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BrooksMustGo 04-28-2005 11:16 AM

From sinner to Saint....
The public statement wouldn\'t be binding, but they can contract for whatever they want. McPherson could very easily include a \"bad boy\" clause in his contract if he\'d like.

ScottyRo 04-28-2005 11:20 AM

From sinner to Saint....
I guarantee his agent flipped put when he heard A-mac say that.

WD, Your contracts professor would be proud! ;)

WhoDat 04-28-2005 11:31 AM

From sinner to Saint....
Thanks Scotty!! LOL

BooBirdSaint 04-28-2005 12:34 PM

From sinner to Saint....
I don\'t like it one bit... Are the Saints the offical work release program for all the nations foodball offenders? For the last few seasons everytime I walk into the Superdome on Sunday I feel like the program should read more like a rap sheet then stat sheet... And when the music start up I wince at the thought that at any minute \"Bad Boys. Bad Boys...\" is gonna be the next song played on the PA. Enough already.

GumboBC 04-28-2005 02:15 PM

From sinner to Saint....
If you\'re going to take a chance, take a chance on \"raw\" athleticism.

You don\'t take a chance on whether someone might be a great \"leader\". Or whether someone is a high \"character\" guy.

You take a chance on a kid who has a world of talent and you hope it pays off?

saintswhodi 04-28-2005 02:26 PM

From sinner to Saint....

I don\'t like it one bit... Are the Saints the offical work release program for all the nations foodball offenders? For the last few seasons everytime I walk into the Superdome on Sunday I feel like the program should read more like a rap sheet then stat sheet... And when the music start up I wince at the thought that at any minute \"Bad Boys. Bad Boys...\" is gonna be the next song played on the PA. Enough already.
Who else that was on the Saints team outside of Albert Connel is a criminal? I mean Sullivan is a thief, but he is stealing it legally, albeit amorally. I know had I got caught for some things I did 10 years ago when I was just 20 years old, I would have done some jail time too. I am all for bashing the team, but let\'s choose the right reasons. Anyone else on the team been to jail?

[Edited on 28/4/2005 by saintswhodi]

GumboBC 04-28-2005 02:35 PM

From sinner to Saint....

I am all for bashing the team, but let\'s choose the right reasons.
Okay ... I just canNOT resist ...

Do we bash a player for smiling after he makes a mistake?

I think I\'ve heard you do that. I\'m quite sure of it, in fact.

Do you think Brooks\' is smiling because he doesn\'t care?


saintswhodi 04-28-2005 02:39 PM

From sinner to Saint....
Um, yes. when that player REPEATEDLY makes stupid mistakes, and REPEATEDLY smiles after those stupid mistakes, you are damn right it\'s a good reason to bash him. When a player is on camera in front of a national audience clapping his hands and smiling after his team just lost the lead, yes that is a good reason. When Peyton Manning is ringing 6 TDs on national TV in front of your home audience and the camera catches you ont he sideline cracking a joke with a backup player, yes that is a good reason. Need more?

GumboBC 04-28-2005 02:43 PM

From sinner to Saint....

Um, yes. when that player REPEATEDLY makes stupid mistakes, and REPEATEDLY smiles after those stupid mistakes, you are damn right it\'s a good reason to bash him. When a player is on camera in front of a national audience clapping his hands and smiling after his team just lost the lead, yes that is a good reason. When Peyton Manning is ringing 6 TDs on national TV in front of your home audience and the camera catches you ont he sideline cracking a joke with a backup player, yes that is a good reason. Need more?
Yeah, I need more, saintwhodi.

What does it mean when Brooks is \"smiling\" or cracking a joke?

Does it mean he doesn\'t care? What does it mean?

Remember, you made this statement:


I am all for bashing the team, but let\'s choose the right reasons.
Are you sure Brooks is \"smiling\" for the wrong reason? And are you sure you\'re bashing him for the right reason?

Just asking some honest questions.

I have a hard time believing Brooks is smiling because he doesn\'t care if he made a mistake or not. And I think he cares if the Saints win or not.


[Edited on 28/4/2005 by GumboBC]

Danno 04-28-2005 02:44 PM

From sinner to Saint....

I don\'t like it one bit... Are the Saints the offical work release program for all the nations foodball offenders? For the last few seasons everytime I walk into the Superdome on Sunday I feel like the program should read more like a rap sheet then stat sheet... And when the music start up I wince at the thought that at any minute \"Bad Boys. Bad Boys...\" is gonna be the next song played on the PA. Enough already.
Which players are you referring to?
I can\'t recall one player that fits your description.
Bentley maybe? He had a locker room fight and broke some guys nose, but they settled out of court.

Maybe the NFL in general? Sounds more like the NBA maybe.

Maybe thats our problem. Not enough criminals on this team.

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