06-29-2012, 07:47 PM
Donated Plasma
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 18,556
Stress Relief The Easy Way
Here’s what you do. And before I get started, you gotta get uncivilized. If you’re too prim and/or proper to do this then you are doomed. Let loose. Send the family out for ice cream or potato chips or something. If you’re in decent shape, do this naked. If you’re not in decent shape, DO NOT do this naked, because if you do your inner image will be destroyed and this will result in more stress. Just keep your clothes on, k? No excuses. This will only take 10 to 15 minutes a day. The older you are and the more you do this the less time it will take. I will explain why in a minute.
You need some stuff, so take inventory, and don’t skimp out. You will need:
A stereo that plays stuff really really loud. And no, and iPod will not work.
Headphones. And no, good speakers will not work. You must have headphones – decent ones too. If you spent less than 30 bucks on the ones you have, they suck. Get better ones. Clear? Good.
Space, but not much. Imagine you’re standing in a circle. Give yourself about 3 or 4 feet in any direction. That should do. This is low impact baby.
AC/DC – most any song will do, however for this demonstration, “Back In Black” is highly recommended.
Remember. UNCIVILIZED. You can do it. This really works people.
Stress Relief The Easy Way | brokehippie.com