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Who do you root for besides the Saints?
My pick is the Ravens. How can you not fall in love with their defense?! Ed Reed, Ray Lewis, Chris McAllister, Rolle, Suggs, etc... If you like to watch defensive stars, you really can't go wrong here. If Boller continues to develop, this is definately a team to watch out for. The Patriots (LSU North) can win as many Superbowls as they want, but I still have the Ravens before them.
In order... Saints, Ravens, and then the Patriots are my favorite teams. Coming in 4th is probably the Panthers (I love defense)... and then probably the Falcons. I love the NFC South :wink: |
RE: Who do you root for besides the Saints?
OK first of all I hate the Falcons, Panthers, and Bucs more than any other teams in football because they are our RIVALS. I guess I just don't understand how anybody can like a team that tries to beat your favorite team every chance they get, especially if they are in the same division. I mean come on, I'm pretty sure anybody would agree that a Red Sox fan would be completely ostracized from their Sox community if they said they loved the Yankees because they play in the AL East. They are rivals, they hate each other. That's how it works, and that's how I feel about the Falcons, Panthers, and Bucs. I despise those teams. Maybe it's just me, but I can't root for a rival team. I'm a one-team kinda guy, not a rooting-slut (not saying you are papz). The Saints get my all, any other team in the NFL is just city and name.
Anyways, I do have to hear a lot about the Cowboys considering I live in Dallas, so I guess I'm pretty familiar with them, but I definitely don't root for them. |
RE: Who do you root for besides the Saints?
Gotta agree Deuce. I really could care less about any other team in the NFL. I don't follow any other team except the ones we are going to play that week or who we need to lose so we can get into the playoffs. The Saints get my 100% at all times. I too absolutely despise the Panthers, Falcons and Bucs more so than any other teams in the NFL. It's hard to have this perspective on football because, lets face it, the Saints usually don't live up to expectations. Basically my entire mood for the week depends on how the Saints played. If they lose, I'm pissed all day Sunday and Monday and start hoping the next game will be different. If they win, I'm happy as hell and on cloud 9. It's actually kind of psychotic if you think about it.....but then again, so are most Saints fans.
RE: Who do you root for besides the Saints?
No offense Papz. :wink:
RE: Who do you root for besides the Saints?
I guess, papz, I root for the Packers on occasion (gotta love Favre - Ints and all); also, living here in cheese country makes it pretty hard to avoid. I used to root for the Broncos (family in Colorado).
More or less, I only root for the Saints these days. There was a study done not all that long ago that correlated "spousal abuse injuries" (more or less reported injuries that look like they were done by another human and not some accident) to the losses of the local major sports franchises. Pretty depressing, no? For awhile, I took this to be a good reason to root for the local team, this way none of your female friends were likely to get beaten. However, it seems to me that it is actually a good reason to root for the team with the larges fan base - which I find not too pleasing for other reasons. I can't remember why I'm sharing this, but since I've typed it, I guess I'll let it stand. Anymore, if I happen to be watching a game that isn't a Saints game, I root for good plays (regardless of which team is making them). I just continue to root for that team until the other team makes an equally or more impressive play. Just me, I suppose. |
If not the Saints, no one, I'd be done.
I'm just a all-around sports fan. I may have been born and raised here, doesn't mean they should be the only team I root for. I'm surprised most of you don't root/cheer for other squads. It's like having a favorite player... I'm pretty sure not all your favorite players are on the Saints. Come on now :P In baseball I root for the Rangers and Braves... in basketball I root for the Bulls and the Heat. Why can't I have my chocolate ice cream with vanilla too?! Why can't I have a boiled crab with my crawfish!?
Oh I forgot... I probably root for so many teams because I'm a sports gambling junkie... and fantasy football addict... I think that explains it. :mrgreen: |
Oh yes one more thing... come on now you guys don't root for either the Cowboys or the Redskins on Thanksgiving day every year? Those classic rivalry games are the best... in any sport. So let's just say your favorite team is the Braves for baseball and the RedSox and Yankees are playing... tell me you aren't rooting the the Sox to win!!?!?!?
I have family in Michigan and lived there for a while so I tend to root for the Lions. I don't realy follow them very closely, though.
Saintuary, I'm with you, I have lived in alot of major cities with NFL teams and could never be a fan of any other team.
If no SAINTS, then no NFL for me! |
Braves and Spurs. In football, back in the day I used to like Buffalo, and I did root for them to win at least A Superbowl, but as far as "rooting" om a regular basis, Saints only.
With NHL having gone to s--t, I am now kind of a one sport guy. I am envious of you guys who can really follow a bunch of sports, it would make some things (like the potential move of a team) easier to endure.
I just can't find it in me to care too much about baseball or basketball. I don't know why. |
Well other than the Saints I like the Raiders. I must say I don't have much emotion when they lose even when they lost in the superbowl to the bucs. Anyhow baseball pretty much the whitesox. Basketbal the Suns and Hornets and Orlando. I must say I don't pay attention to basketball to much would like to see the Suns take the chapionship though. I'm pretty much into teams that ear black because thats what my wardrobe consist of mostly is black clothes. You can still get the Suns jersey in black like it was when Barkley was playing for them. Of course I do like the pheonix coyotes but don't pay attention to hockey either.
The Raiders probably have the most fan base just because of the whole gang mentality thing lmao. Or atleast the top ten
I can't really be a "fan" of any other NFL team, but that's not to say I don't root for some other teams to win, so long as they aren't playing the Saints. I'd say that if I had to pick another team, I'd pick the San Diego, SUPER-CHARGERS!
I couldn't possibly hate the Falcons more. Rams, 9ers, Bucs, and Panthers follow in that order of hatred. |
Saints and every player on my fantasy teams. But thats only cause there is a profit and braggin rights involved. 100% Saints. I hate Falcons, Bucs, Panthers, & Cowboys the most and in that order. I follow the Texans a little. Only because I am in Austin and Dominick Davis is there.
I can only root for the Saints. I sometimes think how fun it is to be a fan of the Patriots but I do not have a choice in the matter. The Saints are the team that I was dealt since birth. There is no second team for me. I dislike each team equally except for the NFC South division teams and the Rams who I hate more. In fantasy football I will not draft a NFC South player or start a player who is playing the Saints that week(which really hurts considering the Saints defense in recent years). I hate Kyle Turley, Ricky Williams, Jake Delhomme and any other Saints player that goes on to sucess. It may not be their fault but it may not be my ex-wifes fault either but I hate her.
I used to have that attitude about fantasy football too. That is, until I discovered the power of starting players who are playing against the saints. I look at it this way:
If the player does really good against the Saints, then at least I can feel marginaly better about the Saints losing. Also, though, the Saints might win and even though that player did well. That's a bonus. If the player does poorly and the Saints win, then I usually don't care that he did poorly. If my player does poorly and the Saints still lose, I kick the cat. |
Thats interesting Danny. What you said about any Saints players that go to another team and find success. I feel the same way! I can't stand when people start talking about Delhomme or Bulger or anyone else that used to be in a Saints uniform. I hate em! I'm not exactly sure why, though. Could be that they are finding success and they didn't find it with our team. It's kinda funny though. I thought I was the only one on this site that hates Delhomme. Not him as a person, of course. Just his team and almost everything else that he does on the field. Nothing against the guy, he's just a rival now.
As far a fantasy football goes, I don't play on any large scale teams or organizations. But when I do, I usually get as many Saints players as possible. I always seem to land the Saints D too. For some odd reason they are always available.....hmmm. I start em anyway. :lol: |
Speaking of fantasy football, for some reason I always end up drafting Donte Stallworth as a third receiver.... I don't know why. He'll go 5 games without catching more than 2 passes for 22 yards, and so I bench him, then he goes and catches 8 passes for 125 and a TD. It's so frustrating, but that's just like the Saints. And I agree with Scotty, using players who play against the Saints is a good thing because you hope the Saints will win, but if not, then there's a good chance that the guy you started racked up some big fantasy numbers as a consolation.
Also, I would once again like to state publicly my hatred of the Falcons, Panthers, and Bucs. If there were any team I had to root for I guess it would either be the Bills (I feel bad for them) or the Lions (Barry Sanders was my childhood favorite). Also, the Jets used to be my "AFC" team, but ever since week 17 of last season I hate them too. It's simply a one team mentality for me. Screw everybody else in the NFL. |
That's a very good point ScottyRo about the fantasy players. I have often had a good player score multiple times aganist the Saints but I had him on the bench. I have to realize that by benching a player it does not affect the outcome of the game, so I might as well benefit from that.
I am glad to know I am not alone jnormand. I think the reason we hate former Saints that have sucess is pure jealousy. People do not like to admit they are jealous but I am. I am jealous of the sucess of other players as well as teams. When the Falcons went to the Super Bowl a few years back I felt why can't this be us. I see New England win 3 out of 4 Super Bowls and I wonder do their fans fully appreicate it. I'm sure they do but I am supremely jealous. The Eagles have been to 4 straight NFC title games, I mean come on, I would kill for one.I go around to my friends bragging in great detail about 1 freaking playoff win. I have developed a "us against the world" attitude about being a Saints fan. I do not hate Jake as a person but I cannot stand the fact that he went to a Super Bowl. The reason I love this message board is the only negative talk about the Saints I can handle is from true Saints fans. The Saints get no respect around the league as well as no media coverage. On ESPN's two days of covering the draft I saw interviews with coachs and general managers from every team in the league almost but not the Saints. Please correct me if I am wrong but I counted 30 interviews over the two days with NFL coaches and the only two I did not see were Jim Haslett and Buffalo's coach. Like I said I could have missed it so please correct me if I am wrong. Nobody and I mean nobody deserves a Super Bowl more than the fans of New Orleans and then maybe I won't hate Jake, Ricky, Morten, and Kyle because we have something of our own. |
It is jealousy Danny. Exactly. The other reason is I can't stand hearing people say, "oh we should've kept em, or why didn't we see the talent" or whatever. The guy is gone, who gives a hell what he does now as long as he sucks when he plays the Saints. I wonder if Kansas City fans gripe about Joe Horns departure? They probably hate his guts! LMAO!
My top two teams are the Saints and the Titans. I also like the Redskins because they're my dad's team and the Panthers because they're my hometeam and were before I started really paying attention to football and started liking the Saints and once I like a team or player or whatever I don't stop liking them.
Who I root for and why:
Born in 1954, until 1067, I did not really have a team that I followed, but if pressed I would say that I liked the Colts because of Johnny U., Once the Saints came on the scene, all that changed. I became a devout Saint fan. Since I grew up in Miss., I was thrilled during the Manning days, and I have to admit that I am very partial to that family. Being from Miss., you don't have much to be proud of. Archie is one thing the state of Miss. can be proud of. With that in mind, being that I am such a fan of that family, I have become a fan of the Colts because of Peyton, and more recently the Giants because of Eli. However, if either of these teams played the Saints, I would pull for the Saints...especially against the Colts because of what happened last time they played. I really like Eli, becaus he went to Ole Miss, I suppose. If the Giants beat the Saints, I would be less disappointed than if any other team beat us. The only other team I pull for is the Packers, because of Favre. Again, he is a Miss. product, and I played baseball for his father eons ago. I attended USM after I got out of the Navy, and my wife is a graduate of USM, so it is only natural for us to have strong interest in Favre. He is another person the state can be proud of. I consider the NFL a form of entertainment. I believe it is OK to have more than one team that you are interested in and watch. Otherwise, your options would be somewhat limited. However, I think that although there are people like me that watch and pull for other teams, I think we all have one thing in common...that is, we have a favorite team. For me, that team is and always will be the Saints. |
Saints for life!!!(unless they move) And if that happens I'd jump on the Bolts bandwagon...
(livin in Cali and all)......hate, hate,hate the Bucs...with a passion... Hate fantasy football....tests my faith...and I think it's stupid....sorry. |
I've got to disagree with you danny because I think we get plenty of media attention every year. Remember we get a lot of respect before every season because we are considered the most talented team... and by the end of the year we get dogged the most because we are the most underachieving team. :wink: |
Since I live in Houston I watch the Texans play while listening to the Saints on Field Pass. I don't really root for the Texans but I hope they do well. I root for the Saints.
Saints Saints and Saints. And then probably the Ravens. If the Saints had a Ray Lewis at middle linebacker to lead and call defensive audibles...the Saints would also be in the top 10 defenses.
On the other hand, if the Ravens had Aaron brooks...maybe their Offense would have been much better also. <shrugs> 6 in one hand... |
GOD, The Dodgers, UCLA Bruins, and PAMELA ANDERSON
Of Course not necessarily in that order. |
Texans, Buffalo Sabres, LSU
My best friend is a diehard Raider fan, and since they play in the AFC I will pull for them, especially if they are playing an NFC team and only if that NFC team is not the Saints. I got serious bragging rights last year! Plus I like the fact that there is a serious possibility that someone might get stabbed or shot at one of their games. It's like Thunderdome out there in Oakland.
If the Saints left New Orleans my favorite team would be whomever played the new Saints team -- I would want that new city to have the worst team in pro football -- I mean a really bad team --- losers by 20 points each and every game
carolina this year
not against us though i know stefan lefors personally |
I went to college just north of there. In fact when the Colts first moved to Indy, they had their training camp there. I even worked security for the first summer before graduating. |
I'm from pittsburgh, and moving back at the end of June, so I got to go with my Pittsburgh Steelers. What's not to like, a small market with extremely passionate fans. A blue coller town with a blue coller team.
Last year was a thing of beauty (helped offset some of those misserable saints games in the beginning of the year). I loved their game plan. "we're gonna run the ball in your face, and you have to try to stop us." Nothing fancy, just see who's tougher. The Steelers run game from last year gives me high hopes for the Saints defense this year. I got to say that there wasn't too much different with last years Steelers defense from the year before (when they were terrible) other than a healthy offensive line and running game. The defense looked fantastic last year with just a few additions to the secondary. I'm sure it helped that they were only on the field about 15 minutes a game! Although, Dick LeBeau's defensive schemes could have also had something to do with that improvement. Let's hope that Venturi is going to be DC in name only and this "defensive quality control"guy, or whatever he is, does a better job. Here's hoping for Saints and Steelers in the superbowl!! Then I can celebrate no matter what. Oh yeah, I also like Green Bay. You got to love Bret Favre. |
I root for anybody who is playing the Falcons. And I mean -anybody-. Those dirty birds should be boiled into gumbo.
I like the Bucs - they suffered almost as much as we did. I know they're a rival, but they were even worse than us for a while. I respect their older fans that stuck it out through the bad years. Falcons - PURE DISGUST - cook 'em (and never forgive Bartkowski!) Rams - severe dislike, enjoying seeing Turley eat crow 49'er - glad they're finally suffering, it's time they got some crappy seasons after Montana/Young Cowboys - borderline dislike - "America's Team" - my a$$ Redskins - pure antipathy for Theisman, and still pissed about the Ricky Williams trade Giants - notorious for dirty ball, and remember the 'officiating' after first post 9/11 game? - disgusting Broncos - "have we broken anyone's legs yet today at Mile High?" On a more positive note, teams I often root for: Bucs - gotta respect 'em for the decade+ of agony, even though they've done better than us Colts - nice seeing Petyon setting all those records, and UNITAS was GREAT! Arizona - similar to us, fans deserve a break Cleveland - remained loyal DOGS even when betrayed by team going bye-bye Pittsburg - Bradshaw still cracks me up to this day I guess I often root for the perennial underachievers most of the time. Well, being a Saints fan... go figure. But I get tired of the same old teams always doing the whipping. |
I am a bungals fan. of all the other teams and their fans, they remind me the most of us. except they've been to the superbowl
Good point. Yeah, I root for Cincy too, though things weren't so bad with for a while with Esiason....
Remember when that poor guy held up the sign saying 'hey NFL, please don't fine me again'? So they promptly went and fined him again? Jeez, they have my sympathies. Yeah, I like Cincy, even though they've been to the big game. |
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