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arsaint 01-21-2019 12:19 AM

Will not watch Screwbowl 53
I hate the Rams - even more now - and I hate the Patriots.

Screw the Screwbowl - I'd rather watch my grass grow in February...

I encourage each of you to do the same and send Roger - aka the worst commissioner in the history of sports - a polite email telling him you're done watching his product until he quits fixing the results via referees, disiplinary actions and fines.

A.8Manning 01-21-2019 12:45 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
Goodell isn't doing ****. He takes orders from the people fixing it. He's a puppet.

OldMaid 01-21-2019 12:52 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
I am not watching it.
No interests.
NE Pats are the greatest team ever and have been for the past 15 plus years of Belichek, Brady and team.
Amazing. There will never be another team like them.
Records are made to be broken and are, but Belicheck , his staff, Brady and all the various team members over the years will never be beaten.
11 times to SB. Every season is a winning season.

NE Pats are going to smash Rams. I hope NEPats come out and make it one of those lopsided SB wins with like 37 pts to Rams 14.

westbankdaze 01-21-2019 01:31 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
I’m not watching either. See y’all next year.

billyt81 01-21-2019 03:44 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
That game killed all of my interest in the NFL. I feel so strange. The Saints have been such a huge part of my life and my entire identity. Deep down I think all of us WHODATS have always known the truth. But that game was too blatantly obvious. It wasn't just one call. The NFL is rigged. PERIOD. It's not that I'm protesting against lopsided officiating. That game literally killed my interest in the NFL. What am I going to do with myself?

Srgt. Hulka 01-21-2019 06:29 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
I didn't even watch the AFCCG. I have ZERO interest in watching the Fake News Bowl.

dam1953 01-21-2019 08:09 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53

Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 835815)
I didn't even watch the AFCCG. I have ZERO interest in watching the Fake News Bowl.

Same here. The wife and I watched Netflix. Not sure what I'm doing Feb 3, but I sure as hell know what we won't be doing.

I have a feeling that this Super Bowl may set a record for low viewership. Everyone hates the Pats and the Rams fan base is transparent and the team.

Saints management should sell tickets to watch the 2009 Super Bowl in the SuperDome. The show starts at 6:30 on Feb 3rd. Stick that in your eye Goodell.

dam1953 01-21-2019 08:47 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53

Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 835815)
I didn't even watch the AFCCG. I have ZERO interest in watching the Fake News Bowl.

The fans should all start referring to pro football as the FFL (Fake Football League). With all of the recent rule changes, the sport barely resembles football as we new it even 10 years ago. Now, the refs are so bad that calls on non-existent penalties and non-calls on flagrant violations are deciding games and not play on the field.

Rugby Saint II 01-21-2019 01:19 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
I only watch the Saints and whoever they have on the schedule for evaluation purposes.

hitta 01-21-2019 01:21 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
Superbowl* I

arsaint 01-21-2019 02:14 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53

Couldn't agree more. Have a Superbowl party but don't watch the Fake Football League's sham Screwbowl.

Pop in a copy of Superbowl 44 if you have it on DVD - IT is what you SHOULD be seeing this year - substituting Roger Kraft Goodell's Patriots in for the Colts...

FinSaint 01-21-2019 03:03 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
Yeah, my interest was killed by that injustice. There's no way I'm going to watch the SB... at least that's how I feel right now, but things might change after the wound isn't as fresh.

neugey 01-21-2019 03:44 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
I haven't spent a single cent on Saints or NFL since Payton was suspended for Bountygate. After this fiasco I'll have no problem remaining firm on that. Watching/not-watching, not much impact there IMO. Ratings are just numbers that can be manipulated to throw off the advertisers. It's how the business works.

voodooido 01-21-2019 05:33 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
Tbh I’m not sure if I will ever watch again. I know it’s not the end of the world but this is not the regular season. This game cost it’s players and fans the Super Bowl which is once a year. These players may be out of the league tomorrow. This may have been their only chance and it was taken away by refs, which in my opinion was not called on purpose. These guys played their whole life for this chance and it was taken away.......on purpose.

JoanieNTX 01-21-2019 05:42 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
Has everyone signed this petition? Over 400,000 signatures! Make sure you sign it, too!

Rsanders24 01-21-2019 06:51 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
And on top of not watching the SuperBowl...I hope that none of the Saints players participate in the ProBowl.

dam1953 01-21-2019 06:52 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53

Originally Posted by Rsanders24 (Post 835990)
And on top of not watching the SuperBowl...I hope that none of the Saints players participate in the ProBowl.

I taught the same exact thing earlier today.

neugey 01-21-2019 07:05 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53

Originally Posted by dam1953 (Post 835991)
I taught the same exact thing earlier today.

Or if they go, just don't give any effort and literally sabotage the game. Like lateral the ball backwards 20 yards and watch and see who recovers it. I wouldn't normally support poor sportsmanship, but the Pro Bowl has lost all its meaning in recent years. No one in their right mind gives a millimeter of a fock about that game anymore.

saintfan 01-21-2019 07:15 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
Frankly, and this is not something I would ever normally support, but I think every player from the Saints chosen for the pro bowl should protest by not attending. We should make this as big a crisis as Roger made his 'bountygate' fabrication.

4everSaint 01-21-2019 08:21 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
I want to see the Rams get beat like a rented mule.

Audiotom 01-21-2019 10:46 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
It's hard enough to beat your opponent, but when your opponent also includes the NFL front office who do everything in their power to turn a game. You literally have to overcome both. The Saints did that in the Eagles game. Three refs staring right at the play, one goes to pull out the flag and is waved off.

Stick a fork in this year.

My friend who has been a season ticket holder for 30+ years is about ready to let his tickets go. Said he doesn't like it when the fix is in

jeanpierre 01-21-2019 11:09 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
See several on Twitter refer to Superbowl LIII as Superbowl Lie...

whybag 01-21-2019 11:49 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
I barely watched any football this year. After this I'm done with the NFL.

The Dude 01-22-2019 12:46 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
There is talk about a No Bowl party here at a local brewery. Food trucks, beer, Saints trivia , and of course the 2009 Super Bowl. It’s gaining momentum. Open to the public.

hitta 01-22-2019 01:42 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
I'm boycotting the game, but if I had to pick... I want the Patriots to kick the **** out of the Rams. The Patriots have a more legit win the the AFC game then the Rams. I want Marcus Peters on the sideline crying as Brady picks them apart.

K Major 01-22-2019 07:42 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53

Originally Posted by Rsanders24 (Post 835990)
And on top of not watching the SuperBowl...I hope that none of the Saints players participate in the ProBowl.

Updated: 2019 Pro Bowl Rosters |

You can scratch Brees and Mike Thomas from that list of attendees.

dizzle88 01-22-2019 08:58 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
I hope Cam Jordan follows suit.

Big statement if Brees has refused, you'd do something spectacular to turn Brees against you.

SmashMouth 01-22-2019 09:47 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53

vpheughan 01-22-2019 10:02 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
The whole league is corrupt. In order for the game to be "fixed" all the owners had to be complicit. Roger works for the owners, he is their minion. Here's to Kaepernick winning his case!

jeanpierre 01-22-2019 10:08 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
I'm also a Boston Sports Fan, (Red Sox, Celtics, Pats, Bruins) so I'll be pulling for the Patriots; but I won't be spending any money to view it nor will I purchase any advertised products, services for a min. 30 Days...

The love for my AFC team goes back to the days of QB Steve Grogan (and his LBer NeckRoll), All-World Tackle John Hannah, Wideout Stanley Morgan, DB/PR Mike Haynes and when Pat Patriots donned the helmets...

I'm not enamoured with Brady nor Belichick on a personal level, but have loads of respect for thier accomplishments; nor do I care for the US Postal Service Logo, but they're the envy of the league - undeniable...

And then there's the small satisfaction of a Patriots win in the ATL - that would be some solace in that schadenfreude of the Falcons Flock...

K Major 01-22-2019 10:37 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53
Soon to be MVP Pat Mahomboy (16-31 in AFCCG) will be at home watching the Super Bowl.

Meanwhile Brady is headed to Atlanta for a crack at yet another ring. He wasn't great vs the Chiefs, however he was great when he needed to be.

Not a fan of the Patriots franchise, but damn they sure know how to close on the biggest stage. Unreal. How long are they going to be able to do this?

K Major 01-22-2019 10:40 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 836060)
I hope Cam Jordan follows suit.

Big statement if Brees has refused, you'd do something spectacular to turn Brees against you.

Add 2 more Saints to that Pro Bowl list.

Unger, Armstead also sitting out Pro Bowl

Srgt. Hulka 01-22-2019 11:32 AM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53

Originally Posted by K Major (Post 836073)
Add 2 more Saints to that Pro Bowl list.

Unger, Armstead also sitting out Pro Bowl

Hey NFL...

st thomas 01-22-2019 07:15 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53

Originally Posted by arsaint (Post 835788)
I hate the Rams - even more now - and I hate the Patriots.

Screw the Screwbowl - I'd rather watch my grass grow in February...

I encourage each of you to do the same and send Roger - aka the worst commissioner in the history of sports - a polite email telling him you're done watching his product until he quits fixing the results via referees, disiplinary actions and fines.

Hardy ar arsaint I respect ur wishes but I’ve got 500 on Super pools already I’m calling it my Super Bowl without cities afc-nfc show down its just about #s now to me thought the saints would rep. But noooooo they had the fix on

burningmetal 01-22-2019 07:25 PM

Re: Will not watch Screwbowl 53

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 835796)
Goodell isn't doing ****. He takes orders from the people fixing it. He's a puppet.

He is a puppet when it comes to many things, but not all things. Other owners don't need the Rams in the Super Bowl. Goodell desperately wants to make this L.A. thing work. He wants to wake up the band wagoners who make up such a huge portion of that area. He wants that market to succeed. He learned nothing from the past.

The owners might have approved moving those teams to L.A., but I don't think they're telling Roger to put the Rams in the super bowl.

I think it's lazy when people constantly describe Roger as a puppet, and effectively absolve him of blame. You forget that Tagliabue dealt with the vast majority of the same people Roger does. And it is undeniable the differences between the way Tagliabue governed, and how Roger does. I didn't even like Tagliabue, but he looks like an angel next to Goodell.

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