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Happy White People's Day!

this is a discussion within the Everything Else Community Forum; Originally Posted by Cruize LOL. It's rare to see so many uneducated comments on one page. But, not suprising from a right-wing, Fox News is the gospel, and everyone not a Republican is evil, person like yourself. Someone who will ...

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Old 07-11-2012, 02:50 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Cruize View Post
LOL. It's rare to see so many uneducated comments on one page. But, not suprising from a right-wing, Fox News is the gospel, and everyone not a Republican is evil, person like yourself. Someone who will never let the facts get in the way of their opinion. I'll just say two things. First, Rock is a comedian. Everyone in the entertainment industry like Rock, Beck, and Maher has to go to the extreme to get noticed and earn a living in our society. It's not the only way but it's the easiest way. All of which should be taken with a grain of salt and with that understanding. Secondly, there are more white people on government assistance than African Americans. Which one could easily argue is due to failed Republican policies more than anything else.
Sorry, but that is dead wrong. Now either you know this and you're spreading misinformation or you are as uneducated as anyone you're bashing for being uneducated. Period.

Let's be clear. There is not a racist bone in my body - just so we're straight.

Now, if your definition of "government assistance" includes Social Security then you are absolutely correct. Even if it does, in the spirit of the conversation that's spin, and why would anyone want to do that?

Because there are more Whites in the United States than Blacks. So, yes, there ARE more Whites on assistance, however as a percentage of a given group...well...why don't you go get those numbers and post them here? I could do it, but I think maybe you should. Let me know...

C'mon Man...
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Old 07-11-2012, 05:24 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Cruize View Post
LOL. It's rare to see so many uneducated comments on one page. But, not suprising from a right-wing, Fox News is the gospel, and everyone not a Republican is evil, person like yourself.
Typical liberal sterotyping. I probably haven't watched 2 hours of Fox News in the last two years. But don't let that stand in the way of your sterotyping me.

I don't think you're evil, .
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Old 07-12-2012, 12:20 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by QBREES9 View Post
Chris Rock is a comedian.
He use to be
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