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QBREES9 10-31-2018 10:22 PM

Re: Drew Brees is the Led Zeppelin of the NFL
How about The Who? can Drew be The Who.

vpheughan 11-01-2018 07:42 AM

Re: Drew Brees is the Led Zeppelin of the NFL
that get people tragically burned at the stake...

I KNEW YOU WERE OLD............

WillMacKenzie 11-01-2018 07:50 AM

Re: Drew Brees is the Led Zeppelin of the NFL
I never pegged Drew for a satanist, but now all those pregame chants make sense

foreverfan 11-01-2018 10:54 AM

Re: Drew Brees is the Led Zeppelin of the NFL

Originally Posted by subguy (Post 821124)
One of the best Rock songs of all time....I guess I have heard it a 1000 times in various mental states and by golly I still don't worship satan. Epic fail, they didn't own my soul


Originally Posted by gumbeau (Post 821257)
Most of the rituals and symbols you associate with christianity and western holiday traDitions have their Roots in pOLytheiStIc pagaN religious prAcTices predAting chriSt.

Your association of the May Queen with Satanism was especially funny. You seem to think that any non-christian religiosity is directly tied to Satanism.

So while there are some references in Stairway to Heaven to various polytheistic practices common in the British Isles, there is nothing which remotely connects any of that to Satan worship and making that connection makes you look seriously uninformed about religions in general and your own religious beliefs in particular.



Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 821263)
Songfacts Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppelin

This link probably does a better job of explaining things...

Robert Plant was/is an admitted mystic; and as this site points out (you have to actually read the whole thing) Plant was big into Anglo-Celtic mysticism which naturally flows to folks like Tolkien and Spence. As the band would partake in the occasional mind altering spin during their writing and composing, it's likely that images of Gandalf and the Lady Galadriel were on Plant and Page's minds. If you've read Tolkien's Masterpiece or paid close attention to Peter Jackson's Extended Disc Version of same, you should be familiar with the backstory of Lady Galadriel, seduced at first by the power of her ring, but saved through her Faith in Goodness. It's more likely that these ideas, either consciously or subconsciously, influenced Plant's lyrics. Also debunking the satanic theories, Plant disclosed he was despondent when false charges of satanic influences and backwards playing of the records revealing ulterior messages were slandered upon them. A regular Friday the 13th for the Rocking Crusaders. So take the Satan worship and check it with other creative, but false, conspiracy theories that get people tragically burned at the stake...

Anyways the point was as Led Zeppelin and their body of work represents the pinnacle of Hard Rock/Blues, Drew Brees' body of work represents the same next level of achievement in professional football...

It was the Summer of 1974 that this song had its biggest impact in my Life and I BECAME EVIL.

For years I thought it was Ozzy Osbourne but now I am convinced it was Led Zeppelin.

This seemed to happen to everyone I knew at the time... and this may have happened to you at sometime in your life. Now you know why.

Seems I never really understood all of the words completely and their meaning. I was innocent. The Saints sucked in those years and my soul was looking for something. It seems that I was infected by Satin that year as I turned into a pot smoking, homophobic, racist, bigot, sexist and a democrat at age 15. As I remember... I started having a lot of sex with myself too but this had be going for a few years. :rolleyes:

I must admit... It took me years to get over this but...

I fixed all of those problems a few years later when I got a steady girlfriend and I voted for Ronald Reagan. :D

Childhood is Bliss

gumbeau 11-01-2018 12:36 PM

Re: Drew Brees is the Led Zeppelin of the NFL

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 821324)
It was the Summer of 1974 that this song had its biggest impact in my Life and I BECAME EVIL.

For years I thought it was Ozzy Osbourne but now I am convinced it was Led Zeppelin.

This seemed to happen to everyone I knew at the time... and this may have happened to you at sometime in your life. Now you know why.

Seems I never really understood all of the words completely and their meaning. I was innocent. The Saints sucked in those years and my soul was looking for something. It seems that I was infected by Satin that year as I turned into a pot smoking, homophobic, racist, bigot, sexist and a democrat at age 15. As I remember... I started having a lot of sex with myself too but this had be going for a few years. :rolleyes:

I must admit... It took me years to get over this but...

I fixed all of those problems a few years later when I got a steady girlfriend and I voted for Ronald Reagan. :D

Childhood is Bliss

I do agree that Satin in rock and roll is an evil influence. Textiles matter!

jeanpierre 11-01-2018 01:12 PM

Re: Drew Brees is the Led Zeppelin of the NFL

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 821324)
It was the Summer of 1974 that this song had its biggest impact in my Life and I BECAME EVIL.

For years I thought it was Ozzy Osbourne but now I am convinced it was Led Zeppelin.

This seemed to happen to everyone I knew at the time... and this may have happened to you at sometime in your life. Now you know why.

Seems I never really understood all of the words completely and their meaning. I was innocent. The Saints sucked in those years and my soul was looking for something. It seems that I was infected by Satin that year as I turned into a pot smoking, homophobic, racist, bigot, sexist and a democrat at age 15. As I remember... I started having a lot of sex with myself too but this had be going for a few years. :rolleyes:

I must admit... It took me years to get over this but...

I fixed all of those problems a few years later when I got a steady girlfriend and I voted for Ronald Reagan. :D

Childhood is Bliss

Two sides of the same coin, Brother. Like anything it's all about the purpose...

The music alone is all I need to chill and relax in the evening...

foreverfan 11-01-2018 01:55 PM

Re: Drew Brees is the Led Zeppelin of the NFL

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 821346)

Two sides of the same coin, Brother. Like anything it's all about the purpose...

The music alone is all I need to chill and relax in the evening...

Buy the way... that was satire.

God gives you a free will because you can't understand good until you understand bad and sometimes it's a hard lesson to learn. :shock:

Oh... and buy the way... that was satire.

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