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baronm 04-26-2005 12:55 PM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..

Did Saints draft QB of the future?

The 152nd pick of the draft has me thinking.
With the 152nd pick, the Saints drafted a 6-3, 218-pound quarterback who's only 21 and possesses an arm that his former coach, Steve DeBerg, has seen only once before -- and that was on John Elway.

In fact, DeBerg is not alone in comparing Adrian McPherson to Elway. Saints quarterback coach Turk Schonert, who played with Elway at Stanford, tells Jeff Duncan in today's Times-Picayune that McPherson is "probably a better athlete in terms of escapability than John. And John could buy time, so there's no question we're talking about an outstanding athlete. John probably had a stronger arm, but [McPherson] throws it very hard, and they're a lot alike."

We all know McPherson's baggage. ESPN The Magazine's Dave Fleming detailed it terrifically in a story last month. And no matter what bad things you've read about some of the questionable characters in this year's draft, few quotes resonate stronger than this from Georgia Cappleman, the prosecutor whose 2003 trial against McPherson for gambling ended in a deadlocked jury.

"Is it my opinion he's a gambler? It's not opinion. That's what we know," Cappleman told the Miami Herald last month. "He's not only a gambler, he's a crook. Let me put it to you this way: If he was in a room with you, you better watch your wallet."

McPherson has certainly done what he can to clean up his rep, and let's just say for the sake of argument that his legal problems, image problems, and NFL contract will cure him of any gambling urges he may or may not have had during his short career at Florida State.

That said, don't be surprised if he's a starter.

Maybe not this year, maybe not the start of next year, but I think it could happen. He has only mediocrity ahead of him on the depth chart. Since Aaron Brooks led the Saints to the playoffs in 2000, he's been inconsistent at best -- and I emphasize "at best."

• In 13 of 16 games last year, he completed less than 60 percent of his passes.
• In 10 of 16 games last year, his quarterback rating was less than 80.0.
• In a era of football that glamorizes passing and QB ratings are higher than ever, he is a career 56.5 percent passer, despite playing in a version of the West Coast offense.
• He's supposed to be a downfield thrower -- and is playing with a talented group of receivers and running backs -- but his career yards per attempt is only 7.0.
• The Saints' record since 2000: 32-32.
• He still has three years left on a backloaded six-year, $36 million contract.

Playing in the Arena League last year, McPherson threw 56 touchdowns and only five picks. He learned how to read defenses quickly and unload the ball in a hurry. Yeah, I know, it's the Arena League. But Kurt Warner learned something there. Who's to say McPherson didn't?

Give it a year or two, but stay tuned

GoldenTomb 04-26-2005 01:07 PM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..
This column writer, whodi and you baronm, have it in for AB.

This and averything deragotory towards AB is baseless and irrelavent.

NO NO NO....there is no QB controversy. AB will never lose his job to Adrian McPherson.

There guys. I did it for you. ;)

JKool 04-26-2005 01:10 PM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..
Good find Baron. An interesting read.

This has been puzzling me lately:


NFL contract will cure him of any gambling urges.
People do understand that a gambling problem isn\'t about how much money you have, right? If he truly has a gambling problem, that, I promise you, will not go away thanks to having more money. So, unless he was gambling because he was cash strapped, I don\'t see any reason to believe this kind of comment.

4saintspirit 04-26-2005 01:26 PM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..

This and averything deragotory towards AB is baseless and irrelavent.
I am hoping that your line is sarcastic -- in any case I saw that article also -- While I still have not given up on AB I do think that we are not going to keep paying AB big bucks per year for mediocre play if we have someone who can step up. That said McPherson is a stud -- whether that can translate into NFL material remains to be seen -- but if it can -- and he has cleaned up his act -- expect to see a better AB or no AB at all. And Haslett has done his part to help AB put up great stats -- I mean we did more for our OL than we did for our defense in FA and the draft. I have given AB the benefit of the doubt each year going into the season -- this is his last chance in my eyes -- no more excuses -- step up to the plate or accept the responsibility of being booed and disliked in New Orleans

baronm 04-26-2005 01:28 PM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..

NFL contract will cure him of any gambling urges.

People do understand that a gambling problem isn\'t about how much money you have, right? If he truly has a gambling problem, that, I promise you, will not go away thanks to having more money. So, unless he was gambling because he was cash strapped, I don\'t see any reason to believe this kind of comment.

Money makes problems worse, not better..unless you fix the problem money always makes it worse.

I think this kid,a nd brooks\'..biggest problem is no accountaiblity.. in the culture that we have-high school athletics esp. athletes are rated like Gods and kings and can get away with anything until someone pulls the rug out from under them and says: ok, you want to do that...well, I\'ll do this..bam!

personal accountability is a lost character trait and one that makes or break people success wise.

as far as I having it in for brooks..I could care less who the qb is as long as he can play the position and doesn\'t make me cringe when he gets under center....for the first two or three years, brooks was given his due..after that my patience runs thin..I\'m a fan not a cheerleader.. I don\'t just hoora fora player because he\'s cute (not that kinda guy)...I want someone who can play, or they shouldn\'t be out there.

[Edited on 26/4/2005 by baronm]

Tobias-Reiper 04-26-2005 01:32 PM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..

...hmmm.. let\'s see..
...give a gambler a wad of cash...
... oh, yeah!.. that\'ll cure him...

GoldenTomb 04-26-2005 01:34 PM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..


This and averything deragotory towards AB is baseless and irrelavent.
I am hoping that your line is sarcastic -- in any case I saw that article also -- While I still have not given up on AB I do think that we are not going to keep paying AB big bucks per year for mediocre play if we have someone who can step up. That said McPherson is a stud -- whether that can translate into NFL material remains to be seen -- but if it can -- and he has cleaned up his act -- expect to see a better AB or no AB at all. And Haslett has done his part to help AB put up great stats -- I mean we did more for our OL than we did for our defense in FA and the draft. I have given AB the benefit of the doubt each year going into the season -- this is his last chance in my eyes -- no more excuses -- step up to the plate or accept the responsibility of being booed and disliked in New Orleans

Yeah I guess the sarcasm was lost to u. I was all for AMac being drafted.

4saintspirit 04-26-2005 01:43 PM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..



This and averything deragotory towards AB is baseless and irrelavent.
I am hoping that your line is sarcastic

Yeah I guess the sarcasm was lost to u. I was all for AMac being drafted.
One never can be sure on this forum

saintswhodi 04-26-2005 03:09 PM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..
You guys didn\'t even give AB\'s white knight a chance to ride to the rescue. ;)

Zulu--King 04-26-2005 03:33 PM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..
I agree that if A-Mac had a gambling problem, then more money won\'t help. Did Pete Rose have a gambling \"problem\", or was it just the issue of a pro athlete betting on pro games?

The NFL securities checked A-Mac as well as they could, and gave him the green light. This leads me to believe that it was just a matter of a broke young man trying to make some cash.

Gambling in college has reached epidemic proportions, spanning every race, creed, and economic backgroung.

blackwidows 04-26-2005 07:52 PM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..
I would not be so sure about Brooks losing his job to mcpherson. I think the fifth round was insurance in two things. 1 to get Brooks more poised and less secure about losing his job. Secondly this could be Brooks last year if he messes up this year.

[Edited on 27/4/2005 by blackwidows]

BrooksMustGo 04-26-2005 09:25 PM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..
I\'m not sure that being taken in the 5th round is really pertinent to our discussion. You guys all saw the commercial on Tom Brady that ran on every break during the draft. Too skinny, no ability, taken in the 6th round, and now the proud owner of 3 super bowl rings.

It doesn\'t seem too crazy to me that McPherson\'s draft status was totally linked to a criminal conviction. Teams were skittish of him solely because of his off the field problems. Even as things are, he still rated out as a top 10 or maybe even a top 5 prospect at his position (depending on whose ratings you\'re looking at). McPherson\'s fall to round 5 has nothing to do with his talent or ability. It is arguable, but I choose to believe that if McPherson had followed the rules at FSU, he might be looking for a cool new house in San Francisco right now.

As for his off the field trouble, I hope that he\'s grown up. I hope that he\'s not a compulsive gambler. I hope that the article Pat Kirwan wrote about him for indicates that he\'s grown up and taken responsibility for himself. It strikes me that McPherson has been at the very top based on his raw ability and lost it all. Having the opportunity to start at FSU was one of the top 5 best college QB gigs in the whole country at the time. Losing it all and having no one to blame but the man in the mirror has to be a serious wake up call. I hope that McPherson can make the best of a second chance that really wasn\'t a sure thing.

Where I\'m most excited is that McPherson is easily the most exciting QB prospect we\'ve ever had at the QB position. To run a 4.5, throw 70 yards flat footed and get more accurate the harder he throws--guys that\'s Elway kind of territory in terms of pure athleticism.

He can throw the ball further than Brooks. With a wonderlic of 26, he\'s smarter than Brooks. With his failure at FSU, I imagine he\'s got less ego than Brooks. He TD to Int ratio in the area league suggests that he protects the football better than Brooks.

I\'m not saying he\'s the next Johnny U or anything, but he has the chance to be very special. I just want to see if he can make the most of that chance. I also hope that the guy who gives us the best chance to win is the guy who actually makes it under center. He might be nothing special, but then he might be the next Tom Brady. I\'m looking forward to see what the kid can do.

cardboardboxer 04-26-2005 11:27 PM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..

I\'m not saying he\'s the next Johnny U or anything, but he has the chance to be very special. I just want to see if he can make the most of that chance. I also hope that the guy who gives us the best chance to win is the guy who actually makes it under center. He might be nothing special, but then he might be the next Tom Brady. I\'m looking forward to see what the kid can do.
I like your attitude...

ssmitty 04-27-2005 04:49 AM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..

Good find Baron. An interesting read.

This has been puzzling me lately:


NFL contract will cure him of any gambling urges.
People do understand that a gambling problem isn\'t about how much money you have, right? If he truly has a gambling problem, that, I promise you, will not go away thanks to having more money. So, unless he was gambling because he was cash strapped, I don\'t see any reason to believe this kind of comment.
yes, jk, gambling is an addiction if you\'re a true gambler.
just like a junkie needs his fix.........
i would tend to think since we have\'nt heard anything negative about him since all this took place that he was cash strapped and probably thought he could get away with it because of his status.....everyone not only deserves a 2nd chance, but a 3rd, 4th, and 5th as me, this is 3-fold right now......1) either someone who loves him with connections is very, very good about hiding the fact for now that he still has problems or 2) he has himself become extremely good at hiding these problems himself or 3) he has straightened up and we\'ll see where this 2nd chance takes him.
as far as him replacing brooks, i think the system has another yr to justify itself and then the sheeet hits the fan.....smitty

TheDeuce 04-27-2005 07:38 AM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..
I really think that the reason for his gambling problems were a product of his being treated like a god and being able to do whatever he wanted without taking any kind of responsibility. But don\'t believe me, believe AMac:


\"The situation back then was I was just so used to people doing everything for me,\" McPherson said. \"I just kind of figured I could do what I wanted to do.\"

\"Now I think everything out,\" McPherson said. \"Before I do anything I think about what could possibly happen and the consequences. I think it matured me a lot. It definitely made me a better person.\"
This was a poor kid who came from a place where he had nothing. With football, he could have whatever he wanted. I think he\'s learned his lesson.

4saintspirit 04-27-2005 08:02 AM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..
What have we got to lose by giving him a chance -- as a 5th rounder coming from the arena league its not like he is expecting a huge signing bonus or salary -- he wants a chance to play in the NFL. So even if he turns out to be a thug we can cut him loose at any time -- But -- if he turns out to be a model citizen and is as good as people are predicting we may have something --- I cannot see any real downside having him on our team --

SaintFanInATLHELL 04-27-2005 08:33 AM

article on AM..with some interesting data on brooks..

I would not be so sure about Brooks losing his job to mcpherson. I think the fifth round was insurance in two things. 1 to get Brooks more poised and less secure about losing his job. Secondly this could be Brooks last year if he messes up this year.

As I\'ve posted elsewhere, it may be Brooks last year period due to cap considerations. The Saints will be upside down on Brooks contract after this year. It will cost them less on the cap to cut him than the keep him. So they\'ll ask him to renegotiate, or will let him go either via trade or a June 1st 2006 cut.


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