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Donation Feature and other site suggestions.

Rating: 2 votes, 3.00 average.
Posted 12-13-2008 at 06:40 PM by stevie777
Updated 12-13-2008 at 07:08 PM by stevie777

Some members eventually like to donate to a website to help the cause, i have nothing against donating as long as it's not setup to only be monthly like some other sites "i wont mention:" are starting to do.
If this can help remove some of these Banner ad's eventually that would be great, a Donation button with a indicator of how much has been donated and how much need to be donated would be pretty cool..

This site seems to be ran like a real fan site and not like Monarchy where you have to tip toe and dance around your opinions to get your point across..

I can get also help get membership up here as well but some members like myself will have a few complaints..

--------- EDIT --------
The Forum needs some optional views.. I like the way it's designed so i wouldn't change that, but as far as thread view, there needs to be an option where you can switch between having first post last or last post first, im just one of those people that like to see why a post originated in the first place without having to click the last post to view it.
_Edit: I found out how to change forum views.. However it should be set to default as oldest first and left for members to go in to "User CP > Edit Options > Thread Display Mode > and change it to newest first. if they like that view better.. i posted this blog before poking around the options thinking i was able to do this directly from a thread because Vbulletin has a mod that puts it there for users to toggle their view" _

And if there's anything i can help with to get server speed up, i can probably help with that, im also a webmaster and graphics designer..

im sure the webmaster here has everything under control but everybody needs help somewhere.. so here's one tip if you haven't yet tried it.
in your database phpmyadmin area if you haven't yet done so try optimizing all the tables every other week to keep the processing speed at it's best, the forum most likely have a built in table cleaner / optimizer so use that one as well if you haven't done so that helps out tremendously..

The server this site is on seems pretty good and consistent though but something has slowing down page materialization, this could be the heavy amount of use of graphics along with all the banners (extra code processing) here as well,'s owner Andrus listened to my suggestions on that and changed the site to use less graphics and take them through compression software to lower the size as much as possible without losing too much quality, "sometimes high quality images isn't needed and most people don't care" also flash on the site had to be limited or not used at all and had the option to switch to an even lighter version of the forum as well which helps with people that like to log on using Mobile phones sometimes (like myself) or have slow connections.
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  1. Old Comment
    papz's Avatar
    I'll make sure Halo gets this. You can private message Halo anytime with any suggestions and he'll get back to you promptly. I think he does the same sort of stuff you do and is the owner of the site.
    Posted 12-13-2008 at 06:52 PM by papz papz is offline
    Updated 12-13-2008 at 06:57 PM by papz

  2. Old Comment
    Ok i've figured out how to make the Forum post oldest first..

    but it would be nice if the forum had Thread Display Mode: Oldest first.
    Set as Default..
    If other members want to do it, just go to your "User CP" Click "Edit options"> Go to Thread Display Mode area, and change the option to oldest first..
    Posted 12-13-2008 at 06:55 PM by stevie777 stevie777 is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Halo's Avatar
    We always encourage members to join in and help. This is a free forum and website and we do not request our member donate because it can create a monarchy.
    Contributing here means you contribute news and information that adds to the community. We have google banner ads at the top and on a sidebar that are no more intrusive as any other website, Saints or not.
    This is a laid back place, people are involved however they want. Some use chat, some post.
    Let me remind you is which was around since before I can remember. The first website I knew about was this site and Sainternet, and everything else seem to come from those places.
    I think if you want to help and contribute, start posting news, joining in-- you can ask your friends to join. Some of your "complaints" are preferences the members here want, but we try to do the best we can to run a fun and clean site.
    I hope you join in and contribute and look forward to seeing you in action.
    Posted 12-13-2008 at 08:14 PM by Halo Halo is offline
  4. Old Comment
    hagan714's Avatar
    some solid suggestions
    Posted 12-18-2008 at 08:53 AM by hagan714 hagan714 is offline
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