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This is messed up

this is a discussion within the Everything Else Community Forum; On June 9th, this guy boarded a US Airways flight without incident. This Guy Reportedly, several fellow passengers complained about this guy's apparel before boarding but flight attendants ignored the complaints. A US Airways spokesperson remarked that the carrier did ...

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Old 07-06-2011, 02:10 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Shreveport,Louisiana
Posts: 16,070
This is messed up

On June 9th, this guy boarded a US Airways flight without incident.

This Guy

Reportedly, several fellow passengers complained about this guy's apparel before boarding but flight attendants ignored the complaints. A US Airways spokesperson remarked that the carrier did not have a dress code policy and people are allowed to fly as long as their privates are covered.

Jump forward to June 15th when college student Deshon Marman was yanked from a US Airways flight for droopy drawers.

Deshon Marman

A US Airway's employee had asked Marman to pull his pants up to keep his underwear from showing. A kerfuffle commenced and Marman refused to comply with the pilot's orders and was detained on suspicion of trespassing, battery and resisting arrest.

Heh. The curious juxtaposition of two dumb stories has created controversy because US Airways seemingly treated a white guy differently than a black guy.

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