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First time basketball coach

this is a discussion within the Everything Else Community Forum; I guess I got inspired by Coach Payton ... I'm going to be the coach for my daughter's 6th grade basketball team. Any advice from some wise sage parent coaches out there?...

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  • 1 Post By neugey

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Old 10-24-2011, 08:53 PM   #1
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First time basketball coach

I guess I got inspired by Coach Payton ... I'm going to be the coach for my daughter's 6th grade basketball team. Any advice from some wise sage parent coaches out there?
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Old 10-25-2011, 01:56 AM   #2
Resident Swede
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I don't have any basketball experience but i have coached kids the age 11-13 and my best advice is just make it fun. You can work technique and tactics and have thm run spints or whatnot as long as you make sure they have fun doing it. Your enthusiasm needs to be great and then it will rub off on the kids.

I don't know if you have problems in the US with parents yelling stuff from the bleachers and getting mad if their kids don't get to play all the time etc. We had some problems with that in our club but when we started having meetings before the season with the coaches and all the parents, discussing what behaviour is expected from the parents, a lot of those problems disappeared.

W.T. Sherman is my favorite General. After all he did order Atlanta to be burned to the ground.
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