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Northwestern University football players can unionize, federal agency says

this is a discussion within the College Community Forum; Originally Posted by QBREES9 What happend if Northwestern University, decide to shut down the football program ? The issue dies, the players either stay at Northwestern and continue their education or move on to another school to play football. My ...

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Old 04-10-2014, 09:43 AM   #11
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Re: Northwestern University football players can unionize, federal agency says

Originally Posted by QBREES9 View Post
What happend if Northwestern University, decide to shut down the football program ?
The issue dies, the players either stay at Northwestern and continue their education or move on to another school to play football. My guess is not too many of them would be moving on to other schools to play football ... .

I've had employers pull that stunt ... "unionize & we'll move operations overseas". Looking back at where those companies are now, nobody wins at that game, employees (who lose a job) or employers, who, with the increased costs of shipping product/materials and the additional costs of basically having to rework entire jobs upon receiving them from an overseas manufacturer, are bankrupted.

Northwestern loses it's football program & the revenue associated with it, the student/athletes lose out on an important part of their college experience or on a Northwestern diploma, which I've heard is held in high regards because of the academic standards for their student/athletes.

Just a personal observation, .
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