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saintfan 02-18-2020 11:32 AM

Re: Why I love this forum

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 880112)
That is pretty much how all forums that are active work, with the biggest difference being the aggression/hostility level and general board IQ.

If we all agreed or didn't disagree a thread would be a single post with 127 likes. If someone's opinion is not the popular or majority opinion then they should expect healthy debate from multiple sources.

I have owned and moderated multiple forums from sports, to gaming, to cars... the subject matter changes but the rest is similar.

Debate between people with an open mind is healthy and educational. It gets sideways when people have ownership of an idea, an agenda, or go ad hominem.

I like it here, I know who knows what, who the stat guys are, the theory guys, and who played what... I know who to walk away from because they have a chip, and who to poke at because they have a sense of humor. :bandg:


skymike 02-19-2020 06:39 AM

Re: Why I love this forum

Originally Posted by neugey (Post 880133)
Obviously first and foremost I love to post here and read others viewpoints about the Saints and the outlook of our team. But I've been on here long enough to know that if I drop my guard and wish to chat about some things going on in my life then that is fine too. I don't use social media and I don't do that on any other site.

Today I'm going to visit my cousin in prison and got to be honest I'm kind of nervous because I have never visited an inmate before and it kind of gives me the heebie jeebies. But I'm worried about him and want to see how he is doing. He was arrested on assault and drug charges, not sure of the details of his case because he had distanced himself from the family before the arrest. He's got 5 kids so it is a tough situation, wish there was more I could do.

you're doing a good thing. you'll be glad, and it'll make his day.

The Dude 02-19-2020 11:19 PM

Re: Why I love this forum
Ok I can’t help myself it’s like a train wreck.
Now they are absolutely convinced we are getting Burrow.

There’s an interview on WWL with Payton and he says “I’ll get fitted with a wedding dress” when asked about getting Burrow.
They take that one statement and somehow are now convinced he meant they are going for Burrow.

I listened live and Payton was basically making fun of fans who think they want anything to do with Burrow.

I don’t know why I can’t let this go lol.

How can some fans be so delusional?

They act like this Swimmer guy is a God.

jeanpierre 02-19-2020 11:51 PM

Re: Why I love this forum
Good Evening, Everyone, my call-sign is jeanpierre and I've never been registered nor posted on


QuickHits: On a dare from our late Brother Hagen, I posed a Saints Draft question of MD at a SportsTalkShow/Banquet down the bayou 'here...

He was caught unprepared, ignorant, and when I called him on his error (his BS) I was given the tap and asked to leave...

Never did get to tell Kevin the follow up report, so never take moments here for granted...

Why? When I got active here, I had a few nuances that ruffled feathers which only reinforced my inner strong-willed 14yo teenage mentality... ;)

Nonetheless, one of the guiding forces, by subtle suggestions in responses, for me was Smash for the first couple of years I was here...

An event in his life corresponded to one shared here when I realized a friend of mine here for nearly four years was actually a dear friend and Brother for over 35 years - we laughed about it...

Sharing out-the-box ideas, legit intel, and thoughtful, logical analysis (even if Sean goes off the rails to prove us wrong by biting off his nose to spite us or is wrong) is a great strength of BlackandGold making it best...

And Neuguy, may your experience bring you unexpected enlightenment and personal strength...

To all of you - May You Drink and Know Things...

skymike 02-20-2020 06:08 AM

Re: Why I love this forum
I think you're drinking now. : )

jeanpierre 02-20-2020 08:03 AM

Re: Why I love this forum

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 880302)
I think you're drinking now. : )

Considering the hour I posted that it was either piss drunk, punch drunk, or both; but yeah, I was punch drunk when posting that - but I stand behind it and the sentiment conveyed...

foreverfan 02-20-2020 01:08 PM

Re: Why I love this forum

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 880312)
Considering the hour I posted that it was either piss drunk, punch drunk, or both; but yeah, I was punch drunk when posting that - but I stand behind it and the sentiment conveyed...

Jean Pierre and his favorite camping buddy. Yea!

The reason I love this site... They haven't banned me for all the BS I've posted.

Rugby Saint II 02-20-2020 02:21 PM

Re: Why I love this forum

Originally Posted by WillMacKenzie (Post 880108)
Who TF is “Coach Pete”?

That was tough to read


Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 880112)
That is pretty much how all forums that are active work, with the biggest difference being the aggression/hostility level and general board IQ.

If we all agreed or didn't disagree a thread would be a single post with 127 likes. If someone's opinion is not the popular or majority opinion then they should expect healthy debate from multiple sources.

I have owned and moderated multiple forums from sports, to gaming, to cars... the subject matter changes but the rest is similar.

Debate between people with an open mind is healthy and educational. It gets sideways when people have ownership of an idea, an agenda, or go ad hominem.

I like it here, I know who knows what, who the stat guys are, the theory guys, and who played what... I know who to walk away from because they have a chip, and who to poke at because they have a sense of humor. :bandg:


Originally Posted by skymike (Post 880119)
This board, overall seems to have posters about 20 years older on average, who seem to have jobs, and not live in their mother's basements. But that really doesnt apply to everyone at site-X, just the loudest. You can tell by the 15 year old comic-nerd vocabulary of their prominent members. (I wonder if they still "pwn" each other?) I dont know. It may have changed. I know the political hate was insufferable, even before politics heated up.

It just caught me off guard, because I come from a time, when if you were a Saints fan, anyone else brave enough to be seen in Saints stuff was automatically your friend. The internet, and its ugly, was new to me. I come to this board here and I find grownups who had nothing to prove, and had a sense of humor, and they got mine.

Im different from the rest of the posters here, now, because I know very little of college prospects, if anything. I cant name the whole roster. I dont know the 40-times of each player, or all the various nuances of coverage, zones, etc.

My knowledge is mostly retro- I can name the 84 O-line, and I have a list of the saddest losses in our history- most of my knowledge is historic. Im also interested in stories from our older posters about Tulane stadium, and training camps past. I once had lunch with former Saint All Pro Tommy Myers, who played in the 70s, and he had a wealth of stories, some I cant tell.

As some of you know, I sometimes organize real life events with us-- we've had a crawfish party every year for 10 years. Our tailgate parties in Houston are legendary, and I've traveled with the team from San Francisco to Tampa. Maybe a reason I may be more responsible with my words here, than some people on the internet, is because I expect to be face to face with some of you.

I'm a Brees-ist, and a Payton-ster, and I love Amer'ca. I have friends who disagree with me about everything.

Coach Pete is a proven source of information over recent years and apparently is well connected. There have been dozens of threads wanting to know what makes his insight valuable. The answer is that he's almost always right about each prognostication. It could be a player injury or even just a little insider information. He's been accurate for some time now and has won over the doubters on the SR. I buy into it.

I don't spend any time there unless I just feel the need for more info. They do start threads about media sources. Kind of like one of my favorite posters Who Dat!656. Man, I'm glad he joined! See, we have knowledgeable friendly Saints fan who like to share here and keep it positive.

Do ya'll remember when the server went down a few years back? I spent some miserable time over there because they were my only option. When I was able to get back on the BNG I wrote a scathing thread about my horrendous time there and the jerks who populate the SR. Halo, said he didn't normally run anything non Saints, but that he was letting it stay for the simple reason was that my thread was spot on about the treatment you get over there.

The Dude 02-20-2020 02:36 PM

Re: Why I love this forum

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 880351)
Coach Pete is a proven source of information over recent years and apparently is well connected. There have been dozens of threads wanting to know what makes his insight valuable. The answer is that he's almost always right about each prognostication. It could be a player injury or even just a little insider information. He's been accurate for some time now and has won over the doubters on the SR. I buy into it.

I don't spend any time there unless I just feel the need for more info. They do start threads about media sources. Kind of like one of my favorite posters Who Dat!656. Man, I'm glad he joined! See, we have knowledgeable friendly Saints fan who like to share here and keep it positive.

Do ya'll remember when the server went down a few years back? I spent some miserable time over there because they were my only option. When I was able to get back on the BNG I wrote a scathing thread about my horrendous time there and the jerks who populate the SR. Halo, said he didn't normally run anything non Saints, but that he was letting it stay for the simple reason was that my thread was spot on about the treatment you get over there.

Supposedly he got the Davenport pick right like the day before the draft. It was basically a gamble and a bold move type prediction that he got lucky on.
If you throw enough **** against the wall something is eventually going to stick.
He’s just a fan who makes educated guesses hoping they will pan out.
If it happens to work out he claims it’s inside info.
I did some digging just for ****s and giggles and he has been wrong way more than he’s been right and when he is right it’s pretty much common sense.
Of course the Saints would be interested in a player like Burrow. So are 31 other teams. I’m interested in a Ferrari but that doesn’t mean it’s actually attainable.

Rugby Saint II 02-20-2020 03:35 PM

Re: Why I love this forum

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 880353)
Supposedly he got the Davenport pick right like the day before the draft. It was basically a gamble and a bold move type prediction that he got lucky on.
If you throw enough **** against the wall something is eventually going to stick.
He’s just a fan who makes educated guesses hoping they will pan out.
If it happens to work out he claims it’s inside info.
I did some digging just for ****s and giggles and he has been wrong way more than he’s been right and when he is right it’s pretty much common sense.
Of course the Saints would be interested in a player like Burrow. So are 31 other teams. I’m interested in a Ferrari but that doesn’t mean it’s actually attainable.

I can't argue about the Burrow comment. That one is definitely a head scratcher. I'm usually pessimistic about these things but I'm willing to listen to questions asked of him.

EDIT: My mail carrier just moved from New Orleans and gives me all the juicy gossip now! :roll:

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