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Lauren Perdue turned down LeBron James’ dinner invite because of a ‘curfew’

this is a discussion within the Everything Else Community Forum; On Wednesday, just after her relay, she gave the full scoop to the Charlotte Observer. Before the Games began, the "Dream Team" hung with the swimmers in a kind of Avengers-meets-Justice-League American hero summit. In the course of that, LeBron ...

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Old 08-01-2012, 11:50 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Lauren Perdue turned down LeBron James’ dinner invite because of a ‘curfew’

On Wednesday, just after her relay, she gave the full scoop to the Charlotte Observer. Before the Games began, the "Dream Team" hung with the swimmers in a kind of Avengers-meets-Justice-League American hero summit. In the course of that, LeBron did indeed invite Perdue to dinner.
"He was kind of joking," Perdue said. "But he was basically like, 'Would you like to come eat with me at the dining hall?' And I said, 'Um, I'm sorry, I have a curfew.'"

Hey, to be fair, LeBron never went to college, so perhaps to him the "dining hall" is this mystical, exotic locale not a vast, noisy world of free cereal where your head rings from last night's overindulgence.

Lauren Perdue turned down LeBron James

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