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saintswhodi 08-04-2005 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by BeeoBee
i agree...i have been on this site for almost 2 years now ..i dont post alot..mostly read what you guys have to say and out of your 5000 posts WhoDat..i might have agreed with 2 of them..are you sure your not a closet saint hater?the only thing your posts are accurate about is how negative you are about our team..that charlie brown avatar you have sums it up for you

Well WhoDat? :shock:

RockyMountainSaint 08-05-2005 03:12 AM


Dude - Whodi, you're a machine. 3700 posts in 10 months. Wow.
I thought Billy could never be topped but we found someone who will not concede a point even more doggedly.
At least whodi isn't an ABL.

But just look at Whodi's numbers. In less that a year he's approaching 3700 posts. He's working on like 13 posts a day.
whodi, those are B& HOF numbers!

are you sure your not a closet saint hater?the only thing your posts are accurate about is how negative you are about our team.
What's wrong with being realistic?
If WhoDat becomes fatalistic he should be put to sleep. :wink:

ssmitty 08-05-2005 03:36 AM

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Saints: Five Things to Know

Originally Posted by WhoDat
Yeah - and stats matter too damn it!

I mean, I'm an avid poster, but in nearly 3 years of membership under my current name (hehe), I'm working approaching 5400 posts. That's 1,800 posts a year. 150 a month. 5 a day. That's a lot of posting.

But just look at Whodi's numbers. In less that a year he's approaching 3700 posts. He's working on like 13 posts a day.

Just by those numbers, you'd think Whodi was a better poster - but as everyone here knows, that simply isn't true. I'm more accurate and I have more touch. Plus, I connect on more posts, and as a defender, I blow people up. Whodi is weak. LOL.

Moral of the story: Whodi and I both need to focus more on our day jobs! :)

Dude - Whodi, you're a machine. 3700 posts in 10 months. Wow.


WhoDat 08-05-2005 09:59 AM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Saints: Five Things to Know

i agree...i have been on this site for almost 2 years now ..i dont post alot..mostly read what you guys have to say and out of your 5000 posts WhoDat..i might have agreed with 2 of them..are you sure your not a closet saint hater?the only thing your posts are accurate about is how negative you are about our team..that charlie brown avatar you have sums it up for you.

Thanks Bee. My first instinct was to attack your posting record, as you did mine, but A) there isn't one, and B) that's childish. So I won't.

I will simply say that if you read my posts then your statement is hard to justify. Simply b/c I was one of the first guys to recognize the mediocrity trend coming on is not to suggest that I'm negative or unrealistic. It's hard to be a pessimist when your predictions and analysis are dead on. If you feel what I've said about the Saints is harsh, that's probably b/c the reality of the Saints situation for 4 years has been harsh.

I have been consistently down on AB - I am far from the only one.

I have been consistently down on the coaches - how you can be a Saints fan and like Rick Venturi is beyond me. I'd call you a hater if you're in favor of keeping that guy around. Hoping Haslett get's it right is one thing - believing that he probably won't is another that apparently a lot of people agree with, or did you not see where he was ranked 24th in a list of less than 30 coaches?

I love Horn and Deuce and have been positive about both. I like this Karney kid a lot. I gave the o-line, (not to my credit) the benefit of the doubt when others were talking about it's decline. I'm harsh on the defense, but seriously how can you not be?

I'm just wondering, what positives should I have paid more attention to that you don't think I've given adequate attention to?

My guess, there will be no answer. You'll slink back to the shadows and post again in 2 months. See you then.

BeeoBee 08-05-2005 02:58 PM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Saints: Five Things to Know
i wasnt attacking your thread..i was just saying that you think you have MY team pegged and i dont think you do..thats my opinion which is my right just as is it yours..just because i dont post dosent mean i dont know what im talking about..look at your have so many and IMO..half the time u dont know what your talking about.. as far as you being the first to recognize my teams shortcomings in the past few years..are you 31 years old..been watching the saints since i was around 8 yrs old..this aint a trend..this is the saints and you didnt see it coming..its been here..and i, just as you ,have been a part of it..sometimes you arent being realistic..your just dogin em...
i come to this forum cause it provides the best news on my team bar cant help but read what people say after that and your posts make me laugh..after about a hundred of your posts it ticks me off and i have to vent so you ought to feel flattered..i'll keep lovin em no matter what and you keep done now so i think i'll sink back into the shadows

Tobias-Reiper 08-05-2005 03:10 PM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Saints: Five Things to Know

But just look at Whodi's numbers. In less that a year he's approaching 3700 posts. He's working on like 13 posts a day.

whodi, those are B& HOF numbers!
...but Whodi's got character issues (goofs off at work posting here), a gambling problem, and there are rumors he failed the test and has been using steroids to enhane his posting performance...

saintswhodi 08-05-2005 03:19 PM

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Saints: Five Things to Know

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper

But just look at Whodi's numbers. In less that a year he's approaching 3700 posts. He's working on like 13 posts a day.

whodi, those are B& HOF numbers!
...but Whodi's got character issues (goofs off at work posting here), a gambling problem, and there are rumors he failed the test and has been using steroids to enhane his posting performance...

*wagging his finger at Tobias* Ignore my porn stache, I have never used steroids. My posting ability is a genetic predisposition to goofing off at work, i.e., all natural. I repeat, I did not use(OUCH!!! Can you stick that needle in the left cheek next time, the right one is sore)steroids. Nor have I gambled(A-Mac's on line one? Tell him i'll call him right back) on posting. Those claims are unfounded.

WhoDat 08-05-2005 04:42 PM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Saints: Five Things to K
He was accused of clearing out a buffet line before entering a chat room though. :)

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