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saintswhodi 07-21-2005 04:13 PM

Funny thing about Blake-Brooks season
I was just looking over the stats for that season, did anyone know Blake completed 60.9% of his passes before he got hurt, and when AB came in, he only completed 58% with the same receivers, same line, same defense, same guy selling popcorn, same roof on the superdome, same crappy big screens, and whatever other excuse there is for him not ever completing 60% of his passes? I thought that was pretty interesting. Two QBs, same season, same team. One was able to exceed 60% on his passes, the other wasn't. And the trend has followed for AB ever since, except he picks up more excuses from fans as the years go on. :roll:

along 07-21-2005 04:28 PM

Re: Funny thing about Blake-Brooks season

Originally Posted by saintswhodi
I was just looking over the stats for that season, did anyone know Blake completed 60.9% of his passes before he got hurt, and when AB came in, he only completed 58% with the same receivers, same line, same defense, same guy selling popcorn, same roof on the superdome, same crappy big screens, and whatever other excuse there is for him not ever completing 60% of his passes? I thought that was pretty interesting. Two QBs, same season, same team. One was able to exceed 60% on his passes, the other wasn't. And the trend has followed for AB ever since, except he picks up more excuses from fans as the years go on. :roll:

I sure would like to know what Aaron Brooks did to you?
Because the way I see you down the has to be personal.

ScottyRo 07-21-2005 04:29 PM

RE: Funny thing about Blake-Brooks season
# of games played for each prior to the Blake-Brooks season: Blake, 78; Brooks 0.

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 04:32 PM

Re: RE: Funny thing about Blake-Brooks season

Originally Posted by ScottyRo
# of games played for each prior to the Blake-Brooks season: Blake, 78; Brooks 0.

# of games played for Aaron up to the end of 2004, 72. Seasons completing 60% of his passes, ZERO. But hey, he just picked up another excuse.

ScottyRo 07-21-2005 04:36 PM

RE: Re: RE: Funny thing about Blake-Brooks season
But you weren't alking about since, you were talking about that season and how all things were equal. Yet, you conveniently left out experience and now you just want to call it another excuse. How many 60% 16 game seasons has Blake had since?

ScottyRo 07-21-2005 04:37 PM

RE: Re: RE: Funny thing about Blake-Brooks season
You know how many he had before that season? ZERO

saintfan 07-21-2005 04:43 PM


But you weren't alking about since, you were talking about that season and how all things were equal. Yet, you conveniently left out experience and now you just want to call it another excuse. How many 60% 16 game seasons has Blake had since?
You beat me to it, but 'ol crawdad wont' have it. You can't help someone until they're ready for it.


I sure would like to know what Aaron Brooks did to you?
Because the way I see you down the has to be personal.
AMEN! Gonna bash folks like me for rooting against Jake Delhomme (this just in, he's the QB for our division rival) and do everything he can to discredit the QB of his "so called" favorite team. It's amazing how some people think huh?

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 04:46 PM

Re: RE: Re: RE: Funny thing about Blake-Brooks season

Originally Posted by ScottyRo
But you weren't alking about since, you were talking about that season and how all things were equal. Yet, you conveniently left out experience and now you just want to call it another excuse. How many 60% 16 game seasons has Blake had since?

And the trend has followed for AB ever since,

Guess you missed that huh Scotty? I related it to the fact he started that way, and is still that way. Oops. :oops:

saintfan 07-21-2005 04:52 PM

Yup. That ONE pass a game he needed for 60% really hurt the team. It really hurt our defense too...that ONE frappin' pass completion. Could it have been one of Aarron's poor throws. Sure. It could have also been one of our WR drops too, or not running the right route, or the line failing to block, or play calling, or a WR falling down or running into an official (that cost Joe a drop and a TD as I recall...cost Brooks too). Yeah, any number of things could have caused that ONE pass to fall to the turf, but lets be silly and put all the blame on the QB. We can't piss off as many people unless we blame the QB exclusively.

ScottyRo 07-21-2005 05:04 PM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Funny thing about Blake-Brooks season
Not an oops on my part, bro. Guess you left out the expereince factor on purpose in some assinine attempt to make yet another AB bashing thread. Anyway, Blake didn't reach the 60% mark in a season until he had over 75 games played. Maybe this is Brooks' year.

Why don't you just admit that your using skewed logic in order to further bash AB and get it over with. This thread is a perfect example. You wanted to say that all things were similar in '00, but you left out quite possibly the most important factor. You weren't talking about since when you were referring to what went on in that season.

Shouldn't we expect that AB would have a lesser % than Blake in '00 given the disparity in their experience? Why is that an excuse and not just a fact?

BlackandBlue 07-21-2005 05:16 PM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Funny thing about Blake-Brooks season

They call it PMS because MadCow Disease was already taken.

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 05:17 PM

So let me get this straight Scotty. In 8 seasons, before and after the Saints when he has started at least 9 games, Jeff Blake NEVER completed 60% of his passes with any team, yet he did it that one year with us? Seems like they were the perfect team for a QB to be able to complete 60% of his passes. I didn't know it was that serious until I read that. AB, after a year under Favre and in the perfect system for a QB to complete 60% of his passes, still couldn't complete 60% of his passes. Wow. I didn't know that.

And experiece is the key? Okay, Tom Brady his first year as a starter completed 60% of his passes, with no pro bowl RB or receiver. Big Ben completed over 60% of his passes as a rookie. I guess experience is the key. Let's hope 6 years of experience will be enough for us to get a 60% completion rate.

BlackandBlue 07-21-2005 05:20 PM


And experiece is the key? Okay, Tom Brady his first year as a starter completed 60% of his passes, with no pro bowl RB or receiver. Big Ben completed over 60% of his passes as a rookie. I guess experience is the key. Let's hope 6 years of experience will be enough for us to get a 60% completion rate.
Dude, you just set yourself up to have every other poster throw every single name of every failed rookie QB (by that criteria), in your direction.

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by BlackandBlue

And experiece is the key? Okay, Tom Brady his first year as a starter completed 60% of his passes, with no pro bowl RB or receiver. Big Ben completed over 60% of his passes as a rookie. I guess experience is the key. Let's hope 6 years of experience will be enough for us to get a 60% completion rate.
Dude, you just set yourself up to have every other poster throw every single name of every failed rookie QB (by that criteria), in your direction.

Yeah I know, but at the same time, I am sick of people trying to annoint Aaron Brooks as some great QB. I am trying to point out how average he is, and show how he has not improved since year one game one. Peyton didn't do it either as a rookie, but some have. So basically, some have and some haven't. I'll take my chances. :wink:

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi

Originally Posted by BlackandBlue

And experiece is the key? Okay, Tom Brady his first year as a starter completed 60% of his passes, with no pro bowl RB or receiver. Big Ben completed over 60% of his passes as a rookie. I guess experience is the key. Let's hope 6 years of experience will be enough for us to get a 60% completion rate.
Dude, you just set yourself up to have every other poster throw every single name of every failed rookie QB (by that criteria), in your direction.

Yeah I know, but at the same time, I am sick of people trying to annoint Aaron Brooks as some great QB. I am trying to point out how average he is, and show how he has not improved since year one game one. Peyton didn't do it either as a rookie, but he also wasn't placed on a playoff bound team, Ben and Brady were. So basically, some have and some haven't. I'll take my chances. :wink:

saintfan 07-21-2005 05:39 PM

Of those 10 games Blake was in, he lost 3 of 'em right? How come? Since he was in the "perfect" situation as crawdad says, how did he manage to lose 3, to losing teams at that?!?

Musta been the wait, can't go there, since the defense suffers due to the offense, but wait, Blakie was the 60% QB, so what gives. Somebody spin the wheel! LMMFAO :lol:

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack

I was just looking over the stats for that season, did anyone know Blake completed 60.9% of his passes before he got hurt, and when AB came in, he only completed 58% with the same receivers, same line, same defense, same guy selling popcorn, same roof on the superdome, same crappy big screens, and whatever other excuse there is for him not ever completing 60% of his passes? I thought that was pretty interesting. Two QBs, same season, same team. One was able to exceed 60% on his passes, the other wasn't. And the trend has followed for AB ever since, except he picks up more excuses from fans as the years go on.

Let me guess, your hatred for AB is soooo profound that's way obvious it isn't normal. Did you happen to look at the teams Blake faced while as the starting QB, their winning records, were they good teams that Blake faced? How about the one's AB faced? were they better teams possibly?

See I've had this same argument with other knuckleheads right after that season, so I know the reason for the completetion difference, I remember it very clearly! Blake faced 10 teams with losing records, poor teams and AB faced teams with the winning records, Raiders, Broncos, Rams, Vikings. But you don't want to hear this; You want a way to dog AB and you still are looking. Go back and check whom Blake started and beat you'll find every team we beat with him was under .500, and AB was the only QB to beat a winning team for us that year. :mrgreen: HAVE A NICE DAY!!

Blake played Philly, who made it to the division round of the playoffs. I guess they could be considered a losing team. Notice you said played, not beat. The Lions were 9-7 in 2000. Hmm, so that's 2 winning teams when you said Blake played 10 losing ones. Gotcha.

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan
Of those 10 games Blake was in, he lost 3 of 'em right? How come? Since he was in the "perfect" situation as crawdad says, how did he manage to lose 3, to losing teams at that?!?

Musta been the wait, can't go there, since the defense suffers due to the offense, but wait, Blakie was the 60% QB, so what gives. Somebody spin the wheel! LMMFAO :lol:

Detroit had a 9-7 record, Philly made it to the divisional round of the playoffs that year. Wow, really, REALLY don't mind being wrong do you saintfan? It's cool. I can go back to ignoring you now.

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 05:49 PM


Blake faced 10 teams with losing records, poor teams
Sorry, but I do pay attention, very well. I won't get insulting with you, this just proves how wrong you are, yet again.

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
And again, AB was the only QB in 2000 that was quarterbacking this team for a victory over a .500 team. We beat the Rams 2 times with him. We were playing a last place schedule in 2000 from our previous Ditka regime. So Blake faced some very easy competition, and AB faced stiffer toward the end of the year, simple. But again you allow AB nothing.

Medication might help you, ever consider it?

Wait, you insult me when you have revised what you said that was 100% wrong, and I even put it in quotes for you? Okay, I am done. Have a great day. :D

spkb25 07-21-2005 06:02 PM

whodi i understand what some of your criticism is all about. i mean he really does make some bonehead plays at times. you have to admit though that last year he at times was running for his life. also the offense and its struggles last year can be in part blamed on false starts and other dumb penalties starting us at first and long situations. you would also have to admit that we became one dimensional because our d was letting up so many points. there was also the very bad idea of the one back set that didn't work. i don't like the fact that he doesn't put up 60% or better. i don't like the way he has been seen laughing after throwing int's but maybe that is how he deals with it. this way not letting himself get to down so that he can go back and try at it again. i really think he is an above average qb. i think his ability speaks for itself. at this point though he should be making better decisions. one thing i do like about him is that he is there every week. he plays. you can't say a guy doesn't care when he gets in there and plays every week.

the most important thing to me about arron this year though is that we don't make the playoffs wqithout him. we need him to play well and have a good year. if he doesn't im not throwing in the towel but things just got a whole lot tougher. well unless mcpher. has an amazing year. so i understand some of your criticism but i also know that as saints fans we all better be hoping the guy comes out and has a stud year. well if we want to watch them play in january for once

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by spkb25
whodi i understand what some of your criticism is all about. i mean he really does make some bonehead plays at times. you have to admit though that last year he at times was running for his life. also the offense and its struggles last year can be in part blamed on false starts and other dumb penalties starting us at first and long situations. you would also have to admit that we became one dimensional because our d was letting up so many points. there was also the very bad idea of the one back set that didn't work. i don't like the fact that he doesn't put up 60% or better. i don't like the way he has been seen laughing after throwing int's but maybe that is how he deals with it. this way not letting himself get to down so that he can go back and try at it again. i really think he is an above average qb. i think his ability speaks for itself. at this point though he should be making better decisions. one thing i do like about him is that he is there every week. he plays. you can't say a guy doesn't care when he gets in there and plays every week.

the most important thing to me about arron this year though is that we don't make the playoffs wqithout him. we need him to play well and have a good year. if he doesn't im not throwing in the towel but things just got a whole lot tougher. well unless mcpher. has an amazing year. so i understand some of your criticism but i also know that as saints fans we all better be hoping the guy comes out and has a stud year. well if we want to watch them play in january for once

I don't agree with everything you said spk, but I would like nothing more, nothing in this world more, than for Aaron Brooks to proove me wrong. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Aaron Brooks, I AM BEGGING YOU, PLEASE prove me wrong. I will gladly eat every word, sing your praises whatever, so please prove me wrong. PLEASE. Prove those last 4 years were a fluke, and you truly are a great and top 5 QB, you truly do belong in this league. PLEASE. Nothing would make me happier, and that's the God's honest truth. All that keeps piling up though year after year is reasons why Aaron is being held back from getting it done. So PLEASE Aaron, if you do one thing in your career, prove me wrong.

ScottyRo 07-21-2005 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi

Originally Posted by BlackandBlue

And experiece is the key? Okay, Tom Brady his first year as a starter completed 60% of his passes, with no pro bowl RB or receiver. Big Ben completed over 60% of his passes as a rookie. I guess experience is the key. Let's hope 6 years of experience will be enough for us to get a 60% completion rate.
Dude, you just set yourself up to have every other poster throw every single name of every failed rookie QB (by that criteria), in your direction.

Yeah I know, but at the same time, I am sick of people trying to annoint Aaron Brooks as some great QB. I am trying to point out how average he is, and show how he has not improved since year one game one. Peyton didn't do it either as a rookie, but some have. So basically, some have and some haven't. I'll take my chances. :wink:

I'm not trying to annoint AB as anything. All I'm pointing out is that you made a list claimed everything was equal and derived that it must be that AB was a lesser Qb than Blake. He could be but your lofgic was flawed. I haven't read past the origonal post from the quote above yet, but you haven't acknowledged that that comparison is flawed. To me, this just illustrates your propensity and desire to twist everything related to AB into a negative without regard for honesty.

And obviously, there can be some examples of inexperienced QBs attaining the 60% mark. Are suggesting that it is the rule rather than the exception? If not, why are you holding AB to the exceptional standard?

ScottyRo 07-21-2005 07:22 PM


I sincerely believe that you do want him to prove you wrong and I hope he does too. :)

I responded to this post initially because I felt like even though there is more than enough bad things to bring up about AB, this particular Blake/AB comparison was way off the mark. I think the way AB came in having not practiced with the first team all year and never having started in an NFL game before that he did very well to get 57% of his passes completed. Especially now that I know just how inconsistent he can be.

My thing is that it's ok to slam AB, but it needs to be kept on a fair level and not just outright ignoring his positives or valid excuses for lesser stats in order to try to show that he's a horrible QB.

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by ScottyRo

I sincerely believe that you do want him to prove you wrong and I hope he does too. :)

I responded to this post initially because I felt like even though there is more than enough bad things to bring up about AB, this particular Blake/AB comparison was way off the mark. I think the way AB came in having not practiced with the first team all year and never having started in an NFL game before that he did very well to get 57% of his passes completed. Especially now that I know just how inconsistent he can be.

My thing is that it's ok to slam AB, but it needs to be kept on a fair level and not just outright ignoring his positives or valid excuses for lesser stats in order to try to show that he's a horrible QB.

If he proves me wrong, we are probably in the playoffs, I want nothing more. HERE IS ME BEGGING AGAIN AARON. PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG. PLEASE. And that's no joke.

Just to address what you are saying Scotty, very few QBs get handed a playoff team their first year starting, Aaron was one. Brady and Big Ben were others. Out of the three, Aaron was the only one who could not reach 60% passing, and he only played in 6 regular season games. His window for reaching 60% was much MUCH smaller. Yet he couldn't do it. If you find some more first year or rookie QBs who got forced into action on playoff teams but couldn't complete 60% of their passes, i'd like to see it. I said Peyton, but he wasn't on a playoff team when he started. I don't see it as flawd at all. It was Blake's first year in our system, it wasn't Aaron's first year in the league, it was his second, so he went through Green Bay's system, then ours, then almost 3/4s of a season watching Jake. It wasn't as if he just jumped off the turnip truck like you wanna make it seem. How long would you like him to sit the bench til he gets enougfh exerience? It was over a year and a half of being in the NFL. Two other QBs I can think of right off top stepped into similar situations, and did well. I guess I am asking too much for AB to have done the same.

SO I am begging again AB, PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG. That can only mean the team will be doing well. We all should be for that.

ScottyRo 07-21-2005 07:50 PM

btw, AB had a better QB rating in 2000 than Blake. I can see why you'd omit that and harp completion %.

spkb25 07-21-2005 08:14 PM

but brooks' wasn't handed a playoff team. he was handed a team who could be headed to the playoffs. also williams was hurt after the 10th game in the season and didnt play again, which means our best rusher was and christ am i right on this terry allen. so brooks has as his rusher terrry allen and blake had ricky who that year had already rushed for 1000 yards in 10 games. dude are you honestly going to tell me that that doesn't matter. because we are talking about that year no.

bro i really do understand your criticism but man trent dilfer is average. are you saying that brooks is no better then trent dilfer. please don't tell me that

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by ScottyRo
btw, AB had a better QB rating in 2000 than Blake. I can see why you'd omit that and harp completion %.

AB also played in less games thus had less opportunity to committ turnovers. But I can see why you would make that seem irrelevant.

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack

Just to address what you are saying Scotty, very few QBs get handed a playoff team their first year starting, Aaron was one. Brady and Big Ben were others. Out of the three, Aaron was the only one who could not reach 60% passing, and he only played in 6 regular season games. His window for reaching 60% was much MUCH smaller. Yet he couldn't do it. If you find some more first year or rookie QBs who got forced into action on playoff teams but couldn't complete 60% of their passes, i'd like to see it
This is freakin ridiculous, Aaron Brooks was handed a playoff team?? That team was a horrible team, that had no defense! we won because we played and beat the other worst in the NFL! Big Ben was handed a legit team, Brady was handed a legit team....You have lost all sense of reality! This Saints team hasn't been NFL calibre since 96'. When will you stop with your ridiculous AB bashing making up ridiculous excuses, to make yourself sound correct??! Beating the under .500 teams and going to the playoff doesn't mean you were handed a legit playoff team!

So what you are saying is, if your team makes the playoffs and win a game, they are not a legit playoff team? So in effect, since by your opinion which directly contradicts the NFL records books, since you don't feel we were a playoff team, we didn't really make the playoffs? I don't see what you are getting at. We were 7-3 when AB took over, leading the division if I am not mistaken, or right there, yet we weren't a legit playoff team? What the hell else are you supposed to do in the NFL besides beat the teams you are supposed to beat, lose to them? We did that the first half of this season. Why, I am crazy and you are sitting hear bad mouthing our only season with a playoff win. And I am not a true fan of this team? Priceless.

ScottyRo 07-21-2005 09:08 PM

Then Ab had fewer games and fewer opportunities to bring his passing completion % up, too. I'm sure you'd agree.

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by spkb25
but brooks' wasn't handed a playoff team. he was handed a team who could be headed to the playoffs. also williams was hurt after the 10th game in the season and didnt play again, which means our best rusher was and christ am i right on this terry allen. so brooks has as his rusher terrry allen and blake had ricky who that year had already rushed for 1000 yards in 10 games. dude are you honestly going to tell me that that doesn't matter. because we are talking about that year no.

bro i really do understand your criticism but man trent dilfer is average. are you saying that brooks is no better then trent dilfer. please don't tell me that

Well, some on here are under the impression that Brooks' playoff win means he is the best QB in our history. Thus, Dilfer's Superbowl win=better than AB. Not my opinion, but if you go by those hanging on the jock of that playoff win, it's true. And I am sorry, being given the reigns to a 7-3 team is being handed a playoff team to me. If that means something different to you, then we disagree. They played .500 the rest of the way and made the playoffs. That is being handed a playoff win, cause nothing short of an utter collapse would have kept us out. If nothing else, Brooks has proven heis good for .500. :D

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack
This guy isn't even worth talking to. We went into the playoffs having beaten only 1 team over .500(Rams). And we beat them 2 times, does that sound like a legit playoff team?

AB was handed garbage, and we've all been waiting for it to get better.

I am trashing one player, you are trashing OUR ONLY PLAYOFF WIN IN CLUB HISTORY and i'm not worth talking too? Yikes.

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by ScottyRo
Then Ab had fewer games and fewer opportunities to bring his passing completion % up, too. I'm sure you'd agree.

Hmm, is it harder to be over 60% in 10 games, or 6? I think it would be harder to sustain it over 10 games than 6. But hey, to each his own. :D

saintswhodi 07-21-2005 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack

So what you are saying is, if your team makes the playoffs and win a game, they are not a legit playoff team? So in effect, since by your opinion which directly contradicts the NFL records books, since you don't feel we were a playoff team, we didn't really make the playoffs? I don't see what you are getting at. We were 7-3 when AB took over, leading the division if I am not mistaken, or right there, yet we weren't a legit playoff team? What the hell else are you supposed to do in the NFL besides beat the teams you are supposed to beat, lose to them? We did that the first half of this season. Why, I am crazy and you are sitting hear bad mouthing our only season with a playoff win. And I am not a true fan of this team? Priceless.

You really need to seek medical attention, seriously! So you like to try to twist the meanings of words. Bad mouth our only playoff winning season? We won our only playoff game in 2000. I loved every minute of it, was that team really any good? how many are still on this team, how many are still in the NFL? I'm speaking of the players that played for us.

You are forever trying to make yourself sound correct when you know you're dead wrong! We played a last place schedule in 2000, we beat 1 team over .500 that year(Rams) and went into the playoffs and beat them again. Both times with AB as QB, Blake beat nobody over .500...You love to quote stats when you can, i'm giving you prime stats now you want to use reverse physcology and appeal to me as a Saint fan. You aren't slick saintwhodi.

The last thing I need to be to read through what you are saying is "slick." Believe me. I don't care if we played the girls high school team at Sacred Heart, we made the playoffs. Had we not allowed gimpy arm AB to play out the season the following year, we would have made it again. Or did you forget we were 9-7, even failing down the stretch? Did we play a last place schedule then, after a playoff win? See, I don't need to be "slick," just breathing.

4saintspirit 07-22-2005 07:48 AM

Actually Blake did have one season prior to that year with 62% of his passes completed -- forgot the receivers name but he has some tall stud that scored 12 TDs that year --

Blake and AB are actually a lot alike QB wise -- both have a great long ball and are suspect in the touch passes --

ANd everyone knows I am not an AB fan but I will also say this -- AB played pretty well for a guy taking over a hot team at 7-3, going 3-3; That is what backups are supposed to do -- put the team into the position to win

saintswhodi 07-22-2005 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack

The last thing I need to be to read through what you are saying is "slick." Believe me. I don't care if we played the girls high school team at Sacred Heart, we made the playoffs. Had we not allowed gimpy arm AB to play out the season the following year, we would have made it again. Or did you forget we were 9-7, even failing down the stretch? Did we play a last place schedule then, after a playoff win? See, I don't need to be "slick," just breathing.

What did AB, have to do the following season with the 4 game losing streak, where the defense couldn't stop anybody? Do you remember Alstott running wild in Tampa? setting franchise record against our defense? How about Culpepper on the 2 yard line after the offense had taken the lead, Vikings get the ball with under a minute, Culpepper fumbles picks it up holds it, looks left-right stands straight up then rumbles in for the winning score.

Forever trying to find a way to blame AB, even try to make our 2000 team look as if they were legit. What was it Haslett and Muller said about the roster when they took over? Funny how most of the players aren't even playing football immediately after that season, but hey AB was handed a playoff team just like the rest? Please, grow-up!

Hmm, so now you are saying the way we ended the 9-7 season had nothing to do with AB's hurt arm? I wasn't even blaming him, but I know you love him so that's what you saw. I am blaming the coaches for not benching him to get us the needed win to make the playoffs when he was obviously hurt. But this is right in line with your we were a horrible team for 6 years commentary and our playoff team was a farce and blah blah blah. papz is right to ask, how old are you?

ScottyRo 07-22-2005 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by 4saintspirit
Actually Blake did have one season prior to that year with 62% of his passes completed -- forgot the receivers name but he has some tall stud that scored 12 TDs that year --

I got my stats from cbs. I rechecked it and unles my eyes are playing tricks on me, he only once attained 60%.

4saintspirit 07-22-2005 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by ScottyRo

Originally Posted by 4saintspirit
Actually Blake did have one season prior to that year with 62% of his passes completed -- forgot the receivers name but he has some tall stud that scored 12 TDs that year --

I got my stats from cbs. I rechecked it and unles my eyes are playing tricks on me, he only once attained 60%.

I stand corrected -- I could have sworn he had 60% in his 4th year at Cincy -- but I cannot argue with proof --

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