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yasoon 08-16-2005 01:14 PM

Haslett and Bellichick
Who's the better coach?

Just kidding. I haven't seen this posted so I thought I'd let everyone know.

The other night on NFL live, they said that Bill and Haz have a gentlemen's agreement to play their starters into the 3rd qtr this week.

This, to me, is very strange for 2 reasons:

1) It's preseason and we certainly don't want to lose any starters. I generally go for a coupple of drives and out for the major players till the last tuneup game.

2) We have the unfortunate honor of sharing the field with the world champs twice this year. I guess we can button up our attack a little bit (insert whitty pessimistic quip here), but why would you want to give the other team an entire half of film to study in the preseason? Do you think Bill figures he can gameplan more for Haz than vice versa? (Certainly not a crazy notion.)

The talking heads commented on it and I, too, thought it was strange that us and the pats are making gentemen's agreements.

Then they went back to studying the ripples in TO's ass and the cut of his john thomas.

Memnoch_TP 08-16-2005 04:35 PM

Re: Haslett and Bellichick

Originally Posted by yasoon
1) It's preseason and we certainly don't want to lose any starters. I generally go for a coupple of drives and out for the major players till the last tuneup game.

We could get lucky. We could get Grossmanned. Mabye we should all chip in and get Rex to fly up to Foxborough and rub himself on AB before the game.


Originally Posted by yasoon
2) We have the unfortunate honor of sharing the field with the world champs twice this year. I guess we can button up our attack a little bit (insert whitty pessimistic quip here), but why would you want to give the other team an entire half of film to study in the preseason? Do you think Bill figures he can gameplan more for Haz than vice versa? (Certainly not a crazy notion.)

Bellichick plays chess, Haz plays checkers. Bellichick knows this, so does Haz. When victory requires an act of God, tipping your hand really doesnt matter too much. Ya know?


Originally Posted by yasoon
The talking heads commented on it and I, too, thought it was strange that us and the pats are making gentemen's agreements.

Then they went back to studying the ripples in TO's ass and the cut of his john thomas.

ROFL - Amen. I'm sooo sick about hearing about TO. I try to get football news, I get TO news. The man picked the wrong sport. He shouldnt be a football player, or a basketball player. Drew Rosenhaus needs to be opening up negotiations with Vince McMahon, not Andy Reid. Cant you just see TO in flourescent tights, screaming across the ring at Hulk Hogan before he ***** slaps Chyna Doll to irritate the crowd? I can. And unlike TO in cleats and pads, it is good entertainment!

TheGambler 08-16-2005 07:11 PM

Re: Haslett and Bellichick

Originally Posted by Memnoch_TP
We could get lucky. We could get Grossmanned. Mabye we should all chip in and get Rex to fly up to Foxborough and rub himself on AB before the game.

Joking or not......this is the statement of a selfish, classless jerk. If I get banned for saying this, then so be it. How anyone could condone this statement is beyond me. You say "we" could get, there is no WE anywhere involved in this....this is all YOU.

What exactly do you think would happen if the Saints got Grossmanned? Do you WANT the saints to go 5-11? WHO'S GONNA QB US, EINSTEIN?? JT O'Sullivan isn't here........THE ALMIGHTY JAKE isn't here...neither is Marc Bulger...........or any other former Saint backup that still gets whined about........and none of them are coming back.

However, I'm not going back into that debate. Wishing injury, even jokingly, on anyone is utterly tasteless. And no, I don't think you were FULLY joking either, if at all.

BlackandBlue 08-16-2005 08:05 PM

RE: Re: Haslett and Bellichick

If I get banned for saying this, then so be it.
Considering the remark, I really don't blame you.

WhoDat 08-17-2005 08:46 AM

RE: Re: Haslett and Bellichick
Hey Gambler - let me ask you a question. Hypothetical.

Think of the Saints 5 years from today. Do you think that team would be better then if AB had been starting for another 5 years, or A-Mac or some other QB was QB for the next 5 years? I'm just asking a hypothetical. Essentially, the question is - is AB the QB of the future for the Saints, or the best we've got right now and we should look to make a change sometime soon?

TheGambler 08-17-2005 11:44 AM

Re: RE: Re: Haslett and Bellichick

Originally Posted by WhoDat
Hey Gambler - let me ask you a question. Hypothetical.

Think of the Saints 5 years from today. Do you think that team would be better then if AB had been starting for another 5 years, or A-Mac or some other QB was QB for the next 5 years? I'm just asking a hypothetical. Essentially, the question is - is AB the QB of the future for the Saints, or the best we've got right now and we should look to make a change sometime soon?

Whether Brooks should be in there, in your opinion or anyone else's, had nothing to do with my initial reply. Wishing injury on somebody is just f---ing wrong. For instance, I'm fully aware you want Brooks gone, but unless I missed it somewhere, I don't think you've ever sunk low enough to saying you wanted him injured for the season. My guess is, you don't share that inhumane, sickening view with Memnoch TP.

Euphoria 08-17-2005 11:50 AM

RE: Re: RE: Re: Haslett and Bellichick
I think the players stand an equal chance of getting hurt in camp as well as a preseason game. Doesn't matter where ya get hurt. I think this is in a way good that Haz trying to get the starters as many reps as possible and against one of the top teams.

FrenzyFan 08-17-2005 02:14 PM

While I certainly don't wish injury on anyone, I would take Brooks out and suffer the 5-11 season. He's simply never going to get any better. He peaked, in my opinion, the season he injured his shoulder. He hasn't been half the player he was since then.

Give me the rookie who'll line up under RG for a low-light on ESPN. Let him make his mistakes and cost us games. I'll bank on him improving because I am an optimist and he still has not proved to me that he cannot improve.

Spare me our "veteran starter" consistently embarassing us.

TheGambler 08-17-2005 02:37 PM

-When Joe Horn drops a's the "receivers dropping balls"...

-When Deuce's "the offense still committing too many turnovers"...

-When Aaron Brooks makes a mistake, he, and only he, is referred to as an "embarrasment".

Euphoria 08-17-2005 02:40 PM

In some peoples eyes when a player dropps a ball its Brooks fault, when Deuce fumbles its Brooks fault... when D gives up 400 plus years its Brooks fault. Its sunny in San Diego must be Brooks fault. Brooks get over 3000 yards passing in a season and its brooks fault.

FrenzyFan 08-17-2005 03:09 PM

It's not a mistake when you throw a pass to your inelligible tackle. It's not a mistake when you lateral to a defender. Its not a mistake when you fumble the ball when no one touches you and for no apparent reason. It's not a mistake when you consistently scramble into the rush. It's not a mistake when every three-step drop is eight-steps deep.

I'm not sure what I'd call them, but I would not put them in the same class with a dropped pass or getting stripped by a 270 linebacker. Embarrassment seems to fit, especially when I get to watch the ESPN gag real starring our QB.

BoudinSandwich 08-18-2005 04:10 AM

I'm curious. There are many people on this board from different states across the country. I want to know what other football fans (who are NOT Saints' fans) say about Brooks. Do they think Saints' fans are too hard on him and that he's a top 10 quarterback, or do they think he's "effin' clown shoes?"

RockyMountainSaint 08-18-2005 05:07 AM

effin' clown shoes

Yes DJ, I have lived many places before coming back home and ALL think AB=Poo.

Nice Kevin Smith reference btw

AllSaints 08-18-2005 06:43 AM

I think Saints Starters need to play into the 3rd quarter we need the work.

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