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nola_swammi 09-02-2005 02:07 PM

San Antonio Thieves
San Antonio leaders discuss ways to attract Saints' Benson
Web Posted: 09/02/2005 12:00 AM CDT

Tom Orsborn
Express-News Staff Writer

With NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue saying it is unlikely they will play in the hurricane-damaged Superdome this season, the New Orleans Saints were set to fly to San Antonio late Thursday eager to learn the sites of their eight home games.

Euphoria 09-02-2005 02:21 PM

RE: San Antonio Thieves
"If its good for the State then its good for LSU"... How do you like that quote. Its all about Baton Rouge and LSU. New Orleans -who cares, Saints who cares as long as its good for the State and LSU. This is what has been going on the whole time. Governor didn't want to stage supples and manpower in Baton Rouge to aid the City of New Orleans because spending tax money on New Orleans isn't good for LSU.

nola_swammi 09-02-2005 03:43 PM

RE: San Antonio Thieves
I believe San Antonio goverment are the biggest lotters around.

saintswhodi 09-03-2005 12:53 PM

Re: RE: San Antonio Thieves

Originally Posted by nola_swammi
I believe San Antonio goverment are the biggest lotters around.

I believe you are 100% wrong, or do you wanna come visit the thousands of evacuees who are now living in San Antonio, including my own immediate family living with me? How about the free apartments going around? How about New Orleanians getting priority in jobs, as I just took my sister to the TX workforce office yesterday, and they informed her she and other evacuees would be the first contacted for new jobs?


City officials and business leaders who hope the Saints stay in San Antonio this season point out that they do not want to appear opportunistic while New Orleans struggles with the devastation delivered by Hurricane Katrina and by breaches in the city's levee system that produced widespread flooding.

But Haass said if the Saints play their home schedule at the Alamodome, the city would do all it could to make the stay enjoyable and worthwhile.

"The season needs to go on," Haass said. "It needs to go on somewhere it can be successful. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it would be very successful at the Alamodome
Notice the bold part. They want to provide a home for this season, whil ensuring revenue for the team. Nothing more. In all likelihood they will not be able to play in NO this year. And most if not all of the evacuees are now in TX. Please.

bayouking318 09-03-2005 01:36 PM

RE: Re: RE: San Antonio Thieves
I am sorry to degrade your hometown. The debate on what san antonio intention are mute since the team temporary home is in Houston and their 1st home game will be in New York. Hopefully the rest of home game will be at LSU.

nola_swammi 09-04-2005 12:13 AM

Re: RE: San Antonio Thieves

I believe you are 100% wrong, or do you wanna come visit the thousands of evacuees who are now living in San Antonio, including my own immediate family living with me? How about the free apartments going around? How about New Orleanians getting priority in jobs, as I just took my sister to the TX workforce office yesterday, and they informed her she and other evacuees would be the first contacted for new jobs?


Hey buddy, don't get me wrong I appreciate TX for all of the support but damn you have be slow in the head to think San Antonio didn't have any extra agenda. To tell you the truth I could careless about your family so keep your smart remarks to yourself. I know all you TX people on here going to rip me but I don't care. This seems like the only way for San Antonio to receive a NFL franchise so good luck and I hope the Saints bring you the same fortune they brought to Louisiana

D_it_up 09-04-2005 12:46 AM

O.K. Let's all sit back, take a deep breath, pop a xanax bar, chase it with a shot or two of tequilla, put on a Pink Floyd cd, and mellow out a bit. I agree that it makes sense to hold any Saints home games at a Louisiana venue (ala Tiger Stadium or Independence Stadium). However, Tom Benson probably doesn't need much push from the officials of San Antonio to play where some of his family resides anyways. Don't think for a moment that he won't use the damage to the Superdome caused by the hurricane and the aftermath as leverage in negotiations with the state on a new stadium. When that deal falls through with Blanco, he'll set up a meeting with the NFL relocation committee on a possible move to take up permanent residence in San Antonio. I give it 2-3 years before they make that their new home....for good.

CheramieIII 09-04-2005 12:19 PM

All writers, sportscasters and even we need to stop talking about the Saint's leaving New Orleans. What would it look like at this point if the Saint's did leave New Orleans and how would the State look allowing that to happen, when they have to help that region recover from this tragedy. It is going to be hard enough to ever get any new business to the area, I think the State will make it priority one to keep all current industry in New Orleans and that includes the SAINTS!

Everything you read is only wishful thinking and I can promise you right now if our commisioner allowed the Saint's to leave New Orleans now I would never watch another NFL Game and this is not a rumor but a fact.

D_it_up 09-04-2005 06:05 PM


All writers, sportscasters and even we need to stop talking about the Saint's leaving New Orleans.
I understand how you feel about the situation, as we all probably feel the same way. However, I'm looking at the reality of the situation. It is feasible that the Saints could be permanently in San Antonio. Benson is a business man. He may listen to offers to stay in New Orleans, but he's going to put the team where it is financially beneficial to him. They very may end up with a state of the art stadium in New Orleans due to federal aid, but I seriously doubt that the Saints are that high on the priority list in New Orleans at this present time. A move to San Antonio would be big to a Saint fan, but very small in the eyes of a city that barely has a leg to stand on. New Orleans will be great once again in the future, but we have to face the fact that they may be doing it without the Saints.

saintswhodi 09-05-2005 09:46 AM

Re: RE: San Antonio Thieves

Originally Posted by nola_swammi

I believe you are 100% wrong, or do you wanna come visit the thousands of evacuees who are now living in San Antonio, including my own immediate family living with me? How about the free apartments going around? How about New Orleanians getting priority in jobs, as I just took my sister to the TX workforce office yesterday, and they informed her she and other evacuees would be the first contacted for new jobs?


Hey buddy, don't get me wrong I appreciate TX for all of the support but damn you have be slow in the head to think San Antonio didn't have any extra agenda. To tell you the truth I could careless about your family so keep your smart remarks to yourself. I know all you TX people on here going to rip me but I don't care. This seems like the only way for San Antonio to receive a NFL franchise so good luck and I hope the Saints bring you the same fortune they brought to Louisiana
First off, you're ignorant. Let me get that out the way up front. Second, who is "you TX people?" I was born and raised in New Orleans all my life, and only a few years removed from living there. The ONLY reason I moved from there is there are better paying jobs elsewhere. My entire family still lives there. I don't care about how little concern you have for my family, which again validates how ignorant you are cause any sensible person has concern for everyone's families at a time like this. You are crying wolf over a situation with little substance. Next time learn to read and COMPREHEND an article before you shoot your mouth off. Dumb ass.

nola_swammi 09-05-2005 02:34 PM

RE: Re: RE: San Antonio Thieves
I am ignorant and a dumbass, so what does that make you for replying? "ignorant *****".. Once again, I can give a rat ass about your family. You live in San Antonio now. I don't need to hear your life story "*****"

Writes Mackel: "[Fielkow] said Tom Benson WANTS to upset season ticket holders and the Louisiana Legislature! He wants to play this season in San Antonio, forcing the state to tell him that since he turned his back on the community in a time of need they won't make any more payments to him.

"If the state fails to make their payment next summer Louisiana is in breech [sic] of contract and Benson can move the team without making a penalty payment. He would then shop the team to the highest bidding city. San Antonio, L.A., even New Orleans with a better deal in place. He's simply going to use this tragedy get a better deal and perhaps [a] new stadium from some city."

nola_swammi 09-05-2005 02:40 PM

Re: RE: San Antonio Thieves

Second, who is "you TX people?[/quote]

TX aka Texas. You the dumbass if you didn't know that

saintsfan1313 09-05-2005 02:59 PM

im assuming there are no Mods checking this post out, things are getting out of control with this......everyone chill out

D_it_up 09-05-2005 03:32 PM

I totally agree with the chilling out. If y'all have beef with each other, keep it out of the forums. E-mail each other if you have to, but keep the childish bickering out of here to where other readers don't have to get involved.

saintswhodi 09-05-2005 03:46 PM

Re: RE: San Antonio Thieves
Second, who is "you TX people?[/quote]

TX aka Texas. You the dumbass if you didn't know that[/quote]

Again you show your ignorance. I was asking who you meant by "you TX people" on a Saints forum. Then you use cuss words as if that somehow makes you less ignorant? Only stupid people would say they don't care for ANYONE's family at a time like this. And I am starting to realize I am speaking to one. Who gives a flying f%&* if I live in San Antonio now? I was born and raised in New Orleans, and everyone who knows me knows I have NEVER called anywhere else my home. The tragedy that occured in my hometown brought me to tears. So kindly shet your ignorant ass up and let those who have compassion for others and an above 2nd grade IQ speak. Again, dumb ass.

D_it_up 09-05-2005 04:14 PM

It doesn't matter who is right, who is wrong, who started the name-calling first, or who said the first "yo mama" joke. What does matter is that all this juvenile bickering for everybody to see needs to end. Nobody really cares to see this crap pasted all throughout the forums. Let's just chalk it up to agreeing to disagree and move on. We are all adults here. Let's act like it.

lynwood 09-05-2005 04:22 PM

RE: Re: RE: San Antonio Thieves
I'd have to think San Antonio would like to have an NFL team but it would be New Orleans Jr. as far as market share is concered. Hard to predict what kind of levrege will be played out but since Bensen hasn't really made a public statement and hasn't even made a donation to the relief fund yet , he might be willing to pack up and go anywhere. Why shouldn't San Antonio try to do what they can to get an NFL team? I don't think the NFL will allow it but who knows.

Now as far as all the rudeness goes, what does living in texas have to do with being a New Orleans fan? Whodi was just giving examples on what san antonio is doing to help out the dissplaced citizens including his sister. I live in Houston. If your problem is with San Antonio don't make it personal with the people That now live in Texas. Heck you should be mad at Bensen and Taglibuge(sp). They ultimatly have control on who plays and moves where.

saintswhodi 09-05-2005 05:38 PM

Thanks lynnwood. I personally did not appreciate the people of San Antonio being called thieves when they have done nothing but open arms and try to help all they can. Truly, for someone to say they could care less about another person's family at a time like this warrants anger. I care about everyone's family right now, even nola swammi's. I cam argue with him and still be compassionate about anything his family is going through, which I would have to think would be not much to make a statement like that. But in no way are the people or the city of San Antonio thieves. They are trying for ONE SEASON to make a small part of a very unstable situation stable. That's all. Should the team decide to fully pack up and leave, and I mean truly, who could blame them since the city won't be fully inhabitable again for years, blame Benson. Maybe they can take up a temporary residence elsewhere for a few years until this mess is straightened out, then when New Orleans is rebuilt come back. But in no way is anyone trying to be a thief in this situation.

D it up 2, thanks, but don't need the lecture. You know there is an ongoing argument, so don't read posts from the individuals. I don't need anyone to tell me how to act and when. If I take offense to something that is personal to me, I will express myself in the manner I am being addressed. Sorry if that ruins your day.

TallySaint 09-05-2005 05:46 PM

Good grief.


D_it_up 09-05-2005 05:54 PM

Well, let me tell ya something, Saintwhodi. You'll get a lecture and you'll like it. I don't give a crap if there is an ongoing argument between the two of you. KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES!!! Hell, just give directions to each other or meet in the middle and y'all beat the crap out of eadh other. NO ONE CARES TO SEE IT HERE!!! Catch my drift? All this swearing and name calling is for a bunch of jr. high kids. And how is anyone NOT supposed to read post from individuals when they are reading the posts? Be the bigger man and not stoop to his level if you feel attacked. Do it in a different manner. If you still feel you are being unjustly attacked, take it to the moderators. I'm sure they'll be MORE than happy to settle this argument. Take it as a lecture or what you will, but you two are on the fast track of being another Billy Carpenter. And the way y'all are acting, it won't bother me a bit. At least there will be a bit more peace here. Last statement I'll make is.........GROW UP!!!!!!!

TallySaint 09-05-2005 05:57 PM


Last statement I'll make is
Thank you. Now whodi can respond, then we'll move on....


saintswhodi 09-05-2005 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by D_it_up2
Well, let me tell ya something, Saintwhodi. You'll get a lecture and you'll like it. I don't give a crap if there is an ongoing argument between the two of you. KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES!!! Hell, just give directions to each other or meet in the middle and y'all beat the crap out of eadh other. NO ONE CARES TO SEE IT HERE!!! Catch my drift? All this swearing and name calling is for a bunch of jr. high kids. And how is anyone NOT supposed to read post from individuals when they are reading the posts? Be the bigger man and not stoop to his level if you feel attacked. Do it in a different manner. If you still feel you are being unjustly attacked, take it to the moderators. I'm sure they'll be MORE than happy to settle this argument. Take it as a lecture or what you will, but you two are on the fast track of being another Billy Carpenter. And the way y'all are acting, it won't bother me a bit. At least there will be a bit more peace here. Last statement I'll make is.........GROW UP!!!!!!!

So your solution to ending one argument is to start another? Smart. I highly doubt ANYONE is on the Billy Carpenter path Captain Overreaction. Put me on ignore, cause I am gonna take offense to anyone making similar statements to nola's, and I am gonna express that. I don't care where I live, I am feeling the wrath of this hurricane as much as anyone else. So my suggestion to you is to place me on ignore, and get on with your day. Not wise to tell someone to grow up due to an argument, while arguing yourself. Move on to another thread, and don;t attempt tp try and tell me how to act or react again.

TallySaint 09-05-2005 06:02 PM

"Lighten up, Francis"

-- Sgt. Hulka, Stripes


D_it_up 09-05-2005 06:09 PM

If I were starting an argument, you would know it because you wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Captain Overreaction? HAHAHAHAH! You make me laugh, because the Billy Carpenter's of the world started off just they way you guys are doing. I was here from the start of his escapades, and was greatly glad to see that troublemaker go on his merry way. As far as someone telling you how to act or react? Go look at your last few posts and see how the "dumbasses", "*******", and other comments make the two of you look. Like freakin kids. All I'm saying is that nobody here cares to see all this crap. That's why I'm ending my portion of this after this post. If you two want to be little babies about it all, go right ahead. Cry because he took your Tonka truck and now hit him in the head with your Bob the Builder hammer to get even. Then you two go to time out and come out and play with the rest of the class when you can play nice. So go on ahead and have your last word, because I know it's just killing you to start posting even though you aren't finished reading this. You want a reply? You won't get one. Where I stop here shows I'm the bigger man. Now show him you are the same.

TallySaint 09-05-2005 06:13 PM

No one is gonna have the last word, I see. :lol:

It's turned into a *****-fight. You know, those hideous girl fights you saw in high school. Hair-pullin'. Buncha slappin'. "Momma, she hit me first!"

You guys stay here and duke it out. The rest of us will go talk football and stuff.


chipshot51 09-05-2005 06:18 PM

Let All Hope And Pray that the Saints Will Stay Louisiana!!! :D

D_it_up 09-05-2005 06:19 PM

LOL....agreed chipshot

saintswhodi 09-05-2005 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by D_it_up2
If I were starting an argument, you would know it because you wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Captain Overreaction? HAHAHAHAH! You make me laugh, because the Billy Carpenter's of the world started off just they way you guys are doing. I was here from the start of his escapades, and was greatly glad to see that troublemaker go on his merry way. As far as someone telling you how to act or react? Go look at your last few posts and see how the "dumbasses", "*******", and other comments make the two of you look. Like freakin kids. All I'm saying is that nobody here cares to see all this crap. That's why I'm ending my portion of this after this post. If you two want to be little babies about it all, go right ahead. Cry because he took your Tonka truck and now hit him in the head with your Bob the Builder hammer to get even. Then you two go to time out and come out and play with the rest of the class when you can play nice. So go on ahead and have your last word, because I know it's just killing you to start posting even though you aren't finished reading this. You want a reply? You won't get one. Where I stop here shows I'm the bigger man. Now show him you are the same.

Wait, first you tell someone to grow up cause they are arguing, yet you are doing the same, now you make a two paragraph length post and include something about someone else getting the last word cause they can't wait to post a response? Self describe much? Hypocrite much? Have a nice day D it up. You are a very funny dude, unless you aren't meaning to be, which just makes it sad. :cry:

nola_swammi 09-05-2005 08:56 PM

I apologize for my childish behavior but I couldn't take being called ignorant and dumb. If Whodi want to meet up some where and continue our disagreement I am willing to resolve this through e-mails, if he want to resolve it personally I will give you my home address through e-mails. I don't have a problem with anyone disagreeing with me but to insult me!! well I have a problem with that. People on here can act tough as they want cause they hiding by a username. Well let me get off that subject before my blood pressure rise. Once again I apologize cause kids could be reading this stuff.

Catsfan 09-05-2005 10:02 PM

I'd rather see them in LA,I'm just glad that god awful dome is comin down

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