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saintz08 06-13-2005 11:08 PM

N.F.L. Network
Have to say that if you do not have this station during the season and off season , you are missing out .

With the exception to the 2 following broadcasts .

1. The Miami Dolphin Cheerleader tryout program . This is some sad bit of cheerleader programming that has this pretentious Barbie Doll tryout manager named Dorie Grogan giving her thoughts on why they should not be Dolphin material . After watching this program and seeing this woman , I was left with one thought about her , she is most likely going home to a big helping of furburger . After seeing the first part of this 3 part series , I was wondering how much more it would have really cost to get the Cowboys cheerleaders ???

2. Is there some kind of N.F.L. advertising clause that says the Saints have to be the butt of all N.F.L. advertisements ?? Last year it was the Lard Butt Browns fan in the grocery store picking the Saints as his sleeper pick and Now we have Hasbeen who would watch Torry Holt's Big Game hunting show .

Note to Hasbeen : There is only one Big Game hunting show you should be watching , and that is the Road to the Super Bowl . Watch it over and over and maybe you will learn something .

Tobias-Reiper 06-14-2005 11:10 AM

RE: N.F.L. Network
... they had a promo on rookie camp... different coaches saying things like "this isn't college", "don't care what your signing bonus is", etc..
.. at the very end, Haslett comes on and says:
"..and don't embarass your mama"...

... how ironic...

saintfan 06-14-2005 11:22 AM

Furburger? That's just damn funny. :lol:

Where ya been 08? How was the latest "Conspiracy Theory Seminar" anyway? :mrgreen:

Personally I find the NFL Network to be a bit full of fluff. I watch every now and then, but the cheese factor is a bit high for me. It helps tho, when there's nothing on but the NBA and Law and Order reruns. ;)

saintz08 06-14-2005 11:55 AM


Where ya been 08? How was the latest "Conspiracy Theory Seminar" anyway?
Ron Mexico seminar was fine .....

Now seriously Saintfan , have you ordered your Ron Mexico shirt for the Falcons game ???

Must say confidence is not running high when I see Hasbeen's face on the N.F.L. network .

saintz08 06-15-2005 07:00 PM


Where ya been 08? How was the latest "Conspiracy Theory Seminar" anyway?
Your not going to come up with one of those deer in the head light looks when Anaheim ends up with the Los Angeles area football franchise are you ???

That Eisner / Taglipew connection could come back to haunt Los Angeles ....

Euphoria 06-16-2005 12:24 AM

agh. I guess I am going to have to go from cable to the dish!

WhoDat 06-16-2005 08:50 AM

08 is back. Yee-haaaw!

What are your feelings on McPhearson 08?

saintz08 06-16-2005 07:20 PM


What are your feelings on McPhearson 08?
Art Schlicter immediately comes to mind ....

mayoj 06-16-2005 09:00 PM

Pretty funny article, but.........

I don't think amac has had problems since that early time period. Not everyone that screws up does so chronically. I think he now must be held to a higher standard, but I don't think he is destined to walk down that path again. If motivated and lead in the right direction while being given a real opportunity to succeed, he will mature and perform. There is always a chance of a relapse though. Keep the microscope out, but use sparingly.

ScottyRo 06-16-2005 09:48 PM

Here's one for ya...

The new L.A. team is going to need a Mike Vick type to lead them so as to generate enough interest to keep the finicky L.A. fans watching. It just so happens that a certain team seemingly destined to move to california drafted a QB seemingly destined to be that MV-type of QB.

Just a coincidence or did Tag and his NFL goons set this up by telling all the other teams not to pick him and instructing Loomis to pick him in rd 5?

The joke is on the Commisioner, however, as Loomis had already written in Amac as the Saints' 4th round pick, if he were still there. What else could explain the Chase Lyman pick?

WhoDat 06-17-2005 08:32 AM

Not that is good Scotty. VERY 08-esque. I like it. Adrian McPhearson, the starting QB of the LA Diablos.

saintz08 06-17-2005 12:31 PM


Not that is good Scotty. VERY 08-esque. I like it. Adrian McPhearson, the starting QB of the LA Diablos.
I am leaning towards the Anaheim Saints on this one if anything . It is that whole Mighty Ducks , Angels in the outfield , Disney sport theme thing.

saintz08 06-18-2005 12:22 AM


If motivated and lead in the right direction while being given a real opportunity to succeed, he will mature and perform.
So given the opportunity to start for one of the top 20 colleges in the nation was not enough ???

He was dismissed from Florida St. and plead no contest to gambling and stolen check charges in 2003 and was sentenced to probation and community service.

saintfan 06-18-2005 07:47 AM


So given the opportunity to start for one of the top 20 colleges in the nation was not enough ???
You're an equal opportunity hater 08. I'll give ya that much. :lol:

FireVenturi 06-18-2005 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by saintz08

If motivated and lead in the right direction while being given a real opportunity to succeed, he will mature and perform.
So given the opportunity to start for one of the top 20 colleges in the nation was not enough ???

He was dismissed from Florida St. and plead no contest to gambling and stolen check charges in 2003 and was sentenced to probation and community service.

So ur sayin he shouldn't get a second chance????????

mayoj 06-18-2005 11:15 AM


So given the opportunity to start for one of the top 20 colleges in the nation was not enough ???

He was dismissed from Florida St. and plead no contest to gambling and stolen check charges in 2003 and was sentenced to probation and community service.
How rare is it for a football player in the top twenty to get into problems with the law in some way, shape, form??? Not very.

In that post I said I didn't want to take anything away from what he did, nor should the team give him as much slack as other players. He screwed up, took his punishment and moved on. He spent a year in the Arena league with success and no incidents. He has moved on, maybe everyone else should too.

About giving him a chance, I don't think we owe him one or anything; I think it's in our favor to give him a chance, guidance, etc and our investment will pay off. People, especially athletes, are a lot more immature in college than afterward, and often it takes just that sort of incident to turn things around. Had he already been making tons of money and all of that happened, then I would say otherwise. (Sully probably won't learn bc he has nothing at stake) Amac had a lot of attention but his actions took away for a short time the limelight, the oportunity to make money and be successful, pretty much everything. That changes a man.

saintz08 06-18-2005 12:14 PM


So ur sayin he shouldn't get a second chance????????
With this pathetic group of coaches ???

Hasbeen is quicker to write a player off as a cancerous distraction , then get the player squared up on the world .

Sheppard has the fine distinction of being able to motivate and properly set an example for the likes of Ryan Leaf .

Not to mention his mentor is Fumbalaya Brooks , the role model who's dedication has led to such great moments as Brooks making plays up in the huddle .

All this added to the thought of when he steps off the field he will enter one of the most distracting environments in the world .

Should be an interesting second chance ......

CheramieIII 06-18-2005 01:18 PM

Welcome back 08, I love the carpet muncher comment....


saintz08 06-20-2005 11:52 PM


Amac had a lot of attention but his actions took away for a short time the limelight, the oportunity to make money and be successful, pretty much everything. That changes a man.
Alright so hypothetically Amac is a changed man , earns the starting role and comes out firing . What is not taken into consideration in this scenario is the effect that his letting his prior teammates down is going to have. Amac starts throwing bad balls and 10 men in the huddle are going to wonder how much he bet on the game . Not to mention the local press .

Euphoria 06-21-2005 12:35 AM

well hopefully ya put some money in a guys pocket he won't steal right?

WhoDat 06-21-2005 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by saintz08
Alright so hypothetically Amac is a changed man , earns the starting role and comes out firing . What is not taken into consideration in this scenario is the effect that his letting his prior teammates down is going to have. Amac starts throwing bad balls and 10 men in the huddle are going to wonder how much he bet on the game . Not to mention the local press .

I'm calling BS on this. Your argument against A-Mac is that his teammates might not trust him? Does AB still play on this team, just wondering?

If AB can throw for 3,800 yards and 25 TDs with this bunch, why can't a much more talented sandlot player with a cannon arm (and slightly more touch as well mind you) put up the same or better numbers?

Euphoria 06-21-2005 09:16 AM

it al remains to be seen...

mayoj 06-21-2005 09:21 AM

yeah, that's a stretch to say everyone is going to be suspicious of his every move, so he is a bad take.

I just don't understand why without anything dramatic going on, this guy can't make changes to his life and turn out ok. I'm not saying in these situations the odds are really high, but I would put a slight favor on his success over lack of, which would make a 5th round pick well worth while.

saintz08 06-21-2005 10:43 AM


I'm calling BS on this. Your argument against A-Mac is that his teammates might not trust him? Does AB still play on this team, just wondering?
The point is that there is a huge difference between ineffective or stupid players and a player who has a gambling rap on him . There is more pressure on him then say the crackhead player .Certainly Jeff George has put up good numbers and Amac could have all the tools to play the position , but is the chemistry going to be there to lead the team or will Amac be just another talented head case ???

WhoDat 06-21-2005 11:30 AM

It's a fair question - I just think saying that every time he throws a bad pass the other 10 guys in the huddle are going to immediately wonder if he has money on the game is going a bit far, especially considering they're currently taking orders from Aaron "Fake love/Great QB on inconsistent team" Brooks.

mayoj 06-21-2005 11:46 AM

Better chance of someone making some poor decisions lie amac made and then turning that around than being a moron and all of a sudden reaching enlightenment. IF amac works hard and produces, his team will listen. No one really listens to the moron telling them what to do.

Euphoria 06-21-2005 01:10 PM

Who are you calling a moron... I hope its not Brooks perhaps the best QB to ever wear a Saints uniform. How many 3,000 yard seasons???

WhoDat 06-21-2005 02:27 PM


Who are you calling a moron... I hope its not Brooks perhaps the best QB to ever wear a Saints uniform. How many 3,000 yard seasons???
BnB is gonna love the way this thread develops.

One question Euph - what does throwing for 3,000 yards have to do with intelligence?

mayoj 06-21-2005 11:08 PM


Who are you calling a moron... I hope its not Brooks perhaps the best QB to ever wear a Saints uniform. How many 3,000 yard seasons???
Euph, I was replying to this post:


Originally Posted by saintz08

I'm calling BS on this. Your argument against A-Mac is that his teammates might not trust him? Does AB still play on this team, just wondering?
The point is that there is a huge difference between ineffective or stupid players and a player who has a gambling rap on him . There is more pressure on him then say the crackhead player .Certainly Jeff George has put up good numbers and Amac could have all the tools to play the position , but is the chemistry going to be there to lead the team or will Amac be just another talented head case ???

So, basically my point had no reference to any specific qb, but if it did, it would have to be Jeff George bc that is the example 08 used.

On the subject of AB, I do think he may be the best QB we have ever had (no worse than second best) but that isn't saying much and that has nothing to do with his intelligence. In fact, yes, I do think he has less than avg intelligence even for the NFL. Obviously, you do to bc you immediately defended him. I still think he is a pretty good QB right now, and I think he will step it up this year and produce. At the end of the season though, he will still be less than intelligent. I wouldn't say moron though, unless I see some of the same mistakes as last year, then I will use the term moron and AB in the same sentence, rightfully so.

Plus, 3000 yards in a season is right at the league avg each of the last three years. So making a point by saying he had over 3000 yards in each of the last three seasons, is just like saying he was somewhere above avg the last three seasons. Give the guy more credit than that. He is the best qb we've ever had.

saintz08 06-21-2005 11:43 PM


So, basically my point had no reference to any specific qb, but if it did, it would have to be Jeff George bc that is the example 08 used.
There is a good trivia question :

Who placed higher on the Wonderlic test , Brooks or George ???

How many 1000 yard backs have the Saints had to take the pressure off the quarterback ??? And what were those numbers in those seasons and how did they relate to the rest of the league ???

If we are going to boast numbers let's level the playing field ....

WhoDat 06-22-2005 08:36 AM

Oh we've already been over this 08... Jeff George was (is) actually a better QB than Brooks. The numbers on the field proved that.

As for mayoj - Brooks is a moron. :)

TallySaint 07-02-2005 11:39 AM

Mac made mistakes here in Tallahassee and seems to be humbled by the experience. Hopefully he'll keep his head on straight and make the most of the opportunity. Certainly no one knows what the future will bring....

Bowden dismissed Randy Moss from the team before he played a down. He came to Tallahassee realizing he was already on his "second chance". Bobby was damned for sending Moss on his way and would've been damned if he kept him. But that's another story...

The NFL Network is pretty cool for a football fix. I've only had it a few months now and only watch it every few days because of the repeat programming. The live stuff is timely. I suspect it will pick up a bit once we get closer to opening day.

Take care....


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