06-15-2012, 06:00 PM
Donated Plasma
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 18,556
Originally Posted by Danno
I think "serves him right" = "he deserved it".
If you actually thgink he deserved to die from horsing around I just don't know what to say. You and I have absolutely nothing in common.
Well, sorry you feel that way Danno. Any idot who gets drunk and starts randomly shooting guns isn't going to get an iota of sympathy from me, because that's the epitome of stupid...not "ignorant", but full blown "stupid".
Is it unfortunate? Absolutely. Did he "deserve" it? Maybe not. He wasn't trying to hurt anybody far as we know. Does it "serve him right"? Maybe.
We can play Roger Goodell and turn this into semantics I guess. I'm not interested, but the only thing I feel about this story is sad. I am sad that people can be THAT stupid. Amazingly, many survive...
C'mon Man...