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saintswhodi 08-02-2005 08:34 AM

No French Quarter visits for A-Mac

McPherson limits "going downtown" to the ball field
8/1/2005, 4:51 p.m. CT
The Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Saints coach Jim Haslett talks about "the map" he gave to rookie Adrian McPherson, the supremely talented quarterback who threw away his college career by getting into trouble with the law.

It's really more of a directive that McPherson avoid New Orleans' often rollicking French Quarter and surrounding downtown, Haslett explains like a father, "unless he calls me first."

But Haslett is smiling the whole time, pleased by the fact that McPherson — quiet, humble, friendly and hardworking ever since arriving at Saints headquarters — hardly resembles someone characterized as a risky draft pick.

"I love the kid. He's a great kid," Haslett said. "I just like being around him."

The former Florida State quarterback takes responsibility for his troubled past without hesitation and smiles as he explains Haslett's restrictions on him, adding that most of his free time consists of strolling through a suburban shopping mall near the shores of Lake Pontchartrain.

"I'm here just to do whatever they ask me to do, and if that's not going downtown, then it's not going downtown," McPherson said this week, several days into his first NFL training camp.

One hint about McPherson's approach is the car he intends to buy with his new contract, which pays about $1.1 million over three years. No luxury sport utility vehicle, no sports car, just a mid-sized, affordable sedan known for good gas milage and low maintenance.

"Probably a Toyota Camry," McPherson says. "All the neat cars and things like that don't mean anything to me. I don't want to be flashy. I just want to get the job done."

With his 4.5 speed in the 40-yard dash and cannon arm, there are times when McPherson can't help but be flashy on the field, as he often was at Florida State.

He joined the Seminoles as the first athlete in Florida high school sports history to be named both Mr. Football and Mr. Basketball.

In 2002, his sophomore season, he completed 80 of 155 passes for 1,017 yards, 12 touchdowns and only one interception before being booted off the team for allegedly stealing checks and cashing them for more than $3,500. He also faced misdemeanor charges of betting on football games, including his own, but that case was dismissed after a mistrial when a juror refused to convict.

In July of 2003, as part of a plea bargain in the bad check case, McPherson pleaded no contest to all felony charges. He was sentenced to 90 days in a work camp, did 50 hours of community service, and was on probation for 30 months. Probation ended April 18.

"When I went to college, everybody wanted to be around me — kind of wanted a piece of Adrian — and I was letting so many people be around me who shouldn't have," McPherson said. "When I was in trouble, there was no one who wanted to be around me."

While he's only fighting for a roster spot right now, his popularity is growing again. But he has limited what he calls his "circle" to family and a couple of close friends, who are "going to be there for me no matter what."

"I just kind of forgot the way my parents had raised me — to be humble and patient and do the right things," McPherson says. "I kind of lost focus on that part and then the negative things started to happen. So for me it's going back to the way my parents raised me — and that's humble and respectful."

He's one of the more soft-spoken people in the locker room, but usually smiling, knowing for the first time in more than two years that there's a good chance his life could turn out how he had hoped.

He still has to live with the regret of what could have been at Florida State, where he fully expected to play for a national championship, "but there's nothing I can do about it now."

"I wish things would have worked out a little differently, but my ultimate goal growing up was to get a chance to play in the NFL," he says. "I'm here and I'm just trying to make the most of it."

Currently, the Saints have four quarterbacks. Aaron Brooks will be the starter, backed up by Todd Bouman. McPherson and Kliff Kingsbury are competing for the final roster spot, although Haslett noted that the loser would likely be kept on the practice squad.

Coaches and teammates say McPherson's potential remains obvious.

"Athletic-wise he's got all the tools in the world," Haslett says. "If he can pick up the offense and work hard, he's going to be a heck of a player. We'll see how he plays in the preseason."

McPherson's throws during practice have been strong and accurate, even zipped safely into tight coverage at times. McPherson just needs to adapt to the speed of the NFL, tight end Ernie Conwell says.

"He's late on some things, but that's just the way it's going to be," Conwell said. "He's thinking about the plays, what his checks are going to be, his drop, his mechanics. There's a lot going through anybody's mind right now, especially a rookie at quarterback. Their brains get overloaded."

McPherson's only football experience since college has been one season in the Arena Football League in 2004. Playing for the Indiana Firebirds, he was rookie of the year and fourth in the league in passing. He also rushed for 19 touchdowns.

His first chance to play in the NFL is expected to come in the Louisiana Superdome on Aug. 12, when the Saints host Seattle in their preseason opener.

"That's going to be my Super Bowl," McPherson said. "I'm working real hard to study because I understand whenever I have the opportunity, I might only get one chance."

4saintspirit 08-02-2005 08:39 AM

I like his attitude so far. I think the guy has the potential to be something special in the future -- I look forward to seeing him play in preseason

WhoDat 08-02-2005 10:14 AM


"Probably a Toyota Camry," McPherson says. "All the neat cars and things like that don't mean anything to me. I don't want to be flashy. I just want to get the job done."
I was about to fall in love with this kid at this point...


"Athletic-wise he's got all the tools in the world," Haslett says. "If he can pick up the offense and work hard, he's going to be a heck of a player. We'll see how he plays in the preseason."
Then Haslett dropped the hecuva player curse on him. He's probably doomed now. LOL

In reality, this kid has me quietly excited. He has SO far to go and so much to learn before he's ready. That said, I don't know if there is a QB in the league who has purely physical skills that more resemble Michael Vick than this kid. Big difference, from what I hear, is that McPherson is accurate. He can throw. If he's got 1/2 of Vick's escapability and can be an accurate passer... wow. Buh-bye Aaron Brooks. Let's hope this kid keeps up his attitude and hard work.

TheGambler 08-02-2005 10:46 AM

I like the fact that there is no rush on him. Being the 3rd-string QB will benefit him greatly. The spotlight won't be on him much, and he can quietly sit back and learn. Definitely somebody to keep our eyes on over the next 3 or 4 years.

Memnoch_TP 08-02-2005 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by WhoDat
Buh-bye Aaron Brooks. Let's hope this kid keeps up his attitude and hard work.

Aah, it would be nice. Mabye we will get lucky and Brooks will lose all his toes in a freak accident involving a manhole cover and an angry squirrel. Then all the Brooks lovers can be happy, cause we can make him the kicker and keep him on the team.

Surely he would get more respect as a kicker! Then everyone will be happy!

WhoDat 08-02-2005 10:52 AM


Surely he would get more respect as a kicker! Then everyone will be happy!
That all depends. Will he ever kick at the wrong uprights? Will he laugh about it? LMAO.


Being the 3rd-string QB will benefit him greatly.
I've got a feeling that if AMac can learn the playbook quickly, he could be the #2 by September or October. I hope the Saints don't rush him, but then again I hope that he develops quickly. AB's contract is going to be a big problem next offseason.

TheGambler 08-02-2005 01:50 PM

I really didn't wanna have to "go there"...but...

All you guys who are thinking Adrian is going to come riding in and take Aaron's place at QB before the year 2007 (at the earliest) might as well just get ready for disappointment. Brooks has been our QB now since the late-fall of 2000, and he isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

2 points:

1. Jake is gone, get over it. He's not coming back.

2. Adrian won't be QBing us unless Brooks get injured. One of the things we can say is most consistent about Brooks is the fact that, thus far, he has avoided major injuries. And Brooks will not have a dreadful year this year, so you may as well get ready to see Brooks as your starter in 2006 as well as this year.

Quit sitting around wishing and hoping that you're magically going to wind up with a new QB anytime soon.

TheDeuce 08-02-2005 02:16 PM

Does anybody else have a vision of Willie "Steamin'" Beamen from Any Given Sunday when they think about A-Mac? I know I do. I keep getting this image of Brooks and Bouman going down to injuries and the once playoff hopeful Saints have to put all of their trust into the rook. I don't know, just a thought

saintswhodi 08-02-2005 02:20 PM

The Gambler, is your name, per chance, Billy? Just wondering.

My other thought is, why did you bring up Jake? Seeing as how you are new here, or new to posting, it's interesting to note that you would bring up Jake in a thread about A-Mac. Hhhmmm...

4saintspirit 08-02-2005 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by TheGambler
I really didn't wanna have to "go there"...but...

All you guys who are thinking Adrian is going to come riding in and take Aaron's place at QB before the year 2007 (at the earliest) might as well just get ready for disappointment. Brooks has been our QB now since the late-fall of 2000, and he isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

2 points:

1. Jake is gone, get over it. He's not coming back.

2. Adrian won't be QBing us unless Brooks get injured. One of the things we can say is most consistent about Brooks is the fact that, thus far, he has avoided major injuries. And Brooks will not have a dreadful year this year, so you may as well get ready to see Brooks as your starter in 2006 as well as this year.

Quit sitting around wishing and hoping that you're magically going to wind up with a new QB anytime soon.

I will say this -- AB doesn't produce this year (and I mean more than stats) after we improve the line, simplify the offense etc -- then it will be very tough to justify the bonus that is coming due next year. Whether AMAC is ready or not the Saints will have a new QB brought in to groom him. On the otherhand -- if Brooks and the Saints have the year I think they are going to have then he will be around for a very long time. But believe me -- its either or.

CheramieIII 08-02-2005 05:54 PM

It appears that this kid knows how to win a starting job in more ways than one!

TheGambler 08-02-2005 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
The Gambler, is your name, per chance, Billy? Just wondering.

My other thought is, why did you bring up Jake? Seeing as how you are new here, or new to posting, it's interesting to note that you would bring up Jake in a thread about A-Mac. Hhhmmm...

No, I'm not some former poster assuming a new identity or whatever........I've actually been reading these forums since last year. Believe it or not, people don't always sign up to post the minute they start reading forums.

Saint_LB 08-02-2005 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
The Gambler, is your name, per chance, Billy? Just wondering.

My other thought is, why did you bring up Jake? Seeing as how you are new here, or new to posting, it's interesting to note that you would bring up Jake in a thread about A-Mac. Hhhmmm...

I think you nailed it, Whodi. :D

RockyMountainSaint 08-03-2005 01:50 AM


Surely he would get more respect as a kicker! Then everyone will be happy!

That all depends. Will he ever kick at the wrong uprights? Will he laugh about it? LMAO.
WhoDat, that could possibly be the "AB Hater" Quote of the Year so far.
Nice setup by Memnoch TP. Nice avatar TP.

coastalkid 08-03-2005 06:31 AM

I like what I hear from him....if it is truely sincere. Let's all hope and pray he gets the job done so we can say buh bye to AB

WhoDat 08-03-2005 09:06 AM


2. Adrian won't be QBing us unless Brooks get injured. One of the things we can say is most consistent about Brooks is the fact that, thus far, he has avoided major injuries. And Brooks will not have a dreadful year this year, so you may as well get ready to see Brooks as your starter in 2006 as well as this year.
Uh - correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Brooks supplant a veteran QB with far more experience and whose play had been much better than previous QBs' when he was still relatively unknown and inexperienced?

Bottom line - AB's cap number next year, if memory serves, will be over $8 million. If McPherson shows he can learn the system and play in it, and Brooks' numbers stay about the same, why would the Saints not at very least consider going with a guy who could probably complete 50-55% of his passes even as a first-time starter who costs half a million over a guy who completes 57% of his passes and costs $8 million?

Unless AB has a break out season this year, the decision to make a switch to A-Mac would be no different than the decision to go to Brooks 4 years ago. Yeah, you're going to have growing pains, but the guy costs considerably less and has future potential to be great, as compared to the same old inconsistency of your veteran. Plus, A-Mac is the better athlete. Those were the exact arguments made for AB over Blake 4 years ago - why do you think that they can't be made again?

TheGambler 08-03-2005 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by WhoDat
Uh - correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Brooks supplant a veteran QB with far more experience and whose play had been much better than previous QBs' when he was still relatively unknown and inexperienced?

UHHHHHH, you are correct, yes. But would Brooks have gotten a shot if Blake didn't get injured? Unlikely. That was my whole point...........Brooks has avoided injury, and thus will not be pulled out of the lineup unless he plays horrible.

My initial post wasn't directed towards any 1 person in particular. I just get annoyed when we haven't even started the season yet......and still, I'm reading stuff such as "hopefully we can get Brooks out of there".....and "how soon can we expect A-Mac to run Brooks off", etc.

Somehow, a few of you have fallen under the mistaken impression that things are going to magically turn around if #2 is out of the equation. "Oh, but we've seen what Brooks can do, why not give someone else a shot?" will be the argument. You're damn right we've seen what Brooks can do. We've seen Brooks play damn near unstoppable football when he's hot. And yes, we've seen him play mediocre when he's cold. But I really think Aaron Brooks turned a corner in that Carolina game last year. Remember in previous years, when there would be a crucial, "must win and get in" game.........and the Saints would always lose it, partially due to bad play by Brooks? Well last year that wasn't the case. We THOUGHT only had to beat Carolina to get in, and so did most of the Saints. Brooks went out and put together a fine game....probably one of his most "complete" games as a pro. He threw the ball out of bounds and took the punt when things werne't there. He scrambled when he needed to. He played like a leader in that game. Even one of the announcers in that game said it: AARON BROOKS IS PLAYING LIKE A MAN THAT WANTS TO GO TO THE PLAYOFFS.

If Aaron comes out and has a sub-par year, then I will concede to what all of your are saying. But look at this way: If another QB comes in, and we have 8-8 or 9-7 seasons (or worse)....then what have we really gained?

WhoDat 08-03-2005 11:03 AM

well, first of all, it depends on why we went 8-8 or 9-7, but assuming for a moment that AB has another year like the last 4, then by throwing A-Mac in there then we at least have potential for improvement. Sure, it's a risk... but any change in personnel is.

Also, I understand your argument that without Blake being hurt we probably never would have known about AB. Fine. Blake's injury was the thing that gave AB a shot. I'm saying that AB's inconsistency and huge cap number could be the things that give A-Mac a shot... assuming the kid progresses, which none of us can speak to right now.

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