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2015 Saints Offensive Line

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Posted 09-01-2015 at 06:50 AM by jeanpierre

Projecting our offensive line this season...

Left Tackle

By all accounts from training camp, Terron Armstead should make the big leap this season to elite status. Thought he was underrated last season and handled Seattle's multiple front/personnel well...

Left Guard

Don't get the harshness and pessimism toward Tim Lelito. What were the expectations of an undrafted rookie free agent?!? He's had nowhere to go but up. All he's done is come and work his tail off and improve with every opportunity. Expect to see better play than we had from the overpaid Grubbs last season...


Think any questions over what kind of player Max Under is going to be for the Saints were answered for fans on the Cooks Screen Touchdown against the Ravens in PreSeason. Expect him to return to All-Pro form...

Right Guart

All-Pro Right Guard Jahri Evans has set a high bar for himself over the years, but for me, he's the biggest concern I've got going into the 2015 season. Age, Wear and The Big Mo look like they've got Jahri having one foot out the door; fingers crossed here...

Right Tackle

Zach Strief is the poster child for NFL overachievers; he's proof that hard work, character and leadership can forge a lasting NFL career; I cringe watching him maneuver in space despite his reliable effectiveness; while rookie Andrus Peat has gotten off to a slower start than expected in training camp, I still expect youth to be served by season's end...

Where we are

As the offseason came upon us earlier than expected (but were we really surprised after the Week 2 loss at Cleveland), everyone wah-wahed over the defense which has had poor investment with lazy free-agent band aids that eventually caught up to the front office...

But it was neglect of the offensive line which really puzzles and serves as evidence for deserved criticism of Loomis.

Why commit so much to Brees and not protect that investment?!?

Carl Nicks was let go after developing him over a 10% difference in contract which is also puzzling as Loomis has been outmaneuvered and overpaid on nearly every other contract...

Then overpaid for Ben Grubbs like a MLB mediocre baseball team does to sell the fanbase that he somehow was just as good because of what he was being paid...

The Saints hesitancy in Lelito's development by clinging to the denial that Ben Grubbs was worth his overpay caused doubt that Lelito was the future at Left Guard...

So as the offseason began, thought that the free agent priority should be a completely affordable, underrated option in former UGA and Bengals Guard Clint Boling...

Instead, with limited cap space, Loomis signed yet another aged cornerback when the front seven is still the biggest liability on defense and cause for exposure of our secondary...

There's more optimism Spiller's potential for the Saints offense than the other Bills free agent, Loomis and the Saints missed a great opportunity by not scooping up Clint Boling...

Despite the end of his tenure with the Saints, trading Jimmy Graham was absolutely the right move...

Acquiring Max Unger to begin to right the ship and create cap space for Armstead's pending FA negotiations should serve to return the offensive line unit to what has been a top three perennial status in the NFL...
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  1. Old Comment
    hagan714's Avatar
    Tim Lelito while a fan favorite just is not quick enough in the phone booth or his reaction time is just a bit slow. stunts are eating him up right now. like you said only way to go from here is up. saints back ups are not an option.

    Jahri Evans and Zach Strief are just getting so long in the tooth. got a while before there is any hope for #1 pick step in at RT. OG back up with signs of starter capability does not exist.

    With 2017 looming large and appears to be the only time we will have a chance to get this cap situation straightened out, the saints have done a poor job planning ahead for Drew.

    So for Drew sake it might be wise to trade him in the finally year of the contract to cash in on any return we can for him. plus at this rate we would be doing Drew a favor.

    Got a great group of QBs coming out this year. Much better than Grayson.

    Not blaming Drew or SP for all this. Both have to score every time they take the field because of the defense. This make game planning against the saints way to easy.
    Posted 09-20-2015 at 06:45 PM by hagan714 hagan714 is offline

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