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saintswhodi 08-11-2005 10:14 AM

You got me on the last part, so nothing more need be said. We'll pick this up when TO is kicked off the team for good :D

TallySaint 08-11-2005 01:32 PM

Watching T.O. work out on his front lawn is really comical.


TallySaint 08-11-2005 06:21 PM

1....2...3...4...5...6...7....Ok. I've counted to ten. It's not doin' much good.

T.O. tells Berman "Reid is just tryin' to be the man". Excuse me while I count again.... No, shiot. He's the coach. Owens continued and commented on strained relations with McNabb, players, coaches and staff.

I've always respected the Eagles organization. But, me thinks, if they don't send this guy on his way they don't have a hair on their arse.

There ya go. I've vented. I feel a little better.


TallySaint 08-11-2005 06:21 PM

Not sure how this double posted. Apologies.

1....2...3...4...5...6...7....Ok. I've counted to ten. It's not doin' much good.

T.O. tells Berman "Reid is just tryin' to be the man". Excuse me while I count again.... No, shiot. He's the coach. Owens continued and commented on strained relations with McNabb, players, coaches and staff.

I've always respected the Eagles organization. But, me thinks, if they don't send this guy on his way they don't have a hair on their arse.

There ya go. I've vented. I feel a little better.


TallySaint 08-11-2005 06:28 PM

... And I'm not sure who sat next to T.O. in the interview. Rosenthal or Owen's PR guy. But he was equally despicable.

Pronunciation: di-'spi-k&-b&l, 'des-(")pi-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin despicabilis, from Latin despicari to despise
Date: 1553
: deserving to be despised : so worthless or obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation <despicable behavior>


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