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Random Thoughts - By Saintfan

Rating: 2 votes, 3.00 average.
Posted 11-23-2010 at 04:49 PM by saintfan

TSA. Man oh man but what is up with all the drama with TSA? The entire country is in an uproar over TSA, and it's a good bet 90 percent of the country doesn't even know what it stands for.

The, uh hem, "T"ransportation "S"ecurity "A"dministration is catching it from all angles over their new fangled scanning devices. Well, to be more accurate, they are catching hell from all the people who want to avoid those scanning devices citing an invasion of privacy.

No...wait. The hell is breaking loose because of the pat downs people are forced to endure because they feel violated by the new scanning devices which invade their privacy. Good God are we a bunch of wendy whiners or what?

Seems that everybody wants to feel safe when they fly, but nobody wants to suck it up a little. No, actually that's not true either. It seems that the majority of those who fly are willing to endure the ruthless invasion of their privacy for the sake of improved security. The minority that feels sexually abused by the process is sure making some noise though, aren't they?

As can be seen in skymike's avatar, the scanning devices can be quite revealing. Are people really so ashamed of themselves? Maybe they should be provided with a copy of their scanned image as a parting gift from TSA. They can spend the next few hours mulling over how fat and out of shape they have become. They can use the images as motivation to improve the overall quality of their lives. Free of charge and courtesy of your friendly TSA.

Of course you can opt out of the scanning device as a way to maintain this misguided inner image you have of yourself. You can, instead, get a much overdue pat down. Maybe the TSA can hire cheerleaders and male models. The discerning traveler could be allowed to decide who among them will provide their pat down. This can become your fantasy of choice and you can enjoy it over and over again. If it ever starts to fade, just buy another airline ticket and enjoy the process all over again. What's better than a pat down, I mean, besides the fact that they don't charge you extra? How about a pat down that comes with airline miles? All in the name of first class baby!

Here's the rub (pun intended). I fly and lot. Well, I fly less now than I used to, but I'm on a plane 6 to 8 times a year. I know a lot of people who fly a lot - a few times a week or more. I, along with EVERY person I know, recognize that airport security is a hassle, and I, along with EVERY person I know is willing to endure. We - my frequent flying friends and I - are not complaining. Sure, we're mumbling a little, but we are mostly keeping our sense of humor about it all. We appreciate the extra sense of security.

I have a suggestion for all you people raising all this hell over airport security. Well, first I have a statement: YOU DO NOT HAVE A GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO FLY ON AN AIRPLANE. Make sense? You twits understand? You can be banned from flying on an airplane (even before 9/11) simply because an airline employee doesn't care for your behavior. Raise hell at the gate and see how quickly you are sent to find alternate transportation. It isn't your plane, and you are sharing it with a few hundred other people in case you forgot.

On now to my suggestion: Drive. Or walk. Or catch a cab. I don't know. Click your heels together 3 times and hope like hell you get there. I could give a Falcon's feather, you know? Stop raising hell. Stop trying to clog up an already clogged up security line. Most of you fly, on average, once or less a year. Shut up. Get over yourselves. YOU, after all, don't rate that high. Get it? Go through security or find some other way to get there, or better yet, stay at home and find something real to protest, like child abuse, or hungry kids, or animal rights, or BP. God knows there's plenty to get worked up about.

And yes, all you activists, I understand there are issues. It is not a perfect system. There isn't one, but if we weren't so politically correct nowadays those TSA agents would be FAR more invasive of your privacy than a simple scan or pat down. Read up on airport security in other countries and you will probably be forced to re-think your position. Oh, wait...that will never happen will it?

Ladies, close your eyes and image Huey Lewis or Dree Brees or who the hell else, I don't know. Enjoy your little pat down. As for me, as soon as Zooey takes that part time TSA job to rehearse for her next role, Ima be the most frequent flyer you people have ever seen.
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  1. Old Comment
    And let me add that I'm not one of the "90%" idiots you allude to in your opening. I do know what the TSA stands for, and I also know that it's under the "department of home(mother/father)land security".

    Wrapping this nonsense in patriotic terms would only be enough to fool a palin supporter. And no, that is not just a random "faux news" barb, I actually watch, and enjoy, O'Reilly.

    And it's not like I lack the means or the desire to fly. I have been to 15 foreign countries and countless states; I actually drew up a list of the airports I've flown in or out of recently, and it came in right in at 50.

    You struck a nerve with this, Saintfan. I'll admit that. But striking a nerve, and being on the right side of an issue, are two different things.
    Posted 11-24-2010 at 10:49 PM by CashAndFlash CashAndFlash is offline

  2. Old Comment
    for some reason my last post isn't coming up when I load it in this window, so I'll cut and paste:

    And let me add that I'm not one of the "90%" idiots you allude to in your opening. I do know what the TSA stands for, and I also know that it's under the "department of home(mother/father)land security".

    Wrapping this nonsense in patriotic terms would only be enough to fool a palin supporter. And no, that is not just a random "faux news" barb, I actually watch, and enjoy, O'Reilly.

    And it's not like I lack the means or the desire to fly. I have been to 15 foreign countries and countless states; I actually drew up a list of the airports I've flown in or out of recently, and it came in right in at 50.

    You struck a nerve with this, Saintfan. I'll admit that. But striking a nerve, and being on the right side of an issue, are two different things.
    Posted 11-24-2010 at 11:06 PM by CashAndFlash CashAndFlash is offline
  3. Old Comment
    nevermind... for some reason the paging is different in two windows in Chrome... just wanted to make sure it got up there. edit doesn't seem to be working.
    Posted 11-24-2010 at 11:08 PM by CashAndFlash CashAndFlash is offline
  4. Old Comment
    Its Faux News brainwashing the planet....dont give in ..have your own mind..thats the ones who will survive all this..
    Posted 11-25-2010 at 02:06 AM by strato strato is offline
  5. Old Comment
    I like O'Reilly, and I think calling it "faux new" is giving in to typical democratic namby-pambyism... bring everyone down to the same childish level of discourse.

    I am also a Democrat who approves of the job Obama is doing, though I did vote for Ron paul.

    Good luck trying to pigeonhole me.
    Posted 11-25-2010 at 02:16 AM by CashAndFlash CashAndFlash is offline
  6. Old Comment
    may have misunderstood you there strat/// if so, my bad.
    Posted 11-25-2010 at 04:06 AM by CashAndFlash CashAndFlash is offline
  7. Old Comment
    and an apology to you to Mark, and you probably deserve one as well saintfan... I'm going through a tough time trying to move into a new place right now and to say i'm a little jumpy would be an understatement.

    VIVA la TSA.
    Posted 11-25-2010 at 04:11 AM by CashAndFlash CashAndFlash is offline
  8. Old Comment
    you too.. is how it should be spelled. i made an 800 on my SAT verbal, and can't stand when I spell things like I'm 8 years old.
    Posted 11-25-2010 at 04:12 AM by CashAndFlash CashAndFlash is offline
  9. Old Comment
    Its all good CHris ...Saintfan...Halo....were all in this together!!

    WHO DAT!
    Posted 11-25-2010 at 11:51 AM by strato strato is offline
  10. Old Comment
    LOL...LOVE the Greyhound line!

    You do have alternatives though, and the bus isn't so bad really, but as soon as somebody blows one up the bus terminal will likely feature increased/enhanced security too.

    All in good discussion Cash. Have a great Turkey day!
    Posted 11-25-2010 at 02:04 PM by saintfan saintfan is offline
  11. Old Comment
    Tried to get thru today and they saw my im wanted in porn and for carrying a oversized weapon of mass destruction....
    Posted 11-26-2010 at 02:26 PM by strato strato is offline
  12. Old Comment
    SmashMouth's Avatar
    what? No new random thoughts in almost two years? I don't believe it.
    Posted 09-27-2012 at 05:42 PM by SmashMouth SmashMouth is offline

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