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WHO_DAT_CAT 01-23-2012 08:16 PM

OK, Saintfan, you asked for it:

New Orleans murder studies show rate is 10 times national average

( This study was conducted last year )

"The two analyses, the result of months-long studies conducted late last year by the federal government, attempt to shed light on the myriad factors that conspire to make New Orleans the nation's most murderous city.

With reams of data and statistics, federal experts determined that New Orleans' homicide rate is 10 times higher than the national rate and five times higher than the rate for comparably sized cities. "

Article: Despite drop in crime, New Orleans' murder rate continues to lead nation
Article: Despite drop in crime, New lead nation re: 2009

"Though the city experienced a 17 percent drop in the number of violent crimes last year, New Orleans remains the nation's most murderous city by a wide margin, according to the FBI's annual report on national crime released Monday."

So, in 2009, the FBI said that New Orleans was the nation's most MURDEROUS city BY A WIDE MARGIN.

So, do us all a favor and lighten up, Francis.

WHO_DAT_CAT 01-23-2012 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 372971)
Why don't we meet back here next week at this time and discuss how many people were shot and/or killed from now 'til then? Want to?

We don't need to meet back here next week to discuss this. New Orleans is THE MURDER CAPITAL OF THE US -- BY A WIDE MARGIN.

It is likely the murder capital of the industrialized world.

So, just stop it OK. Game over.

saintfan 01-23-2012 08:37 PM

I asked for what? For you to enlighten me about the dangers of New Orleans? Did I read a 17% drop in crime rate? Hmmm...seems Oakland and New Orleans are trending in opposite directions.

At any rate. It has nothing to do with the discussion. But I'll play along. Here's the FBI's top 25 most dangerous for 2011:

1. Flint, MI
2. Camden, NJ
3. Detroit, MI
4. St Louis, MO
5. Oakland, CA
6. Cleveland, OH
7. Baltimore, MD
8. Jackson, MS
9. Newark, NJ
10. Richmond CA
11. New Orleans, LA
12. New Haven, CT
13. Little Rock, AR
14. Compton, CA
15. Buffalo, NY
16. Cincinnati, OH
17. Memphis, TN
18. Dayton, OH
19. Washington, DC
20. Stockton, CA
21. Macon, GA
22. Kansas City, MO
23. Springfield, MA
24. Hartford, CT
25. Valejo, CA

Now, you'll notice Oakland, Richmond, and Vallejo are all there. All East Bay. It's a bad place to be, regardless of your personal opinion it would seem. You can add Stockton too really. It's out there, but is accessible to the East Bay for sure.

Does New Orleans have violent crime? Well, yeah. Nobody here has said otherwise that I've read. But that wasn't part of this discussion until you brought it up in an attempt to debunk the FACT that this area that you and I live in is one of the most dangerous in the country. That's all I've said. The facts back that up.

I'll 'lighent up' when you get hip with the program. ;-)

WHO_DAT_CAT 01-23-2012 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 372971)
Are you comparing racial tension from the 70's to the violence in Oakland in 2012?

You know what is telling about your comment .... I just said that a BOY was HUNG from a tree in the middle of a city ....

and you characterized it as RACIAL TENSION.

Wow. Really?

I characterize it as an act of violence, otherwise known as a homicide, and first-degree murder.

WHO_DAT_CAT 01-23-2012 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 372980)
1. Flint, MI
2. Camden, NJ
3. Detroit, MI
4. St Louis, MO
5. Oakland, CA
6. Cleveland, OH
7. Baltimore, MD
8. Jackson, MS
9. Newark, NJ
10. Richmond CA
11. New Orleans, LA
12. New Haven, CT
13. Little Rock, AR
14. Compton, CA
15. Buffalo, NY
16. Cincinnati, OH
17. Memphis, TN
18. Dayton, OH
19. Washington, DC
20. Stockton, CA
21. Macon, GA
22. Kansas City, MO
23. Springfield, MA
24. Hartford, CT
25. Valejo, CA

What I don't notice is San Francisco on this list, which was the city originally in question.

The commentors on this thread are making the point that California is SO violent -- YOU -- being one of those commentors.

And, while I am not disagreeing that California is violent --- THE POINT I AM MAKING IS "COMPARED TO WHAT"?

The commentors here seem to be comparing New Orleans and at least San Francisco and possibly California. SkyMike, in particular, seems to think that California "sux". Well, it may to him, if he has ever even been here. BUT THE POINT I AM MAKING IS THAT IT CAN'T SUCK JUST BECAUSE SOME VIOLENCE OCCURS HERE. BECAUSE, SH*T LOADS OF VILOENCE OCCURS IN NEW ORLEANS AND I'M NOT HEARING ANYONE HERE SAY THAT NEW ORLEANS SUCKS.

But, if violence makes a city suck -- then hello -- NEW ORLEANS NOT ONLY QUALIFIES -- IT SHOWS THE REST OF THE COUNTRY HOW IT IS DONE.

Euphoria 01-23-2012 09:04 PM

I use to think San Diego was the best place to live but now that I have lived in Los Angeles... I'll take Los Angeles over any city in the US to live the rest of my life in.

Savannah GA second.

gandhi1007 01-23-2012 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 372980)
I asked for what? For you to enlighten me about the dangers of New Orleans? Did I read a 17% drop in crime rate? Hmmm...seems Oakland and New Orleans are trending in opposite directions.

At any rate. It has nothing to do with the discussion. But I'll play along. Here's the FBI's top 25 most dangerous for 2011:

1. Flint, MI
2. Camden, NJ
3. Detroit, MI
4. St Louis, MO
5. Oakland, CA
6. Cleveland, OH
7. Baltimore, MD
8. Jackson, MS
9. Newark, NJ
10. Richmond CA
11. New Orleans, LA
12. New Haven, CT
13. Little Rock, AR
14. Compton, CA
15. Buffalo, NY
16. Cincinnati, OH
17. Memphis, TN
18. Dayton, OH
19. Washington, DC
20. Stockton, CA
21. Macon, GA
22. Kansas City, MO
23. Springfield, MA
24. Hartford, CT
25. Valejo, CA

Now, you'll notice Oakland, Richmond, and Vallejo are all there. All East Bay. It's a bad place to be, regardless of your personal opinion it would seem. You can add Stockton too really. It's out there, but is accessible to the East Bay for sure.

Does New Orleans have violent crime? Well, yeah. Nobody here has said otherwise that I've read. But that wasn't part of this discussion until you brought it up in an attempt to debunk the FACT that this area that you and I live in is one of the most dangerous in the country. That's all I've said. The facts back that up.

I'll 'lighent up' when you get hip with the program. ;-)

.....and you didn't even highlight Compton or Stockton. LOL.

......and here's another story on those wonderful citizens of San Francisco:

49ers goat Kyle Williams has been receiving death threats on Twitter | Shutdown Corner - Yahoo! Sports

On that note, if we acted like that.......Fred Thomas, Jason David, Aaron Brooks, Scott Shanle, & a few others would have all been in a witness protection program. ;-)

Boutte 01-23-2012 09:13 PM

And exactly what does this have to do with people at 49ers games feeling that they're in danger because they're not fans of the local team?

You're reaching for straws Cat. I guarantee that if come to the Super Dome wearing a 9ers jersey you'll have a completely different experience. And yourself the trouble of trying to dig up garbage to contrary. The instances that people have reported are isolated and mild in comparison. Thuggery is not tolerated in the Dome either by fans or law enforcement.

WHO_DAT_CAT 01-23-2012 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by gandhi1007 (Post 372991)
.....and you didn't even highlight Compton or Stockton. LOL.

You know being number 11 on THAT LIST versus number 5 does not win you ANY awards -- that I know of -- except being known for violence.

I mean come on ... get real.

WHO_DAT_CAT 01-23-2012 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by WHO_DAT_CAT (Post 372988)
What I don't notice is San Francisco on this list, which was the city originally in question.

The commentors on this thread are making the point that California is SO violent -- YOU -- being one of those commentors.

And, while I am not disagreeing that California is violent --- THE POINT I AM MAKING IS "COMPARED TO WHAT"?

The commentors here seem to be comparing New Orleans and at least San Francisco and possibly California. SkyMike, in particular, seems to think that California "sux". Well, it may to him, if he has ever even been here. BUT THE POINT I AM MAKING IS THAT IT CAN'T SUCK JUST BECAUSE SOME VIOLENCE OCCURS HERE. BECAUSE, SH*T LOADS OF VILOENCE OCCURS IN NEW ORLEANS AND I'M NOT HEARING ANYONE HERE SAY THAT NEW ORLEANS SUCKS.

But, if violence makes a city suck -- then hello -- NEW ORLEANS NOT ONLY QUALIFIES -- IT SHOWS THE REST OF THE COUNTRY HOW IT IS DONE.

@Boutte -- This is my problem with this thread. People weren't JUST talking about 49ers fans at CandleStick Park. They started saying sh*t like CA SUX and even people who live here talking about the violence here ( which I have not experienced ).

So, I am just saying that comparatively the Bay Area is no better -- BUT NOT WORSE -- than New Orleans.

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