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One of the best e-mails I've seen

this is a discussion within the Everything Else Community Forum; While hiking down along the border this morning, I saw a Muslim extremist fall into the Rio Grande River; he was struggling to stay afloat because of all the guns and bombs he was carrying. Along with him was a ...

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Old 07-10-2011, 09:47 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Shreveport,Louisiana
Posts: 16,063
One of the best e-mails I've seen

While hiking down along the border this morning, I saw a Muslim extremist fall into the Rio Grande River; he was struggling to stay afloat because of all the guns and bombs he was carrying.

Along with him was a Mexican who was also struggling to stay afloat because of the large backpack of drugs that was strapped to his back. If they didn't get help they'd surely drown.

Being a responsible Texan, and law abiding citizen, I know I have to help those in distress.

I immediately informed the El Paso County Sheriff's Office and Homeland Security.

It is now 4 pm, both have drowned, and neither authority has responded.

I'm starting to think I wasted two stamps...

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