks. I've said they had a nice year. I said earlier in the week this would be a close game, but that it would be a battle of the trenches, and if the first game was any indication, coupled with Peat's injury, this would be a difficult matchup for the Saints. Well, it certainly seems it very much played out that way in the first half. They made a go of it in the second half, but obviously they came up short.

If you don't want to hear honest opinions, without being offended because I'm not kissing their butts, then I'm sorry, but I don't see that as my problem.

burningmetal 01-15-2018 09:56 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
I meant the OP in the other thread, in terms of why I posted about that. This thread was a comment about people hating on anyone with a dissenting opinion on Brees. I've said that for years. It is nothing new.

saintsfan1976 01-15-2018 10:06 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
Oh you wanna bang on Brees now? You don’t watch so I’ll fill you in - he single handidly beat the Panthers last week AND brought this team back against the top defense in the NFL. So whatever you’re thinking, save your breath.

vpheughan 01-15-2018 10:34 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
Yes it is! Was in Santa's sleigh, with the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Tinker Bell acting as co-pilots. Delivered in a Flying Saucer Full of "Grays" who flew in from Roswell! You'll notice that at no time during the typing of this did any of my fingers leave my hand!!!!

I wonder how bad the Vikings are hurting today?

burningmetal 01-15-2018 10:47 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 789456)
Oh you wanna bang on Brees now? You don’t watch so I’ll fill you in - he single handidly beat the Panthers last week AND brought this team back against the top defense in the NFL. So whatever you’re thinking, save your breath.

Bang on Brees? Did you even know what you were replying to when you made your snarky comment to me? I'm not banging on Brees. But I've said he isn't the player he used to be, and people always hate that. When someone else gave the same opinion I simply said, in so many words, get ready because the Brees defenders will come. And when I say "defender" I'm not talking about someone saying he's a good QB. I say he's still good, too. It's the people who will question someone's fandom, or intellect, because they think Brees isn't playing at as high of a level. They annoy me.

By the way, I'm aware Brees had a good game last week. Didn't say anything to the contrary. But no one "single handidly" wins a game. That kind of statement is just not accurate.

Yesterday, he didn't have such a good first half did he? But, to his credit, he pulled it together in the second half. That top rated defense? People told me it was overrated during the week, to which I objected a bit, and pointed to the Saints' struggles on both lines against them in the first meeting, and said this would be a difficult matchup. Not too many people, if any, agreed with me. Well it turns out it was a pretty tough matchup, wasn't it? They made a run. But it wasn't enough.

They had a good season and they lost to the #2 seed. I'm not bashing them by pointing out simple observable facts.

skymike 01-15-2018 11:09 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by vpheughan (Post 789473)
Yes it is! Was in Santa's sleigh, with the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Tinker Bell acting as co-pilots. Delivered in a Flying Saucer Full of "Grays" who flew in from Roswell! You'll notice that at no time during the typing of this did any of my fingers leave my hand!!!!

I wonder how bad the Vikings are hurting today?

very offensive, VipHoogy. So bigoted. The Correct term for Aliens is "Trans-Gallactic-Americans." They also prefer to be called "Space-Monkeys."

Please be more sensitive.

saintsfan1976 01-15-2018 11:13 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 789476)
Bang on Brees? Did you even know what you were replying to when you made your snarky comment to me? I'm not banging on Brees. But I've said he isn't the player he used to be, and people always hate that. When someone else gave the same opinion I simply said, in so many words, get ready because the Brees defenders will come. And when I say "defender" I'm not talking about someone saying he's a good QB. I say he's still good, too. It's the people who will question someone's fandom, or intellect, because they think Brees isn't playing at as high of a level. They annoy me.

By the way, I'm aware Brees had a good game last week. Didn't say anything to the contrary. But no one "single handidly" wins a game. That kind of statement is just not accurate.

Yesterday, he didn't have such a good first half did he? But, to his credit, he pulled it together in the second half. That top rated defense? People told me it was overrated during the week, to which I objected a bit, and pointed to the Saints' struggles on both lines against them in the first meeting, and said this would be a difficult matchup. Not too many people, if any, agreed with me. Well it turns out it was a pretty tough matchup, wasn't it? They made a run. But it wasn't enough.

They had a good season and they lost to the #2 seed. I'm not bashing them by pointing out simple observable facts.

For someone who’s boycotting the NFL, you sure aren’t short on opinion.

Euphoria 01-15-2018 11:31 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
I never felt we were cursed but I know what you mean by being a Saints fan - you looking twice - three times before crossing a road...

skymike 01-15-2018 11:36 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 789430)
I thought you didn’t watch football?


Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 789476)
Bang on Brees?

ok. enough, guys. you've both made your points on each other. Dont pee pee on my brilliant thread. This whole thing is, like most of my threads, purely for fun, and thought.

'76, I do want to disclose, that I sat out 2017 also for the Flag, Military, Police, and my beliefs. Agree or disagree with that, ok. (Lets not revisit that debate.) But its a new year, our team's protest was among the smallest, and as I looked at Marcus Williams yesterday, I noticed he has some blemishes. He made a dumb mistake last night. Almost every Saints player today is young enough to have acne. I was not who I am now, when I was young enough to have acne. -- Moreover, I missed my throng of Louisiana Friends, and they welcomed me back kindly last week at our hangout in Houston.

I dont think, after being a rabid Saints supporter 30+ years, going to the game, buying a warehouse full of merchandise, & spending thousands in Louisiana, & being a season ticket holder, that anyone will soberly call me
a "bandwagon," or question my passion. I met you in real life, and I know you're a reasonable guy. -married now, I think.

MetalI'd like to invite you to also end your protest. You can still boycott the merchandise, and numerous other income sources, if you like.
We made out point, and there was an effect, and I think it will be dealt with.

I think you're wrong about Brees, but you should enjoy your Saints fandom again with your friends in Rice Country, starting with the Draft. Do consider MudBugs IX.

Now, lets start some Sh*4 The Curse is real people. Or is it?
How do you get 20 guys on injured reserve? How do you consistently get the worst of the flags. When did Gumbo become a guy-in-a-suit ? Dont give me this-- oh we have great personnel, and the future is bright, etc etc etc.... The '92 Oilers were great top to bottom. So were the Bills, So were the Vikings of the '70s....

See you soon. :jester::bng:

iceshack149 01-15-2018 11:42 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
I believe in God and have been a Christian for decades. I don’t believe in superstition.

However, I’m beginning to think that the Saints are cursed.
They came up for air in ‘09 but have returned to the vile black magic.

saintsfan1976 01-15-2018 11:57 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 789501)
ok. enough, guys. you've both made your points on each other. Dont pee pee on my brilliant thread. This whole thing is, like most of my threads, purely for fun, and thought.

'76, I do want to disclose, that I sat out 2017 also for the Flag, Military, Police, and my beliefs. Agree or disagree with that, ok. (Lets not revisit that debate.) But its a new year, our team's protest was among the smallest, and as I looked at Marcus Williams yesterday, I noticed he has some blemishes. He made a dumb mistake last night. Almost every Saints player today is young enough to have acne. I was not who I am now, when I was young enough to have acne. -- Moreover, I missed my throng of Louisiana Friends, and they welcomed me back kindly last week at our hangout in Houston.

I dont think, after being a rabid Saints supporter 30+ years, going to the game, buying a warehouse full of merchandise, & spending thousands in Louisiana, & being a season ticket holder, that anyone will soberly call me
a "bandwagon," or question my passion. I met you in real life, and I know you're a reasonable guy. -married now, I think.

MetalI'd like to invite you to also end your protest. You can still boycott the merchandise, and numerous other income sources, if you like.
We made out point, and there was an effect, and I think it will be dealt with.

I think you're wrong about Brees, but you should enjoy your Saints fandom again with your friends in Rice Country, starting with the Draft. Do consider MudBugs IX.

Now, lets start some Sh*4 The Curse is real people. Or is it?
How do you get 20 guys on injured reserve? How do you consistently get the worst of the flags. When did Gumbo become a guy-in-a-suit ? Dont give me this-- oh we have great personnel, and the future is bright, etc etc etc.... The '92 Oilers were great top to bottom. So were the Bills, So were the Vikings of the '70s....

See you soon. :jester::bng:

I have ZERO issue with boycotting. In fact I respect someone who's at least taking a stand. But don't come back here and troll me about what I comment on.

Mike - I'm with you man... Saints season ticket holder too. Live in Atlanta. Give em hell every day. Travel to games with my aging Dad so we can spend fun times together. This team means something to me. And losing the way we did was a tough, chalky, no-water pill to swallow.

Metal, I probably gave you more wrath than you deserved but you rubbed me wrong man.

Here's to another great offseason. One that should get us the last few pieces we need to challenge anyone for a Superbowl.

K Major 01-15-2018 12:08 PM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 789509)
Saints season ticket holder too. Live in Atlanta. Give em hell every day. Travel to games with my aging Dad so we can spend fun times together. This team means something to me.


Thanks for posting that bro ... specifically mentioning your dad. Made my day.


The Dude 01-15-2018 12:24 PM

Re: Is The Curse back?

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 789408)
I still think Drew's the best. But your point is received, Cher.
Nevertheless, these guys just dropped in. They would like to ask you a
few questions.

Brees has definitely lost a step but with another star receiver and he wil be fine for another couple years. He has carried the team for so long with average receivers. He’s made them look much better and helped them overachieve. His accuracy was deadly. His accuracy is starting to go and he is going to need a receiver with the ability to go out and get those off target throws. He is still an all pro and the best option available for the next couple years.
Although cousins may be a good option. Keenum is going to get paid by someone this offseason

saintsfan1976 01-15-2018 12:29 PM

Re: Is The Curse back?
With a pass rush, Drew will be fine.

AlaskaSaints 01-15-2018 12:38 PM

Re: Is The Curse back?
Without the defensive timeout by Payton, this play never happened. We had pressure on them and took our boot off their throats enough for them to gasp for air.

Lots of "what-if's" in this game for sure that could have made a difference, but Sean pulled the same **** a couple weeks back with Tampa Bay. He put his foot on the brake.

I was on the 48-yard line, 10th row, and watched Marshawn Lynch destroy our whole team in one run from scrimmage. It takes more than one tackle to make a difference.

And the "we're young, we're hurt" excuse I say, 10 SECONDS was all that separated us from the NFC Championship.


QBREES9 01-15-2018 12:51 PM

Re: Is The Curse back?
Curse, what curse.

Rugby Saint II 01-15-2018 04:12 PM

Re: Is The Curse back?
Nope! Katrina washed that curse away. We are just damn unlucky most of the time.

The only curse is Roger Godhell. :argue:

exiled 01-15-2018 05:34 PM

Re: Is The Curse back?
This was one of our top 5 seasons, are you kidding me? If this is a curse I wish we had been cursed back in the 70s.

vpheughan 01-16-2018 10:41 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
I'll take that "Division Champion" curse every year!!

dskyyksd 01-16-2018 10:56 AM

Re: Is The Curse back?
If you weren't around for the two losses to the Falcons in '78, you didn't experience the worst of the Curse.

skymike 01-17-2018 07:50 PM

Re: Is The Curse back?
Great responses, guys. Thanks for the fun.
Saints football season is never over.

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