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saintswhodi 08-12-2005 08:15 PM

So let me get this straight
Deuce fumbles, Seattle scores. Brooks completes 5 passes for 14 yards. Bouman loses a fumble and throws an INT. Jamaal Brown gets an offensive penalty. Seneca Wallace has scored two TDs, and our offense managed 3 points with the first team on the field. Oy vay.

spkb25 08-12-2005 08:18 PM

RE: So let me get this straight
hey but our d played pretty well until craft started getting beat like a red headed step child

maximkat 08-12-2005 08:18 PM

RE: So let me get this straight
lmao i just used that same line in another thread

FrenzyFan 08-12-2005 08:28 PM

I don't agree with the Brooks completion thing. He completed one pass and one pass only, to Zach Hilton. The rest were broken plays that half the time HE caused. Schmuck throws one more pass to the "escape valve" eight-yards short of the marker and I'm gonna scream.

saintswhodi 08-12-2005 08:32 PM

Well I didn't see it, I went off the stats. IF what you are saying is right, someone explain to me how it would be worse to go with A-Mac?

FrenzyFan 08-12-2005 08:36 PM

No idea how to answer that honestly. I haven't seen A-mac in the pros. Despite the fact the Brooks is flat as heck tonight, I would pick him seven days a week and twice on Sunday over Bouman.

saintswhodi 08-12-2005 08:38 PM

I'm just thinking out loud. It is pissing me off there was all this hype, and then people wanna bash you when you don't pick the Saints to win it all, and the team comes out and lays an egg. Just once I would like them to prove me wrong. Just once. Watch A-Mac come out in the second half with 3 INTs that lead directly to TDs. That would be a fit ending to this travesty.

FrenzyFan 08-12-2005 08:40 PM

I'll watch and I'll give it to you honest. My heart always buys into the hype and I find myself thinking happy thoughts. My head, on the other hand, is still capable of seeing what's happening on the field and giving a fair opinion (least it's fair in my book).

GoldenTomb 08-12-2005 08:49 PM

What i fear is that the team has turned into a group of fat cats. Almost everyone has the contract that they wanted and maybe things are too easy going and too lax around the team.

papz 08-12-2005 08:57 PM

Once again, we are victims of the local media and the coaching staff. Off-season hype how grand it is. I tell myself every year not to fall for it, but it shows how really stupid I am. I hope our local paper can go to sleep at night with a clean conscious. I hate you all. :x

GoldenTomb 08-12-2005 09:28 PM

Me thinks Seneca Wallace wouldnt have been running wild all over the place if Derrick Johnson was roaming on the field for us.

LordOfEntropy 08-12-2005 09:40 PM

Or Thomas Davis.

I've been hearing all this hype all offseason - so promising, so hopeful, so possible this year.... But I haven't bought into it. Not for one second. And from what I'm hearing from Hokie and Jim on the radio, it's a good thing I didn't.

I'll still watch the game tonight during the re-broadcast, looking for some kind of positive. I doubt I will find it.

BoudinSandwich 08-13-2005 09:39 AM

As far as the quarterbacks go, Brooks played like Brooks...sloppy. He was "running for his life" for the most part of the time that he was on field and it was NOT because the offensive line couldn't protect. Brooks constantly rolled out and bootlegged towards the rush rather than away from it. He has no pocket presence.

Bouman looked absolutely rediculous. Its time to get rid of this guy.

Kingsberry had the best showing of all quarterbacks. He was consistent and looked confident in his offence. He was efficient.

McPherson brought a spark in the team and drove them down field. He took the leadership role and did well with it. The problem with his performance was that he took to running and possibly started running too early rather than check all of his options. Nearly ever run, however, ended up in positive yards and a first down or two.

LordOfEntropy 08-13-2005 11:41 AM


, are you guys offical members of any Group you care to devulge to us??!
LOL, yes, we're all members of the "ANNUAL SAINTS FANS PERENNIAL BROKEN HEARTS CLUB", established 1967.

papz 08-13-2005 11:46 AM

Devulge... can someone tell me what that means?

LordOfEntropy 08-13-2005 11:54 AM

It's similar to "un-vulge", in effect removing the vulge altogether.

That vulge will give us no more problems this year.

papz 08-13-2005 11:57 AM


saintswhodi 08-13-2005 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by BlackonBlack

Devulge... can someone tell me what that means?

It means to expect someone that has no argument, to use a simple misspelling to make a argument of nothing. Because they were shown wrong on something else.(divulge)!

Actually no that's not what it means at all.


Main Entry: di·vulge
Pronunciation: d&-'v&lj, dI-
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): di·vulged; di·vulg·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin divulgare, from dis- + vulgare to make known, from vulgus mob
1 archaic : to make public : PROCLAIM
2 : to make known (as a confidence or secret)
Glad to help. :D

papz 08-13-2005 01:17 PM

I really didn't want to... but I found it extremely funny. Someone trying so hard to sound half-smart, but still fails. BonB is really growing on me though. It's coming to the point where it's getting so pathetic, it's cute! :lol:

papz 08-13-2005 01:47 PM

You're so entertaining. We should just cage you up and ship you off to the circus. You should definately consider this a career path. People would definately pay to hear the things that come out of your mouth.

I've posted things you still don't comprehend... why continue?

papz 08-13-2005 02:11 PM

LOL 8th grade mentality. Man, I can't stop laughing. You obvious never re-read anything you've posted on any topic in these forums. Where am I whining are pouting? You go ahead on and talk to your "neice". Have fun... man you're giving me a good laugh. Thanks a bunch! :lol:

Pulling wool on people's eyes... on what? Who's my "girlfreind"? Haha sw... I guess you're my whore now... as you should be!!! :lol: !!! You all should definately read this guy's conspiracy theory on us. You'll get a kick out of it. Pm saintswhoadi... LMAO!

I'll leave you with something I was taught in grade school... (it's an old saying but it should definately be taken to heart)

"Don't be a fool, stay in school!"

GoldenTomb 08-13-2005 02:35 PM

Awww man you guys didn't have to do him like

You can be totally credible in your statements and opinions but if can't write and spell, you seem...."less than brilliant". :-)

For the record I don't see anyone taking pot shots at AB. I just think whodi(and I) are making an observation between AB and AMac(and Kingsbury for that matter). I don't see how we can be that much further back if we put Kingsbury or AMac in with the first team. If the QB is gonna be "running for his life" anyway, i'd like to see McPherson in. I think AMac's time in the AFL has improved his ability to improvise and think on the run. At this point, the only thing that AB has on him is senority. Once AMac gets the playbook down pat(as he's only about 30 to 40 percent to where he needs to be, in his own words), then i say he's the best QB on the roster.

BlackandBlue 08-13-2005 02:40 PM

This little slap fight over with, girls?

papz 08-13-2005 02:45 PM


Have to say i'm impressed, you never change. You have no argument none what so ever with my football knowledge. I make you and SW look idiotic whenever you post football babble. Hahaha!
I'm sure you do. :lol:


You always hate what's better than you, something you wish you could achieve but know you never can, someone that shows-you-up in front of your friends. This is the life of BonB.
If what I have to look forward in life is becoming anything like yourself, I'm screwed. Why would you jinx me like that?

papz 08-13-2005 02:48 PM


This little slap fight over with, girls?
Yes sir!

jnormand 08-14-2005 01:30 AM

Yeah, Papz and Whodi are done arguing with BOB. Yeah.......ok. LOL Until the next thread begins! LMAO!

TallySaint 08-14-2005 08:02 AM


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