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SmashMouth 09-22-2020 08:11 PM

SP fined $100k for no mask

RailBoss 09-22-2020 08:42 PM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask
Sure was a costly game for SP all the way around. Rumor has it he lost big at the roulette table too. And an unreliable source reported that Gruden said nice game Fatboy at the 50 yard line.

Rugby Saint II 09-24-2020 12:06 PM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask
I'm glad the NFL is fining coaches and teams for noncompliance. We are in a pandemic for Christ sake! Every time I see some low class idiot walking around without a mask they almost always have redneck written all over them I want to call them out but I don't. I won't change their mind and if a loved one dies from it maybe they will learn but probably not.

FinSaint 09-24-2020 01:04 PM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 897686)
I'm glad the NFL is fining coaches and teams for noncompliance. We are in a pandemic for Christ sake! Every time I see some low class idiot walking around without a mask they almost always have redneck written all over them I want to call them out but I don't. I won't change their mind and if a loved one dies from it maybe they will learn but probably not.

Nobody wears masks over here.

gosaints1 09-24-2020 01:28 PM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask

Originally Posted by FinSaint (Post 897692)
Nobody wears masks over here.

I don’t. I go to a restaurant, or like tonight a Riesling tasting, put it on at the building’s entrance, immediately take it off upon sitting, then several hours later when the event/meal is over, I put it on while walking through the public space and immediately after exiting the building it comes completely off. If I’m out in public, it never gets put on, ever. And the only reason I put it on while inside is out of respect for the owner, whom more often than not I know personally and don’t want them possibly receiving a complaint.

Flipx99 09-24-2020 01:44 PM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask
Wonder whether the league mandates that they wear masks at practice or around the team facilities. If not, is the game time mandate purely for the cameras?

AsylumGuido 09-24-2020 02:09 PM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask

Originally Posted by Flipx99 (Post 897697)
Wonder whether the league mandates that they wear masks at practice or around the team facilities. If not, is the game time mandate purely for the cameras?

Yes. Both are part of the league mandated protocols. Zero positive tests for players thus far appears to be working. Along with masks all personnel are required to wear proximity monitors which beep a warning f they come within six feet of another individual and records all close contact for tracking purposes. There are also different levels of clearance which require different levels of monitors. According to the Giants' radio announcer, Bob Papa, if you only have level two clearance at the time and someone comes walking down the hall toward you that is level three you are required to immediately abandon the hall into a side room until the individual(s) pass. The monitors will flag "violations".

They are not kidding around. There is far too much revenue involved to not be serious.

iceshack149 09-24-2020 02:32 PM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask
Serious question; Sean Payton already had the virus. Can he still contract the virus or spread it?

AsylumGuido 09-24-2020 02:36 PM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask

Originally Posted by iceshack149 (Post 897702)
Serious question; Sean Payton already had the virus. Can he still contract the virus or spread it?

Presumably not. But, there is not yet a definitive answer to that question. The protocols have to be uniformed to be effective, regardless. You have to assume everyone could be a carrier or susceptible to infection.

By the way, Gruden shared that he too had contracted COVID-19 during the off-season.

burningmetal 09-25-2020 05:02 AM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 897686)
I'm glad the NFL is fining coaches and teams for noncompliance. We are in a pandemic for Christ sake! Every time I see some low class idiot walking around without a mask they almost always have redneck written all over them I want to call them out but I don't. I won't change their mind and if a loved one dies from it maybe they will learn but probably not.

Well now I know what you think of me. I must be a redneck, because I've never worn a mask, anywhere, since this began.

I'm floored that anyone still believes the corona hype. Only the absolute most vulnerable of people are dying from it... Kind of like how they would die (and do die) from the flu. Nobody ever shut the world down for the flu, or called their neighbors rednecks (and much worse) for not wearing masks during flu season.

When I see someone wearing a mask, other than employees who have no choice if they want to keep their job that is mandating the masks, I see a sheep in human clothes. Since we're sharing our opinions of one another so candidly, I figured I'd throw my two cents out there for whatever it's worth.

TheOak 09-25-2020 06:40 AM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 897686)
I'm glad the NFL is fining coaches and teams for noncompliance. We are in a pandemic for Christ sake! Every time I see some low class idiot walking around without a mask they almost always have redneck written all over them I want to call them out but I don't. I won't change their mind and if a loved one dies from it maybe they will learn but probably not.

Mask orders were put in place so that politicians would be able to tout "lives saved" estimates at election time and because there had to be a perception of something being done about a virus that, outside of separation, had to run its course.

Face coverings provide zero protection in either direction, stopping the COVID virus with a face covering is the equivalent of stopping a thousand golf balls with a set of football uprights.

There is zero empirical data to support a face cover mandate and please do not insult my intelligence with a meme. There have been no notable technological advancements in particulate or virus filtration in the last 10 months and if there were they most certainly did not take place in a Fruit of the Loom factory.

I know you feel strongly about this but brother, it just isn't so...

Read the Results section from this study conducted before 2020. I do not trust anything after Dec 2019 on this topic. What the CDC originally put out is factually correct, if it isn't N95 its a waste of time, even medical grade masks that are not N95 are useless.

Cruize 09-25-2020 07:15 AM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask
It's okay for 22 players to dogpile on each other for four quarters, but a coach lowering his mask to call plays is the absolute worst and will lead to all our deaths? Come on. Payton could be caught pooting on tape and would be fined. Belichick and Kraft could shoot someone on 5th avenue...............

I wear a mask at work, when I shop, and when I'm around a lot of people. Basically when I'm out of my house. I believe it is an aid in preventing/slowing down the spread of the virus. I don't see it as a choice. Driving a red car is choice. Drinking a Coke is a choice. Be a good person. Be a good American. Help contribute to the greater good during a pandemic that has taken the lives of over 200K Americans. It's probably the least/easiest thing you can ever do in your life to be helpful to those around you.

gosaints1 09-25-2020 08:39 AM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask

Originally Posted by Cruize (Post 897752)
...Be a good American. Help contribute to the greater good during a pandemic that has taken the lives of over 200K Americans. It's probably the least/easiest thing you can ever do in your life to be helpful to those around you.

If you truly believe this, you would have been wearing a mask your entire life, the number of immunocompromised ppl that you, and I come into contact with on a daily basis is staggering. Same for ppl undergoing various oncologist treatments. Same for children with underdeveloped immune systems. Same for diabetics and obesity, heart disease COPD, etc...

Wearing a mask is virtue signaling. It’s basically Stuart from MadTV saying “Look what I can do”.

Pandemic? lol, Seriously? We have enough test kits to test the entire population of this country every month, multiple millions of tests are created every day. What we don’t have is enough labs to process those tests. And the NFL has taken away labs to perform thousands upon thousands of tests every day for millionaire athletes, for..., wait for it..., Entertainment? lol. Yeah right, there’s some “virtue” for you. If “because..., pandemic” were that worrisome, no professional sports would be happening right now.

Anybody who buys into “be a good citizen, wear your mask” also buys gold from William Devane and Rosland Capital. If you truly want to be a good citizen..., you’ll live the rest of your life with a mask on.

That’s just not my idea of life, or liberty. But if others feel like virtue signaling then I get it, I understand the logic there, I just question why they haven’t been a “good American” for years previously, for some of us, decades.

As far as that “death toll” number, it’s accuracy can be fairly questioned. But regardless, ppl die. Heck, ppl have died in car crashes, or alcohol/drug poisoning, even suicide, that are lumped into that “death toll” number.

TheOak 09-25-2020 09:08 AM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask
1 Attachment(s)
If my goal was to make select groups of individuals comfortable I would wear a dress to work and not say the word fu#$ out loud. Neither of which is going to happen in this lifetime.

I wear a mask when and where it is dictated because I believe it is an aid in minimizing the money I give to the government. Beyond that its a cotton candy condom in a whorehouse.

Here are the revised CDC numbers.

AsylumGuido 09-25-2020 09:08 AM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask
I don't mind wearing a mask at all. It gives me another way to rock the black and gold. Every mask I have is a Saints mask, except for one that is an Atlanta Braves mask for the playoffs. I've actually been a Braves fan for longer than I have been a Saints fan (1967) ... since the early 60's when they were still in Milwaukee with Hank Aaron, Eddie Matthews, Joe Torre and Warren Spahn.

gosaints1 09-25-2020 09:24 AM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 897758)
I don't mind wearing a mask at all. It gives me another way to rock the black and gold. Every mask I have is a Saints mask, except for one that is an Atlanta Braves mask for the playoffs. I've actually been a Braves fan for longer than I have been a Saints fan (1967) ... since the early 60's when they were still in Milwaukee with Hank Aaron, Eddie Matthews, Joe Torre and Warren Spahn.

Wear it if you want, or like, for whatever reasons. I just don’t like others sticking their nose into my business, doubly so for a governmental entity.

TheOak 09-25-2020 10:25 AM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 897758)
I don't mind wearing a mask at all. It gives me another way to rock the black and gold. Every mask I have is a Saints mask, except for one that is an Atlanta Braves mask for the playoffs. I've actually been a Braves fan for longer than I have been a Saints fan (1967) ... since the early 60's when they were still in Milwaukee with Hank Aaron, Eddie Matthews, Joe Torre and Warren Spahn.

No need to flex your age. We all know you had the Jesus Christ Starter jacket with the 10 Commandments down the sleeve. :bng:

AsylumGuido 09-25-2020 10:46 AM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 897769)
No need to flex your age. We all know you had the Jesus Christ Starter jacket with the 10 Commandments down the sleeve. :bng:

That would have been cool.

neugey 09-25-2020 11:36 AM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask
With all the penalties we had on Monday might as well top it off with a fine LOL

jnormand 09-25-2020 01:12 PM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask
I don't wear one. It doesn't bother me when others do. Although, I have my own opinions about the validity of how or if they can actually help.

Most masks aren't even rated to stop the small molecules. And that goes for healthcare workers. Most people don't wear a face sealing N95. So its pointless. but if it makes people feel better, go ahead.

I will say this, I do laugh when I see people driving in a car alone wearing one or when I go into a store and people are basically wearing a turtleneck over their face. Its literally a piece of fabric. Lol.

My favorite is when I see people jogging or riding a bike with one. Lol! Yep...suck back in all that CO2 you're supposed to be breathing out. Bahahahaha!

Cmon man!

Rugby Saint II 09-26-2020 01:45 PM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask
I knew better than to hit enter/send. Ya'll ain't rednecks. You're just not seeing this from the community medical advice. Wearing masks cuts down on the spread of the virus. Like it or not I honestly believe it. By the way I don't want to be a statistic. I'm 61. I was supposed to be dead from cancer 15 years ago and my immune system is weak. By the way, I just had my second stroke and this Covid that you're so casual about can kill me.

Do ya'll social distance or limit indoor gatherings? My hats off to the posters who wear masks in public. It's a show of mutual respect for your fellow man who fears death. I'm sorry if it makes you feel as though it is an infringement on you rights. By the way, Almost all of my masks are Saints and are the kind used for runners because they breathe so much easier but are just as effective. There are numerous materials that a mask can be made of including silk and they do work to minimize the particles in the air.

I didn't really mean to attack non compliance for masks but here in Alabama it's the law. Not for political reasons but because they work. Flame away folks!

dizzle88 09-26-2020 01:56 PM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 897836)
I knew than to hit enter/send. Ya'll ain't rednecks. You're just not seeing this from the community medical advice. Wearing masks cuts down on the spread of the virus. Like it or not I honestly believe it. By the way I don't want to be a statistic. I'm 61. I was supposed to be dead from cancer 15 years ago and my immune system is weak. By the way, I just had my second stroke and this Covid that you're so casual about can kill me.

Do ya'll social distance or limit indoor gatherings? My hats off to the posters who wear masks in public. It's a show of mutual respect for your fellow man who fears death. I'm sorry if it makes you fell as though it is an infringement on you rights. By the way, Almost all of my masks are Saints and are the kind used for runners because they breathe so much easier but are just as effective. There are numerous materials that a mask can be made of including silk and they do work to minimize the particles in the air.

I didn't really mean to attack non compliance for masks but here in Alabama it's the law. Not for political reasons but because they work. Flame away folks!

You're not alone my friend. My wife and I both work for the NHS and the way some just nonchalantly ignore rules and don't think of others just irks me.

Neither of us are in the at risk category, however I strongly believe you have to be mindful of the people you may come into contact with. I dont want to put my parents or grandparents at risk because of ignorance against wearing a mask.

If everyone had just adhered to the rules when this first happened, I strongly believe we wouldn't still be talking about it. But as always, the population know best :rolleyes:

If scientists are saying what to do, why do the general public immediately think they are smarter than the people that are trained in this field?

AsylumGuido 09-26-2020 02:01 PM

Re: SP fined $100k for no mask

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 897836)
I knew better than to hit enter/send. Ya'll ain't rednecks. You're just not seeing this from the community medical advice. Wearing masks cuts down on the spread of the virus. Like it or not I honestly believe it. By the way I don't want to be a statistic. I'm 61. I was supposed to be dead from cancer 15 years ago and my immune system is weak. By the way, I just had my second stroke and this Covid that you're so casual about can kill me.

Do ya'll social distance or limit indoor gatherings? My hats off to the posters who wear masks in public. It's a show of mutual respect for your fellow man who fears death. I'm sorry if it makes you feel as though it is an infringement on you rights. By the way, Almost all of my masks are Saints and are the kind used for runners because they breathe so much easier but are just as effective. There are numerous materials that a mask can be made of including silk and they do work to minimize the particles in the air.

I didn't really mean to attack non compliance for masks but here in Alabama it's the law. Not for political reasons but because they work. Flame away folks!


Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 897838)
You're not alone my friend. My wife and I both work for the NHS and the way some just nonchalantly ignore rules and don't think of others just irks me.

Neither of us are in the at risk category, however I strongly believe you have to be mindful of the people you may come into contact with. I dont want to put my parents or grandparents at risk because of ignorance against wearing a mask.

If everyone had just adhered to the rules when this first happened, I strongly believe we wouldn't still be talking about it. But as always, the population know best :rolleyes:

If scientists are saying what to do, why do the general public immediately think they are smarter than the people that are trained in this field?

Right there with you. It is mandated here to wear mask in public places and I do what I can to help. As I have mentioned before, my wife was head of infection control in her hospital system and knows when to take things seriously. I'll trust her before I do Bubba on Facebook.

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