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Longhorns versus A&M; LSU versus Arkansas

this is a discussion within the College Community Forum; I don't know if anyone is watching this game, but so far so good. I'm really pulling for the Aggies to win. Hopefully we'll get to see a USC vs. LSU bowl game baby! 15-14... let's go Aggies let's go!!! ...

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Old 11-25-2005, 01:41 PM   #1
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Longhorns versus A&M; LSU versus Arkansas

I don't know if anyone is watching this game, but so far so good. I'm really pulling for the Aggies to win. Hopefully we'll get to see a USC vs. LSU bowl game baby!

15-14... let's go Aggies let's go!!!

The Tigers need to maul the Razorbacks to jump Penn State. If we do this and win the SEC championship, with a Longhorn loss, there is no doubt we should be #2 in the country. Stupid Volunteers who blow arse ruined our perfect season!

Good combination of games for Friday...
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Old 11-29-2005, 09:59 AM   #2
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RE: Longhorns versus A&M; LSU versus Arkansas

Aggies blew it and I don't think Texas is number 2... period. I think LSU would whop their butts. LSU vs. USC, now that is the game everyone really wants to see.

Penn State? give me a break man.
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